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Companies were responsible for 70.3% of the formal jobs and paid 62.1% of the salaries in 2008

May 26, 2010 09h00 AM | Last Updated: September 18, 2018 12h06 PM


Big companies prevailed in terms of employment and wages


Out of 4.1 million active companies, 3.6 million (88.7%) had between 0 and 9 employed persons (small l company), but the ones with 100 or more persons employed (big companies, 28,830 or 0.7% of the total) were the most important with reference to total employed persons (14.3 million, or 43.4%), salaried employed persons (14.2 million or 52.6%) and salaries and other compensation (R$ 297.0 billion or 68.1%).


Big companies paid more than twice the salaries paid by small companies


The cost of salaries and other compensation presented a direct relationship with the size of companies, once since in companies with 0 to 9 employed persons the average weight was 1.8 average minimum wages, companies with 100 employed persons paid more than twice that amount, 4.0 average minimum wages. Companies with 10 to 49 employed persons and 50 to 99 employed persons paid 2.1 and 2.6 average minimum wages, respectively. Only companies with 100 or more persons employed paid salaries above the average of companies (3.1 minimum wages).

Trade, construction and Manufacturing Industry employed 986.9 thousand persons more between 2007 and 2008

The number of companies increased 4.1%, that of employed persons, 5.7% and the number of salaried persons, 6.4% between 2007 and 2008. In absolute figures, there was increase of 161,394 thousand companies (from 3.9 to 4.1 million), 184,497 local units of companies (from 4.2 to 4.4 million), 1.8 million total employed persons (from 31.0 to 32.8 million) and 1.6 million salaries employed persons (from 25.4 to 27.0 million).


The highlights in terms of salaried employed persons between 2007 and 2008 were Trade, repair of automotive vehicles and motorcycles with increase of 456,470 persons, followed by Construction with 324,181persons more and Manufacturing industry, with 206,226 persons. These three groups together were responsible for the employment of 986,877 persons more between 2007 and 2008, which represented 61.3% of the increase of salaried employed persons in the period.


[1] This group encompasses hypermarkets, supermarkets, minimarkets, grocery stores and other establishments selling a variety of mixed goods, without a predominance of food products.

In 2008, companies made up 88.5% of the active organizations in the Center Register of Enterprises (CEMPRE), employed 73.7% of the total salaried employed persons and accounted for 62.1% of the salaries paid in the year. A total 51.2% of the companies belonged to the commercial area, having 30.0% of the total persons employed in companies. Manufacturing industry was as a highlight: it employed 27.6% of the persons and paid 33.6% of the salaries in the year. The average monthly salary paid by companies was 3.1 average minimum wages. Out of a total 4.1 million active companies, 3.6 million or 88.7% were small; big companies, however, employed 52.5% of the persons and paid 68.3% of the salaries.

In 2008, business entities made up 88.5% of the active organizations in CEMPRE, 73.6% of the total employed persons, 70.2% of the salaried employed and 61.6% of the salaries and other compensation. Public administration represented only 0.4% of the organizations, but employed 19.5% of the total person employed persons, 22.7% of the salaried employed persons and 31.8% of salaries and other compensation. Non-profit entities made up 10.5% of the active organizations, employed 6.7% of the total employed persons, 7.1% of the salaried employed persons and paid do 6.6% of salaries and other compensation. The analysis of CEMPRE 2008 was based on information about companies.

Big and older companies were the main employers

In spite of the predominance in the Brazil of companies with 0 to 9 employed persons (representing 88.7% of the total active companies) being 37.7% new ones, with up to 4 years of foundation, older companies, with 18 or more years of foundation and 100 or more persons employed, were the ones accounting for the employment of salaried persons (41.9% and 52.6%, respectively) and for the bigger part of salaries and other compensation (55.3% and 68.3%, respectively) in 2008.

