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CEMPRE 2009: level of schooling is more relevant than sex when it comes to salary differences

May 25, 2011 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 28, 2019 04h55 PM

For the first time, the Central Register of Enterprises (CEMPRE) presents information relative to sex and level of schooling of salaried persons...


For the first time, the Central Register of Enterprises (CEMPRE) presents information relative to sex and level of schooling of salaried persons. In 2009, as 4.8 million enterprises and other organizations that form CEMPRE gathered 40.2 million salaried persons, a group among which 23.4 million were men (58.1 of the total) and 33.6 million did not have a higher-education degree (83.5% of the total). Despite significant differences between the salaries of men and women – the former earned 24.1% more – differences were bigger between workers with and without a higher-education degree: those who completed higher education received a salary 225% bigger. Men were the majority in 15 of the 20 economic activities. Micro-enterprises had the biggest proportion of women (45.1%) and the smallest proportion of salaried persons with a higher education degree (4.7%). Big enterprises employed 57.7% of the salaried persons with a higher education degree; one out five persons in this group worked in the manufacturing industry. Santa Catarina was the state with the biggest participation of women (39.6%) among salaried persons, and the Federal District had the biggest proportion of professionals with a higher education degree (13.2%).


Considering enterprises only, the number of salaried persons increased 4.6% in the comparison of 2009 between and the previous year, what represented deceleration: there had been increase of 9.1% in 2007 and of 6.5% in 2008. Manufacturing industries were in the ninth position in the ranking of generation of new jobs in 2009, after having been in the first and third positions in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Paraná surpassed Rio Grande do Sul in terms of salaried persons in enterprises.


CEMPRE gathers registers and economic information of formal companies and other organizations (public administration institutions, non-profit entities, natural persons and extraterritorial institutions) existing in the country and their respective local branches (addresses of enterprises and organizations). The complete publication of the CEMPRE statistics is available at


Enterprises and other formal and active organizations that form CEMPRE employed 46.7 million persons in 2009, being 40.2 million (86.1%) as salaried persons and 6.5 million (13.9%) as partner or owner. Salaried and other compensation amounted to R$ 781.9 billion. The average monthly wage was R$ 1,540.59, what is equivalent to 3.3 minimum wages (the average minimum wage in this period was R$ 461.15).


Compared to year 2008, there was increment of 5.2% in the total number of companies and other organizations, from 4.6 to 4.8 million. Total persons employed increased 4.7%, from 44.6 to 46.7 million, and the number of salaried persons also increased by 4.7%, from 38.4 million to 40.2 million persons. The average monthly wage increased by 4.7%, in real terms, having changed from R$ 1,471.07 to R$ 1,540.59.


Three economic activities can be highlighted in this study, since they represent, together, 56.1% of the total employed persons, 56.3% of the salaried persons and 57.9% of the salaries and other compensation: public administration, defense and social security, manufacturing industries and trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.


Salaried persons with a higher-education degree receive salaries 225% bigger


Among the 40.2 million salaried persons employed in active CEMPRE organizations, 23.4 million were men (58.1% of the total). By level of schooling, 33.6 million of these persons did not have a higher-education degree (83.5% of the total). Level of schooling was more relevant than sex in the establishment of salary differences:



The average monthly wage paid in 2009 was 3.3 minimum wages, or R$ 1,540.59. Men earned 3.6 minimum wages, on average, 24.1% above the amount earned by women (2.9 minimum wages), that is, the salary earned by women corresponded to 80.6% of that earned by men. Professionals with a higher-education degree earned, on average, 7.8 minimum wages per month, 225% more than the amount earned by those who did not have a higher-education degree (2.4 minimum wages). That means the salary of a persons who did not have a degree corresponded to 30.8% of the salary of someone who had reached this level of schooling. 


Salary differences by level of schooling and sex were more striking in enterprises than in organizations. In the former, the average monthly wage was 3.0 minimum wages, or R$ 1,361.52. Men earned 3.3 minimum wages, 43.5% more than women did (2.3 minimum wages). Women earned 69.7% of the amount received by men. Professionals who had completed higher education earned, on average, 9.2 minimum wages, 300.0% more than those who did not have this level of schooling (2.3 minimum wages). It can be said that the salary of a person without a higher-education degree, in companies, corresponded to 25.0% of the salary of a persons who had reached this level of schooling.


