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PAS 2009: Services sector generated revenue of R$ 745.4 billion in 2009

August 26, 2011 10h00 AM | Last Updated: September 11, 2018 05h16 PM

In 2009, the 918.2 thousand non-financial services companies existing in the country generated total net operating revenue (difference between gross revenue and the payment of taxes, discounts and cancelled sales) of R$ 745.4 billion and value added (gross production revenue minus intermediate consumption) of R$ 418.1 billion. They employed 9.7 million persons and paid R$ 143.5 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation, according to the Annual Survey of Services (PAS) 2009. 

The companies in this sector with 20 or more employed persons (which form the certainty stratum, since all of them are surveyed) amounted to 50.6 thousand units, that is, 5.5% of the total, and accounted for 78.7% of the net operating revenue (R$ 586.3 billion), for 75.2% of the value added, for 77.4% of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation and for 65.8% of the number of employed persons.

Among the Major Regions, services companies in the Southeast region had good performance in all the variables investigated by pAS 2009. They accounted for 66.4% of gross revenue of services rendering; 60.7% of the total employed persons; 67.2% of salaries and other compensation and 60.2% of the number of companies. 

The complete publication of the Annual Survey of Services is available at:

Administrative services concentrated 40.2% of the employed persons and 34.3% of salaries

Although “services rendered to families” had the biggest number of companies encompassed by PAS (288,286 companies, or 31.4% of the total), “professional, administrative and complementary services” accounted for the biggest amount of employed persons (3.89 million or 40.2% of the total), salaries (R$ 49.3 billion, or 34.3%) and value added in the services sector (R$ 133.5 billion in value added, or 31.9% of the total).

"Information and communication services”, which recorded the biggest net operating revenue (R$ 214.4 billion), “transportation, auxiliary services to transportation and mailing” (R$ 208.4 billion) and “professional, administrative and complementary services” (R$ 188.3 billion) were responsible for, respectively, 28.8%, 28.0% and 25.3% of the total net operating revenue. These three segments represented, together, 82.1% of the total net operating revenue generated by the sector of non-financial services, in 2009.




Feeding activities generated R$ 45.5 billion of net operating revenue

In the segment of “services rendered to families mainly”, “feeding services” (with 187,041 companies, or 64.9% of the total segment) accounted for the biggest part f the net operating revenue (R$ 45.5 billion or 65.0%), employment of persons (1.27 million persons, or 62.1%) and salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 10.6 billion, or 59.7%). “Lodging services” recorded the highest average of employment in the segment (12 persons per company, versus 7 of the group, on average) and the highest average salary (1.7 minimum wages, versus 1.4 minimum wages of the group, on average). 

"Cultural, recreational and sports activities” had a very good performance in terms of productivity of employed persons (R$ 24.8 thousand per person), followed by “lodging services” (R$ 22.8 thousand). The average productivity of the segment was R$ 18.6 thousand per person. The activities related to “continued education” recorded the lowest level of productivity in the group (R$ 15.7thousan per person).

Telecommunications is a highlight among information and communication services 

In the segment of “information and communication services”, the activity “information technology” was a highlight regarding the number of companies (67.3%), of employed persons (49.6%) and of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (50.1%). The activity “telecommunications”, characterized by big-sized capital intensive companies, accounted for the biggest part of the net operating revenue of this segment (59.7%), the biggest number of employed persons by company (43, whereas the average of this group is 10 persons per company); the highest monthly wage (6.9 minimum wages, versus an average of 5.8 minimum wages in the segment); and bigger productivity (R$ 396.6 thousand). 

Selection and hiring of manpower employed almost ten times the average of this segment 

In the group “professional, administrative and complementary services”, the average number of employed persons was 14 persons per company, being the main highlights “selection, hiring and supply of manpower”, which had an average of 137 employed persons, “services of investigation, security, surveillance and transportation of values”, with 136 persons and “services for buildings and landscape activities”, with 79 persons. 

The activity “technical and professional services” recorded the biggest participation among the companies of the sector (53.1%), besides being a highlight in terms of net operating revenue (43.5%), of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (31.3%), of average monthly wage (3.3 minimum wages, versus and average of 2.1 minimum wages of this segment), of average productivity (R$ 69.2 thousand, more than twice the average of the group, which was R$ 34.3 thousand). This activity was in second place concerning the participation of total employed persons in the segment, with 19.8%, right after “services for buildings and landscape activities”, which recorded 20.9%.

