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GDP changes 0.4% in relation to Q1 and hits R$ 1.10 trillion

August 31, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: May 08, 2018 06h32 PM


In relation to Q1 of 2012, GDP grows 0.4%


In the comparison with Q1 of the year, the positive highlight was Agriculture and Livestock Farming, with an increase of 4.9% in the volume of the value added.  In Services there was a rise of 0.7%, whereas the Industry recorded a drop of 2.5%.

Among the Services, the growth of the activities of Financial intermediation and insurance  (1.8%), Information services (1.0%), Public management, health and education (0,8%) and Other services (0.8%) stood out. Real estate activities and renting posted a positive change of 0.4%, whereas Trade (-0.1%) remained practically unchanged in relation to the previous quarter.  Finally, the activity Transportation, storage and mail registered a drop of 1.2%.

In the Industry (-2.5%), three out of four activities recorded negative change rates. The highlight was the fall of 2.5% seen in the Manufacturing industry, followed by the Mining and quarrying industry (-2.3%) and by Civil construction (-0.7%). Conversely, in Electricity and gas, water supply, sewage and urban cleaning, there was a growth of 1.6%.

From the perspective of expenditure, the Public Management Consumption and the Family consumption grew, respectively, 1.1% and 0.6% in the second quarter of 2012. On the other hand, the domestic demand component, the Gross Fixed Capital Formation, had a drop of 0.7%.

Concerning the external sector, the imports of goods and services grew 1.9%, whereas the exports had a drop of 3.9%.


In relation to the same quarter of 2011, Services grow 1.5%


When compared to the same period a year ago, the GDP presented a growth of 0.5% in the second quarter of 2012. The value added to basic prices grew 0.5% and net indirect taxes over products, 0.7%.

Among the activities which contribute to the value added, Agriculture and livestock farming rose 1.7% in this quarter in relation to the same period of 2011. This result can be attributable to the performance of crop products with a relevant harvest in Q2 and that presented growth in the annual production estimates and in the productivity. According to the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production (LSPA/IBGE – July 2012), such is the case of corn (27.0%), coffee (4.9%) and cotton (4.9%). On the other hand, soybean, rice and cassava posted a production drop of 12.2%, 14.9% and 1.9%, respectively.

The Industry, after remaining practically stable in Q1 of the year, registered again a negative rate (-2.4%). The highlight is the downfall of 5.3% of the Manufacturing Industry, whose result was influenced, mainly, by the decrease in the production of electronic material and communication equipment; motor vehicles; articles of apparel and footwear; pharmaceutical products; and electrical machinery and material.  Additionally, in the Mining and quarrying industry, there was a reduction, in volume, of the value added: -1.8%. In the remaining industrial activities, there was growth: Electricity and gas, water supply, sewage and urban cleaning (4.3%) and Civil construction (1.5%).

The value added of Services grew 1.5% in comparison with the same period of the previous year.  Apart from Transportation, storage and mail, which had a drop of 0.6%, the other activities of the sector registered positive changes.   The highlights were Public administration, health and education, which increased 3.3%, and Information Services – in which the increase was of 2.6%.  Financial intermediation and insurance had an expansion of 1.8%, followed by Real estate services and renting (1.4%) and Other services (1.0%). Trade, on its turn, recorded a positive change of 0.2% in the quarter.

Considering the domestic demand, Family Consumption Expenditure rose 2.4%, the thirty-fifth consecutive positive change in this base of comparison.  The growth of the wage volume and the expansion of credit contributed to this increase.

The Gross Fixed Capital Formation posted a reduction of 3.7% in relation to the same period a year ago, leveraged by the fall of the domestic production of machinery and equipment.  Public Management Consumption Expenditure, on its turn, grew 3.1% in comparison with the same period of 2011.  

Considering the external demand, the imports of goods and services registered a growth of 1.6%, whereas the exports registered a drop of 2.5%.


In 12 months, GDP grows 1.2%.


The accumulated GDP of four quarters finished in the second quarter of 2012 presented a growth  of 1.2% in relation to the immediately previous four quarters.  

From the point of view of the supply, the result is due to the following performances, by activity: Agriculture and livestock farming (1.5%), Industry (-0.4%) and Services (1.6%).

From the perspective of the demand, Family Consumption Expenditure grew 2.5%, followed by Government Consumption Expenditure (2.2%).  The Gross Fixed Capital Formation, in turn, changed negatively in 0.3%.  

Considering the external sector, both Exports of Goods and Services and the Imports of Goods and Services registered a growth of 2.8% and 5.0%, respectively.


GDP grows 0.6% in the first semester.


The GDP in the 1st semester of 2012 presented a rise of 0.6%, in relation to the same period of 2011.


GDP reaches R$ 1,101.6 billion in the second quarter


The GDP in Q2 of 2012 reached R$ 1,101.6 billion, of which R$ 938.2 billion was related to the value added at basic prices and R$ 163.3 billion to the taxes less subsidies on products.

The investment rate in the second quarter of 2012 was of 17.9% of the GDP, lower than the rate related to the same period a year ago (18.8%).  Such a reduction was influenced, mainly, by the fall, in volume, of the gross formation of fixed capital in the quarter. The savings rate was 16.9% in the second quarter of 2012 (against 19.0% in the same quarter of 2011).


Compared to the first quarter of 2012, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) at market prices of the second quarter posted a positive change of 0.4%, considering the seasonally adjusted series.


In contrast with the second quarter of 2011, the GDP grew 0.5% and, among the economic activities, agriculture and livestock farming (1.7%) stood out.


In the accumulated indicator of the four quarters ending in the second quarter of 2012 (12 months), the expansion was of 1.2% in relation to the immediately previous four quarters.  In the first semester, the GDP recorded a growth of 0.6%. The GDP in current values reached R$ 1.10 trillion in Q2.


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