Men are the majority in 15 of the 20 economic activities analyzed


Salaried employed males were the majority in 15 of the 20 economic activities of CEMPRE, being the participation of men the biggest in construction (92.2%), mining and quarrying industry (90.0%), transportation, storage and mailing (84.2%), agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and aquaculture (84.1%) and activities related to water and sewage, management of residue and decontamination (81.6%). Salaried employed females recorded the biggest level of participation in human health and social services (76.9%), education (67.3%), lodging and feeding (54.1%), financial and insurance activities and related services (52.6%) and other service activities (51.6%).


Financial and insurance activities and related services were the only category to present participation of salaried persons with a higher-education degree (51.5%) above that of persons without a degree (48.5%).


Other activities which recorded participation of salaried persons with a higher-education degree above average (9.3%) were education (48.5%), public administration, defense and social security (41.4%), international organizations and other extraterritorial institutions (37.7%) and information and communication (35.1%). Activities with the lowest level of participation of salaried employed persons were lodging and feeding (2.6%), agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and aquaculture (2.9%) and administrative activities and complementary services (4.6%), construction (4.6%) and trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (4.6%).


The analysis of the total distribution of salaried persons among the economic activities shows that 20.4% of the salaried persons with a higher-education degree (one out of five) in enterprises had been employed, in this order, by manufacturing industry, financial and insurance activities and related services (15.3%) and trade (13.1%). Two economic activities accounted for the participation of 54.7% of the salaried persons without a higher-education degree: trade (27.6%) and manufacturing industry (27.1%).


Biggest proportion of salaried women is employed in micro enterprises


In 2009, among the total number of enterprises and other organizations, 88.9% were micro-enterprises, 9.4% were small-sized, 1.3% medium-sized, and 0.4%, large-sized enterprises. Despite the predominance of micro and small enterprises and other organizations, the large-sized ones accounted for 47.2% of the total employed persons, 54.8% of the salaried employed persons and 70.2% of the salaries and other compensation.


The composition of salaried employed persons by sex varies according to the size of the enterprise, although there is a predominance of male workers in enterprises of any size. Men made up 54.9% of the salaried employed persons in micro-enterprises, 68.3% in medium-sized and 68.2% in large-sized ones, respectively.  The participation of women was 45.1% in micro-enterprises, 38.9% in small enterprises and 31.8% in medium and large-sized ones.



Big-sized enterprises employ 57.7% of the salaried persons with a higher-education degree


As the size of companies increases, the participation of salaried employed persons without a higher-education degree decreases and that of persons with a degree increases. The participation of salaried employed persons without a higher-education degree was 95.3% in micro-enterprises, 93.4% in small-sized enterprises, 91.1% in medium-sized and 87.4% in large-sized ones, whereas the figures relative to the participation of persons with a degree were, in the same order, 4.7%, 6.6%, 8.9% and 12.6%.


By observing the total distribution of salaried persons by level of schooling, it can be seen that large-sized companies employed 57.7% of the persons with a higher-education degree, followed by medium-sized enterprises (17.5%), small-sized enterprises (17.3%) and micro enterprises (7.5%). Large-sized enterprises employed 41.0% of the persons without a higher-education degree, followed by small, medium and large-sized enterprises with, respectively, 25.1%, 18.4% and 7.5%.


The analysis of the size of CEMPRE enterprises adopts as a reference the ranges of persons employed defined by Eurostat: micro-enterprises have up to 9 persons employed; small-sized ones have between 10 and 49 persons employed; medium-sized enterprises, between 50 and 249 persons and large-sized ones, 250 or more persons employed.


Southeast Region employs 63.8% of the salaried persons with a higher education degree


The analysis by Major Region is based on information from local branches. The 4.8 million active enterprises and other organizations existing in the country amounted to 46.7 million persons, among which 40.2 million were salaried persons and earned R$ 781.9 billion in salaries and other compensation.


The North, Northeast and Central West Regions recorded the biggest participation of salaried males in the total salaried persons (68.6%, 68.1% and 65.6%, respectively), above the Brazilian average (64.5%). The biggest figures relative to salaried females were observed in the South (38.2%) and Southeast (36.0%), being above the average of the country (35.5%).