Road transport had the biggest level of participation among all the variables investigated

Considering “transportation, auxiliary services to transportation and mailing”, the activity “road transport” was a highlight due to its biggest participation in all the variables investigated: number of companies (80.5%); employed persons (67.0%); net operating revenue (53.8%); and wages (50.8%). “Road cargo transportation” accounted for 78.6% of the number of companies, 52.6% of the total number of employed persons, 66.0% of the net operating revenue and 51.3% of the total salaries paid. “Road passenger transportation” represented 21.4% of the number of companies, 47.4% of the employed persons, 34.0% of the net operating revenue and 48.7% of the salaries. 

The activity “subway and railroad transportation” recorded the biggest average of employed persons per company (1,099). “Pipe transport services” recorded the biggest average minimum wages earned per month (18.2 minimum wages) and the highest productivity of the group (R$ 571.2 thousand, versus an average of R$ 48.1 thousand).

Purchase and sales had the highest productivity among real estate activities 

In the segment “real estate activities”, “purchase and sale of privately-owned real estate” was a highlight in terms of participation in net operating revenue (67.0%) and number of companies (53.6%), besides having recorded the highest average salary (3.5 minimum wages) and the highest productivity (R$ 178.5 thousand). The participation in the total salaries paid was almost the same for both activities: “purchase and sale of privately-owned real estate” reached 48.7% and “intermediation in purchase, sales and renting of real estate”, with 51.3%.

Maintenance of vehicles employed229 thousand persons and paid R$2.11 million in compensation

In the segment “maintenance and repair services”, the highlight, in 2009, was the activity “maintenance and repair of vehicles”, which recorded the biggest participation in net operating revenue (49.6%), salaries (52.5%), employed persons (58.4%) and number of companies (58.9%). Their 53,587 companies generated R$ 6.0 million in net operating revenue, employed 229.2 thousand persons and paid R$ 2.1 million in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation. The activity “maintenance and repair of computer and communication equipment” was a highlight due to the average monthly wage (2.3 minimum wages per month, versus the average of the segment, 1.7 minimum wages) and to productivity  (R$ 31.7 thousand, versus the average of R$ 19.4 thousand of the segment).

Insurance and complementary social security recorded the highest productivity in their group

In the group “other services activities”, “auxiliary financial services, insurance and complementary social security” had the biggest number of companies (67.9%), the biggest volume of salaries paid (54.9%), the highest net operating revenue of this segment (63.3%), an average of 4.9 minimum wages versus 3.1 wages of the segment, and also average productivity of R$ 114.0 thousand ahead of the average of the group (R$ 58.8 thousand). With reference to the number of employed persons, the highlight was "water, sewage, collection, treatment and disposal of ersidue and recovery of material", the main contributor to the segment, with 49.6%, that is,  205,616 persons, an average of 46 employed persons, above the average of the  segment, with 15 persons per company. 

Southeast concentrated 66.4% of the gross revenue of services and 67.2% of the salaries  

Services companies in the Southeast Region (the most populated and industrialized one in Brazil) had good performances in terms of all the variables investigated by PAS, in 2009. They accounted for 66.4% of gross revenue of services; for 60.7% of employed persons; for 67.2% of salaries and other compensation and for 60.2% of the number of companies.

Companies in the South Region accounted for 14.1% of the gross revenue of services: for 13.6% of salaries and other compensation and for 21.6% of the total number of companies. The Northeast Region recorded a reduced level of participation: 9.8% of gross revenue; 13.8% of employed persons on 12.31; 10.2% of the salaries paid and 10.2% of the number of companies. 

With lower density of companies and population, the North and Central West Regions recorded, respectively, participation of 6.9% and 2.8% in gross revenue of services; of 7.0% and 3.0% in the total persons employed and of 6.6% and 2.4% of salaries paid; and of 6.5% and 1.5% in number of companies.

The structures of services activities in Brazilian Major Regions did not present significant differences among themselves. With reference to gross revenue of services, “information and communication services” had the highest level of participation in the variable gross revenue of services, in the North (32.7%); Southeast (31.8%) and Central West (34.6%). In the Northeast and South, considering this variable, the highlights were “transportation, auxiliary services to transportation and mailing” with, respectively, 28.3% and 34.2%.

In terms of “employed persons” and “volume of salaries paid”, the activity “professional, administrative and complementary services” was a highlight in all the Major Regions