São Paulo held of the salaried persons, followed by Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo held 33.0% of the salaried persons and 41.9% of salaries and other compensation paid in the year, followed by Minas Gerais, with 10.4% of the salaried employed persons and 8.6% of salaries and other compensation and Rio de Janeiro, with 9.7% of the salaried employed persons and 11.2% of salaries and other compensation. On the other hand, the least significant contributions came from Roraima, Amapá and Acre, located in the North Region.


Manufacturing industry was the highlight in salaries in 4 of the 5 Major Regions


By Major Region, Manufacturing industry presented the biggest level of participation in the group of salaried employed persons in the two most developed Regions, the Southeast (25.8%) and South (36.8%), whereas Trade, repair of automotive vehicles and motorcycles was the highlight in three Regions, North (31.2%), Northeast (27.6%) and Central West (30.0%).  In the second position, these two groups alternated. Na segunda colocação, houve alternância entre essas duas seções. Administrative activities and complementary services featured in the third position in the Northeast, Southeast, South and Central West Region; in the South, Construction did.


Manufacturing industry accounted for the biggest part of salaries and other compensation paid in four of the Five regions, except for the Central West Region only. Considering the South and Southeast, salaries and other compensation were paid by business units of Manufacturing industry, 39.8% and 32.6%, almost twice as the amount paid by Trade, repair of automotive vehicles and motorcycles, 20.3% and 16.9%, respectively.


Manufacture of food products features as the main industrial activity in four of the five regions


Industry had 9.4 million salaried employed persons, Services, 8.2 million and Trade 7.0 million. In Industry, the Southeast held 53.3% of the salaried employed persons, followed by the South (22.7%), Northeast (14.1%), Central West (5.9%) and North (4.0%).


Manufacture of food products featured as the main activity in four of the five Regions, ranging from 10.6% in the Southeast to 28.2% in the Central West, except in the North, where Infrastructure services was the highlight with 13.4% of the salaried employed persons in the Region. Construction of buildings was the second activity in the North (12.9%), Northeast (13.5%) and Central West (13.6%). In the Southeast, the second position belonged to Infrastructure services (8.2%) and, in the South, Manufacture of wearing apparel and accessories (8.9%). Other industrial activities which represent highlights in terms of salaried employed persons were Preparation of leather and manufacture of leather travel articles and footwear in the Northeast (8.3%) and in the South (7.4%), besides Manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment in the Southeast (6.3%) and South (5.5%).


Southeast held 60.8% of the salaried persons employed in Service activities


In Services, the Southeast concentrated 60.8% of the salaried employed persons. The South concentrated 14.9% of the salaried employed persons; in the Northeast, 13.8%. The Central West concentrated, 7.0% and the North, 3.5%. Only six categories of Services feature among the Five main ones by Region, because they are basic service activities employing a big number of people.


Transport, storage and mailing was a highlight in all the Regions, ranging from 14.5% in the Northeast to 19.5% in the South in terms of salaried employed persons in Service activities. In three of the five regions, Food service activities featured in the second position: Northeast (12.7%), Southeast (13.0%) and South (14.0%), and in the third position in two other Regions (North, with 11.6% and Central West, with 12.9%).


Security and investigation activities was the second main activity in the North (12.1%), whereas Services to buildings and landscape activities held this same position in the South (13.9%). Other categories in highlight were Selection and employment of manpower, in the North and Northeast, and Office services, office support and other services rendered to enterprises, in the Southeast and South.

Non-specialized retail trade employed, on average, 18.8% of the salaried persons in this activity

52.5% of the salaried persons employed in Trade were found in the Southeast Region, 18.9% in the South, 15.7% in the Northeast, 8.0% in the Central West and 4.9% in the North. Non-specialized retail trade1 was a highlight in all the Regions, and accounted for the employment, on average, of 18.8% of the salaried persons employed in this activity in each area. Retail trade of not previously mentioned new products and used products came in sequence, with 16.3%, on average, of the salaried employed persons and Retail trade of computer equipment and articles of domestic use with 11.0%, on average.


