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In 2012, IBGE expects grain harvest to be 0.3% higher than in 2011

January 10, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 25, 2018 01h24 PM

 The 12th estimate of the national harvest of cereals, legumes and oilseeds points to a production of 159.9 million tons, 6.9% higher than the record harvest of 2010 (149.6 million tons) and 0.2% higher (348,177 tons) than the estimate of November.

The area harvested in 2011, of 48.7 million hectares, presented an increase of 4.7% compared to 2010, and an increase of 39.305 hectares (0.2%) against last month. Rice, corn and soybeans, which altogether represent 90.3% of the production of cereals, legumes and oilseed, account for 82.4% of the harvested area, with changes of 1.7%, 3.5% and 3.3%, respectively, in relation to the previous year. Concerning production, rice, corn and soybeans present, respectively, increases of 19.0%, 0.1% and 9.2%.


IBGE also conducted the third estimate of the area and production for 2012 in December. The production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds for 2012 was estimated at 160.3 million tons, 0.3% higher than in the grain harvest of 2011.


The complete publication can be accessed at


Among the Major Regions, the volume produced presents the following distribution: South Region, 67.6 million metric tons; Central West Region, 56.0 million metric tons; Southeast Region, 17.2 million metric tons; Northeast Region, 14.7 million metric tons; and North Region, 4.3 million metric tons. Compared to the previous harvest, there were increments in all the Major Regions:  North, 7,6%; Northeast, 25.1%; Southeast, 0.6%; South, 5.3%; and Central West, 6.7%. 

Among the states, Paraná led the national production of grains, with a contribution of 19.7%, followed by Mato Grosso, with 19.5%, and Rio Grande do Sul, with 18.5%. 


December estimate versus 2010 output


Among the 25 products selected, 16 recorded positive changes in terms of production estimate over the previous year:  herbaceous cotton (seed) (72.6%), 1st harvest peanuts in shell (27.3%), paddy rice (19.0%), 1st harvest potatoes (13.3%), 2nd harvest potatoes (7.6%), 3rd  harvest potatoes (6.1%), cacao beans (6.3%), barley grain (9.3%), 1st harvest grain beans (31.2%), oranges (2.8%), castor beans in segment (24.7%), cassava (7.3%), 1st harvest grain corn (3.3%), soybean grain (9.2%), sorghum grain (29.5%) and triticale grain (25.2%).  With negative change feature:  2nd harvest peanuts in shell (39.8%); oats in grain (7.4%); coffee in grain (7.1%); sugarcane (11.7%); onions (9.8%); 2nd harvest grain beans (7.4%); 3rd harvest grain beans (8.2%); 2nd harvest grain corn (4.6%); and wheat in grain (6.5%). 


December and November estimates compared


COFFEE (beans) – The output of 2.7 million metric tons (44.5 million sacks) recorded increase of 0.1% in relation to November.    The total area in the country was reduced by 0.2%, but the average yield increased by 1.3%.   Minas Gerais, the major national producer of coffee, recorded slight increase in production, which amounted to 1.3 million metric tons (22.3 million 60-kg bags), considering the two types together (arabica and canephora), which made up 50.0% of the total.  The harvested area of 1,025,366 ha recorded decrease of 0.3%, whereas the average yield increased by 0.3% over the November figure.


BEANS - Total - Considering the three harvests, the output of beans was estimated at 3,570,107 t, 0.7% more than in the previous month. It is distributed as follows:  1,998,737 metric tons in the 1st harvest (56.3%), 1,116,488 metric tons in the 2nd harvest (31.4%) and 434,882 metric tons in the 3rd harvest (12.3%). Compared to previous the month, 2nd harvest beans recorded decrease of 0.2% whereas the output of 1st and 3rd harvest beans recorded increases of 1.2% and 0.7%, respectively. 


CORN (grain) - Total - The output of grain corn, for both harvests, amounted to 56.1 million metric tons, showing negative change of 0.2% compared to the November figure.  The 1st harvest of corn reached 34.2 million metric tons, with increases of 0.2%, compared to the previous estimate.  For 2nd harvest corn, the estimated production of 21.9 million metric tons is 0.9% smaller than the figure informed before.  