The Southeast Region was a highlight, due to the participation of 63.8% of persons with a higher-education degree. The South Region was in the second position, with 15% of its salaried persons having a degree. In the Northeast Region, the participation of the salaried employed persons with a higher education degree was 11.7%; in the Central West, 6.8%, and in the North Region, 2.7%.


The South and Central West Regions recorded the biggest levels of participation of salaried persons with a higher education degree, 10.8% (above the national average of 9.3%) and 8.9%, respectively. The South Region was in the third position, with 7.6%. The Northeast and North recorded the lowest levels of participation (7.0% and 61% respectively).


Santa Catarina has the biggest proportion of women (39.6%) among salaried persons



Among the Federation Units, the biggest proportion of women in salaried employed persons came from Santa Catarina (39.6%), Rio Grande do Sul (38.5%), Roraima (37.3%), Paraná (36.9%) and the Federal District (36.8%). On the other hand, the biggest figures regarding male participation were found in Alagoas (77.2%), Pará (71.5%), Maranhão (71.4%), Paraíba (70.3%) and Tocantins (69.5%).


SP employs 40.9% of the salaried persons with a higher-education degree and the Federal District pays the biggest salaries


The most important Federation Units considering the use of manpower with a higher education degree were São Paulo, with 40.9%; Rio de Janeiro, with 12.3%; Minas Gerais, with 8.9%; Paraná, with 6.4%; and Rio Grande do Sul, with 4.7%.



As for level of schooling, the biggest levels of participation of salaried persons with a higher education degree were those of the Federal District (13,2%), Rio de Janeiro (11.9%) and São Paulo (11.6%), whereas the biggest participation of employed persons without a higher education degree were those of Rondônia (95.2%), Acre (95.0%) and Alagoas (94.5%).


The Federation Units which recorded the biggest average salaries were the Federal District, with 6.7 minimum wages; Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Amapá, with 3.9 minimum wages each, and Roraima, with 3.6 minimum wages, all with figures above the national average (3.3 minimum wages). The smallest average salaries were those paid in Paraíba (2.3 minimum wages) and Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará and Alagoas (2.5 minimum wages each).


COMPARISON 2007-2009: increase of salaried persons decelerates


Considering only business entities, the number of salaried employed persons increased by 4.6% in 2009, compared to the previous year, having changed from 27.0 million to 28.2 million, with an increment of 1.2 million new jobs. Compared to previous years, 2009 represented deceleration of increase of salaried persons. In 2007, there had been increase of 9.1% (2.1 million persons more) and of 6.5% in 2008 (1.6 million persons more).


By economic activity, trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles generated 373.9 thousand new jobs, construction, 246.8 thousand and administrative activities and complementary services, 193.8 thousand. These three activities accounted for 65.7% of the new jobs in 2009.



It is important to highlight that, in 2009, manufacturing industry was in the ninth position in the job generation ranking, with an increment of 42.2 thousand salaried employed persons. In 2007, it had been in the first position, having generated 593.5 thousand new jobs and, in 2008, in the third position, having generated 202.4 thousand new jobs, being only by trade (458.0 thousand) and construction (324.0 thousand). In relative terms, the activities with the best performance in terms of increase of salaried employed persons were: professional, scientific and technical activities, with 18.2%, arts, culture, sports and recreation, with 13.9%, and construction, with 12.5%.


The reduction of the generation of new jobs between 2007 and 2009 was not homogenous among all the Major Regions. In all of them, there was decrease of this number between 2007 and 2008. However, in 2009, the Northeast Region recorded increase, whereas there was decrease in the others. By Federation Unit, São Paulo generated 305.4 thousand new Jobs; Minas Gerais 121.3 mil; Bahia 120.7 thousand; Paraná, 99.7 thousand and Rio de Janeiro, 95.6 thousand.



Paraná surpasses Rio Grande do Sul in terms of number of salaried persons in enterprises


São Paulo has remained as the leader in terms of salaried employed persons, followed by Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, in 2009. Nevertheless, Paraná surpassed Rio Grande do Sul in terms of number of salaried persons in enterprises, moving to the fourth position, whereas Rio Grande do Sul fell to fifth place.