PPM 2010: national cattle herd reaches 209.5 million head, a rise of 2.1%
October 26, 2011 10h00 AM | Last Updated: August 21, 2018 10h54 AM
The national volume of cattle reached 209.5 million head in 2010, a rise of 2.1% against 2009, with the highest concentrations in Central-West, North and Southeast.
The herd of buffaloes grew 4.3% in the same period, mainly concentrated in Pará and Amapá. The herds of horses and mules were unchanged, while the herd of asses dropped by 2.8% from 2009 to 2010.
The medium-sized herds (hogs, goats and sheep) saw increases over 2009: 2.4%, 1.6% and 3.4%, respectively.
The total of roosters, pullets and chicks in 2010 remained stable in comparison with 2009, around 1.0 billion animals, with a higher concentration in Paraná.
Conversely, hens saw an increase of 0.9% and quails, of 13.1%, both mainly concentrated in São Paulo. Rabbits, on the other hand, mainly located in the South region, recorded a drop of 4.2%.
Cow milk production in 2010 reached 30.7 billion liters, an increase of 5.5% compared with the previous year. Hen and quail eggs recorded a rise in production of 1.9% and 20.8%, respectively. Wool remained stable in the period, with 11.6 million tons. As for honey and silkworm cocoons, there were decreases, between 2009 and 2010, of 2.5% and 26.3%, respectively.
Further information is available in the Municipal Livestock Production 2010 (PPM 2010) survey. The survey releases data about the volume of animals and livestock production for Brazil, Major Regions, Federation Units and municipalities.
The complete publication of PPM 2010 can be accessed at
Cattle and buffalo herds grow, horse and mule herds remain stable
The national volume of cattle reached 209.5 million head in 2010, a rise of 2.1% against 2009, (205.3 million).
Increases were registered in the North (4.1%), Central-West (2.7%), Northeast (1.7%) and Southeast (0.6%). In the regional distribution, 34.6% of the cattle was in the Central-West, 20.1% in the North and 18.3% in the Southeast. The three main producing municipalities in 2010 were São Félix do Xingu (PA), with 2.0 million head, Corumbá (MS), with 1.9 million, and Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS), with 1.2 million.
The national volume of buffaloes reached 1.2 million head in 2010, a rise of 4.3% against 2009. The herd is concentrated in Pará (38.5%) and Amapá (18.1%). The municipalities with the highest volumes were Chaves (PA), with 84.6 thousand head, Cutias (AP), with 53.6 thousand, and Almeirim (PA), with 42.6 thousand.
The volume of horses remained stable between 2009 and 2010, in the range of 5.5 million head. This herd has great contributions in the Northeast (24.8%), Southeast (24.6%), and Central-West (20.4%). The municipalities with the greatest volumes were Corumbá (MS), with 29.9 thousand, Santana do Livramento (RS), with 23.1 thousand, and Dom Pedrito (RS), with 18.4 thousand.
The volume of asses has dropped since 2000, when it lost importance as an animal for transportation. In 2010, the volume of asses was of 1.0 million head, a drop of 2.8% in relation to 2009. The state with the largest volume was Bahia, with 27.1% of the national contribution. All regions recorded decreases in the volume, the most considerable were in the Southeast (-7.4%) and South (-4.2%). The municipalities with the largest volumes were Feira de Santana (BA), with 10.7 thousand head, Petrolina (PE), with 9.2 thousand, and Boa Viagem (CE), with 8.1 thousand.
The volume of mules was of 1.3 million head, stable in relation to 2009. The highest concentration of these animals is in Bahia (22.7%). The only region to present growth in the period was the Central-West (6.2%). São Félix do Xingu (PA), with 7.9 thousand head, Novo Repartimento (PA), with 4.7 thousand and Corumbá (MS), with 4.3 thousand , had the largest municipal volumes of the species in 2010.
Medium-sized herds (hogs, goats and sheep) grow
The volume of hogs reached 38.9 million head in 2010, a rise of 2.4% against 2009. Santa Catarina was the main contributor, 20.1% of the national total.
Uberlândia (MG) with 1.0 million head, Rio Verde (GO), with 718.0 thousand, and Toledo (PR), with 490.8 thousand, recorded the largest municipal contributions.
The volume of goats reached 9.3 million head in 2010, a rise of 1.6% against 2009. The Northeast region in the country has the largest volume of goats, with more than 90.0% of the national total, both for the production of milk and meat. The main municipalities of this herd were Casa Nova (BA), with 284.2 thousand, Juazeiro (BA), with 184.5 thousand and Floresta (PE), with 181.7 thousand. Among the 20 municipalities with the largest volumes, 10 are in Bahia.