WINTER CROPS (grain) - There were increments in the production data for oats (3.9%), barley (1.8%) and wheat (8.8%).   For wheat, the most important among these crops, the output of  5.6 million metric tons informed in December is 8.8% above that of the previous month, as a consequence of new field evaluations. The main highlights, in this case, was Rio Grande do Sul (with 48.6% of the national production), which surpassed Paraná and its 42.7%.


Prospects for agricultural production in 2012


In this third evaluation, the production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds for 2012 is estimated at 160.3 million metric tons, overcoming by 0.3% the grain harvest of 2011, because of the gains expected in the Northeast (7.9%), Southeast (5.0%) and Central West (3.7%). The area to be harvested (50.0 million hectares) grows by 2.7%, considering that, except for Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, there was increase in the states. Prospect data account for 78.0% of the expected national production, whereas the prospects account for 22.0% of the total value. 

Among the products analyzed for the next summer harvest, there were positive changes in the production of herbaceous cotton (2.2%) and 1st harvest corn (7.9%). With negative change were 1st harvest peanuts in husk (8.2%), paddy rice (11.2%), 1st harvest beans (9.6%) and soybeans in grain (0.9%).  In relation to the area to be harvested, except for rice and 1st harvest beans which recorded, respectively, decreases of 8.9% and 4.9%, the remaining products presented increase:  herbaceous cotton (seed) (0.4%), 1st harvest peanuts in husk (5.0%), 1st harvest grain corn (9.0%) and soybeans (2.4%). 

Cotton seed - The third prospect of cotton seed production is 5.2 million metric tons, versus 5.1 million metric tons obtained in 2010. This figure shows increment of 2.2%. Among the main producers, the highlight is Mato Grosso, which represents 50.2% of the national output.


Rice - The expected output of 11.9 million metric tons is 11.2% smaller than the amount obtained in 2011 and 2.9% smaller than the previous prospect, due to the figures of Rio Grande do Sul. In this state, the main producer, with 65.8% of participation in the national production, the expected output of 7.9 million metric tons is 4.3% smaller than that informed before, and records decline of 12.1% in versus the figure of this year. This new evaluation expands by 5.1% the trend to decrease in planted area, now evaluated at 1.1 million hectares, 10.1% less than in 2011.  


1st harvest beans – The third prospect points to an output of 1.8 million metric tons, 9.6% less than in 2011. The area planted or to be planted, of 2.2 million hectares, indicates decrease of 6.8%.  In relation to the November figures, there were decreases in area (0.6%) and production (0.5%).


1st harvest corn - The prospect is an output of 36.9 million metric tons, 7.9% bigger than in 2011. That is due to the increase (7.1%) of planting area, estimated at 8.2 million hectares, with average yield of 4,483 kg/ha, that is, 1.0% below that of 2011. Compared to the previous estimate, production fell by 0.6%, because of the decrease of 12.9% recorded in Rio Grande do Sul.


Soybeans - The expected production of 74.2 million metric tons, records negative change of 0.9% in relation to that of 2011, but with an increment of 0.4 versus the figure of November.  The area to be harvested (24.6 million hectares) points to increase of 2.4%, whereas the expected output (3,013 kg/ha) presents decrease of 3.2%.


Coffee - IBGE releases the first coffee production estimate for the national harvest in 2012, which amounts to 3,005,336 metric tons, or 50.1 million 60-kg bags of the processed product. The percentage of increase, in relation to 2011, is 12.5%.  The area directed to harvesting is 2,125,161 ha, 0.8% above that of 2011. The total area of crops records increase of 0.6%, reaching 2,360,729 ha.  The expected average yield is 1,414 kg/ha, 11.6% bigger than that of 2011. The increase expected in production, in relation to the amount harvested in 2011, is a consequence, mainly, of the specific features of arabica coffee beans, a predominant type in the country (70%), and its alternated periods of high and low productivity.