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In Q2 2011, slaughter of hogs and pigs reaches record figures in the tme series

September 29, 2011 09h00 AM | Last Updated: September 11, 2018 05h47 PM

In the second quarter of 2011, 7,065 cattle head were slaughtered, accounting for a 0.5% decrease over the immediately previous quarter and of 7.0% over the same quarter in 2010. Considering the index accumulated in 2011, there was reduction by 3.5% in relation to the first semester of 2010.


The slaughter of 1,310 billion chickens represented positive change of 6.0% compared to figures in the 2nd quarter of 2010 and 0.2% in relation to the 1st quarter of 2011.


The slaughter of hogs and pigs recorded increase of 5.3% compared to the figure in the 1st quarter of 2011. It reached a total of 8,615 million hogs and pigs slaughtered, a new record in the time series. 


The acquisition of milk was 5.0 billion liters, 2.6% more than in the 2nd quarter of 2010. The amount of bovine rawhides acquired in the 2nd quarter of 2011 was 8.4 million units, with decrease of 3.9% versus the immediately previous quarter and of 7.8% in relation to the 2nd quarter of 2010. The production of hen’s eggs was 633.4 million dozens, with increase of 2.4% in relation to the 1st quarter of 2011 and of 3.7% over the 2nd quarter of 2010.


The complete publication to this survey is available at


The accumulated weight of bovine carcasses (1.649 million metric tons) was 9.8% lower than in the 2nd quarter of 2010 and changed only 0.5% over the 1st quarter of 2011. The animals slaughtered in the 2nd quarter of 2011 were heavier (234 kg/head) than those in the 1st quarter (231 kg/head). There was decrease of 2.4% in the slaughtering of cows over the previous quarter, but even so, the volume slaughtered in this quarter was 10.9% bigger that that in the 2nd quarter of 2010.


In the 2nd quarter of 2011, a total 1,434 cattle slaughter informants spread over all the Federation Units took part in the survey. Mato Grosso remains as the leader state in terms of cattle slaughter, being responsible for 14.8% of the national figure. São Paulo was the second main state (11.7%), whereas Mato Grosso do Sul featured in the third position of the national ranking (11.5%). The Central West Region accounted for 35.8% of bovine slaughter, followed by the Southeast (20.9%), North (20.5%), South (12.1%) and Northeast (10.7%) Regions.  


Chicken slaughter remains above 1.3 billion units 


The slaughter of 1.310 billion chickens in the 2nd quarter of 2011 interrupted, for the second consecutive time, the put an end to the level of 1.3 billion for the second time since the beginning of the survey. The change was positive by 6.0% compared to the figure in the 2nd quarter of 2010 and by 0.2% over the 1st quarter of 2011. With this result, the volume of slaughter accumulated in 2011 was 5.8% above that of Q1 2010.


The accumulated weight of carcasses (2.852 million metric tons) was above the weight recorded in the 2nd quarter of 2010 (6.98%) and the 1st quarter of 2011 (2.7%).


In this quarter there were 421 informants in the chicken slaughter survey, minus 4 in relation to the previous period. The three states of the South Region remained among the main ones in this activity, accounting for 58.6% of the volume slaughtered; the Southeast Region was in second place, with 23.0%.


The number of chickens slaughtered in the South Region almost doubled in the comparison between the first two quarters of the year. However, the biggest production in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul made up for the reduced amount slaughtered in Paraná.


Among the exceeding 74 million chickens slaughtered in the second quarter in relation to the same quarter in the previous year, practically half was slaughtered in the states of São Paulo and Santa Catarina.


Slaughter of hogs and pigs establishes new record in the series: 8,615 million units  


In the 2nd quarter of 2011, the slaughter of hogs and pigs recorded increase of 5.3% compared to the volume reached in the 1st quarter of 2011, resulting in a total of 8.6 million hogs and pigs slaughtered. This performance established a new level since the beginning of the survey series. Compared to the corresponding quarter in 2010, the change was positive by 6.7%. Year 2011 accumulated hike of 5.8% over Q1 2010.


As for the accumulated weight of carcasses, the output of 824.2 thousand obtained in the 2nd quarter of 2011 was 3.7% bigger than that of the previous quarter and 7.3% bigger than that of the same period of 2010.


The survey on slaughter of hogs and pigs had the participation of 878 informants in this quarter. The South Region accounted for 65.8% of the overall slaughter of hogs and pigs in Q2 2011. Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul slaughtered 26.2% and 21.4%, respectively. Paraná slaughtered 18.2% of the national total.


Acquisition of milk increases 2.6% over Q2 2010


In the 2nd quarter of 2011, the acquisition of milk recorded, according to the survey, was  5.0 billion liters, recording increase of 2.6% relative to the 2nd quarter of 2010.


Minas Gerais was the Brazilian state which accounted for the biggest amount of milk, 26.2% of the total. Other highlights were Rio Grande do Sul (12.7%) and São Paulo (11.8%).


In the comparison by state between the 2nd quarter of 2011 and the same period of 2010 there were some major changes in the acquisition of the product. The main ones were the decrease of 20.4% recorded in Tocantins and the increase of 55.3% in Sergipe. These states, however, are little representative in national terms. In Minas Gerais, there was decrease of 3.1%; in São Paulo, of 10.3%; in Santa Catarina, of 13.4%.


The total number of informants was 2,074, in the 2nd quarter, and 2,035, in the immediately previous quarter.


Acquisition of rawhides fell by 3.9% compared to Q1


The amount of whole pieces of bovine rawhide in Q2 2011 was 8.5 million units, that is, there was decrease of 3.9% in comparison with the previous quarter and of 7.8% in relation to the 2nd quarter of 2010. Considering the index accumulated in the semester, leather acquisition reached 17.2 million units.


Acquisition by Mato Grosso in the period was the highest in the country, 16.9% of the total. São Paulo participated with 15.9% and, in 3rd place came Mato Grosso do Sul (6.8%). The most significant decreases in the comparison of acquisition (2011/2010) were recorded in Paraná (28.2%), Pará (21.7%) and São Paulo (21.2%). On the other hand, Mato Grosso recorded increase of 15.9%, or 190 thousand pieces, approximately.  


The survey had the participation of 136 informants distributed all over the national territory, except for the states of Amazonas, Amapá, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Alagoas, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and Federal District.


Production of hen’s eggs grew by 3.7% over Q2 2010


The production of hen’s eggs in the 2nd quarter of 2011 was 633.4 million dozens, what represents increase of 2.4% in relation to the 1st quarter of 2011 and of 3.7% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2010. Considering the figure accumulated in the year, the production of hen’s eggs recorded increase of 3.1%, with the biggest increment obtained in Q2.


São Paulo was the major national producer of hen’s eggs, with 28.7% of participation. Minas Gerais was in the second position, with 11.7%.

In the 2011/2010 comparison by state, there was significant increase of production of 29.4% in Mato Grosso, a state which had been recording increase in previous quarters.


A total 1,545 informants took part in the survey.