The volume of sheep reached 17.4 million head in 2010, a rise of 3.4% against 2009. The largest volume of sheep is in the Northeast region, 56.7% of the national total. Among the 20 municipalities with the largest volumes, 11 are in Rio Grande do Sul, including the two largest producers, Santana do Livramento, with 403.3 thousand head, and Alegrete, with 256.7 thousand.
Pullets remain stable, quails grow and rabbits drop
The total of roosters, pullets and chicks in 2010 remained stable in comparison with 2009, with around 1.0 billion animals. The largest volume of these animals is in the South of the country (51.3%), with a higher concentration in Paraná, 23.5%. The municipality with the largest inventory was Rio Verde (GO), with 11.0 million birds, followed by Piraí do Sul (PR), with 10.8 million, and Amparo (SP), with 10.0 million. The volume of hens reached 210.8 million units, a rise of 0.9% in relation to 2009. São Paulo was the state with the largest inventory, 20.8% of the total. The municipalities with the largest inventories were Bastos (SP), with 9.2 million, Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES), with 7.9 million, and Itanhandu (MG), with 3.7 million.
The national volume of quails grew by 13.1% in 2010 (13.0 million) against 2009 (11.5 million). São Paulo had approximately 49.0% of the volume of quails, with a growth above the 24.0 percentage points from 2009 to 2010. The municipalities with the largest inventories of quails were in Bastos (SP), with 2.1 million birds, Iacri (SP), with 1.7 million, and Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES), with 1.2 million.
The inventory of rabbits in 2010 was of 226.4 thousand animals, registering a drop of 4.2% in relation to 2009. All regions recorded a drop: Central-West (-13.5%), South (-4.9%), Northeast (-2.8%), Southeast (-1.5%) and North (-1.4%). The largest volumes of rabbits were in Rio Grande do Sul (38.0%), Santa Catarina (16.9%) and Paraná (15.5%) Mogi das Cruzes (SP) was the municipality with the greatest volume (7.5 thousand head), followed by Feira de Santana (BA), with 5.3 thousand, and Dois Irmãos (RS), with 3.5 thousand.
Milk production surpasses 30 billion liters; eggs increase, honey and silk drop
Cow milk production in 2010 reached 30.7 billion liters, an increase of 5.6% compared with the previous year. 22.9 million cows were milked in the whole country, 10.9% of the national cattle inventory. The highest production of milk was in the South (2,388 liters/cow/year), and Santa Catarina was a highlight (2,432 liters/cow/year). Minas Gerais was responsible for 27.3% of the national production of milk, Rio Grande do Sul for 11.8%, and Paraná for 11.7%. Among the producing municipalities, Castro (PR) stood out as the highest national producer of milk (180.0 million liters) with an average production of 7,115 liters/cow/year.
In 2010, a rise of 1.9% was recorded for the production of hen eggs, reaching 3.3 billion dozens over 2009 (3.2 billion). São Paulo registered a growth of 1.6% in relation to 2009, while other important states in the production of hen eggs, such as Minas Gerais, Paraná and Santa Catarina, registered decreases or remained stable. Bastos (SP) stood out with 213.9 thousand dozens.
As for the production of quail eggs (232.4 million dozens), there was a significant increase of 20.8% compared with the previous year. The municipalities of Bastos (SP), Iacri (SP) and Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES) were the highest producers in 2010: 46.6 thousand, 38.0 thousand and 19.1 thousand, respectively.
In 2010 3.9 million sheep were sheared, 22.5% of the national total herd. The outcome was 11.7 thousand tons of wool, a change of 2.2% in relation to 2009 (11.4 thousand tons). The South region of the country accounts for 98.5% of the production of wool, which is virtually concentrated in Rio Grande do Sul. The main producers were Santana do Livramento (RS), with 1.4 thousand tons, followed by Alegrete (684 tons).
In 2010, the production of honey in 2010 was of 38.0 thousand tons, a drop of 2.5% in relation to 2009. The main producer was Rio Grande do Sul, with 18.7% of the national contribution. The main producers of honey were Araripina (PE), with 655 tons, Ortigueira (PR), with 510 tons, and Santana do Livramento (RS), with 460 tons.
The production of 3.7 thousand tons of silkworm cocoons in 2010 meant a reduction of 26.3% over the last year. This production is concentrated in the South of the country, mainly in Paraná, which accounts for 87.1% of the national total in 2010. All the 20 main producing municipalities are in Paraná. The municipalities with the highest productions were Nova Esperança (344 tons), Astorga (114 tons) and Alto Paraná (102 tons).