Retail trade of construction material comes in the fourth position, with 8.3% on average, whereas the fifth position featured Retail trade of pharmaceutical products, perfumery and cosmetics, and medical, optical and orthopedic articles in three Regions, North (6.3%), Northeast (7.4%) and South (5.7%); Retail trade of food products, beverages and tobacco (7.1%) in the Southeast and Trade of pieces and accessories for automotive vehicles in the Central West (6.8%).


Northeast recorded the lowest average salary (2.2 minimum wages)


The Southeast region was the only one with salaries above the national average, of 3.5 minimum wages. The Northeast, on the other hand, had the lowest ones, 2.2 minimum wages, which corresponded to 71.6%of the average national monthly salary.


In the south and Central West region a total 2.7 minimum wages were paid, and in the North, 2.5, corresponding to 87.1% (South and Central West) and 80.6% (North) of the national average monthly salary, respectively. The salary difference between the Southeast and Northeast Regions was 59.1%.


São Paulo

Federal District and Rio de Janeiro paid the highest salaries

The highest average monthly salaries were paid in São Paulo (3.9 average minimum wages), Federal District (3.7 salaries) and Rio de Janeiro (3.5 salaries), and these cities were the only ones paying salaries above the national average.


Amazonas was close to the national average, paying 3.0 average minimum wages, whereas others were a little below the average: in the South Region, Rio Grande do Sul (2.9 salaries), Paraná (2.7 salaries) and Santa Catarina (2.5 salaries); in the Southeast Region, Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais (2.6 salaries), besides Sergipe and Bahia (2.5 salaries) in the Northeast Region.


The lowest salaries were paid mainly in business units located in the Northeast region, being the highlights, in this case, Alagoas, with 1.8 minimum wage, Ceará and Paraíba with 1.9 minimum wage. In the other federation Units, salaries ranged from 2.0 to 2.4 average minimum wages.


Trade and manufacturing industry were the highlights


Considering only companies, Trade, repair of automotive vehicles and motorcycles was the CNAE section with the biggest level of participation in the total employed persons, 30.0%, and in the number of active persons, with 51.2%. It was followed by Manufacturing industry, with 24.5% of the total persons employed and 10.0% of the companies.


The third biggest participation in the number of salaried employed persons was Administrative activities and complementary services, with 10.3%.


Financial and insurance activities and related services, in spite of the little participation in the group of employed persons, 2.7%, was among the three main sections in terms of participation in salaries and other compensation, with 7.6%, being second to Manufacturing industry and Trade, repair of automotive vehicles and motorcycles only, resulting in an average monthly salary of 8.6 minimum wages, which was 2.8 times the salary paid, on average, by Brazilian companies in the year, which was 3.1 average minimum wages.


Retail Trade was the leader in the occupation, employing 18.4% of all the persons


Only 20 of the das 87 categories of CNAE 2.0 accounted for 70.7% of the salaried employed persons and 59.8% of the total salaries and other compensation paid by companies in 2008. The five most relevant categories, each one employing more than 1 million salaried employed persons, were: Retail trade (18.4%), Manufacture of food products (5.3%), Land transport (4.7%), Wholesale trade (4.7%) and Food service activities (4.0%). These five categories employed, together, 37.1% of the salaried employed persons and paid 26.2% of salaries and other compensation.


Financial activities paid the highest salaries


Among the 20 main employing divisions, the one presenting the highest monthly salary was Financial activities, with 9.6 average minimum wages, but employing only 2.0% of the salaried persons. It was followed by Manufacture of automotive vehicles, tow trucks and vehicle bodies, which paid 6.4 minimum wages and Manufacture of machinery and equipment, with 4.9 minimum wages.


The lowest average minimum wages were those paid by Food service activities and Services to buildings and landscape activities (1.5 minimum wages). Retail trade, which employed 18.4% of the total persons employed, paid 1.8 average minimum wage per month.