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Trade sector: more jobs and lower salaries in the period 2003-2007

June 24, 2009 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 21, 2018 03h54 PM


In the period 2003-2007, there was significant increase of the number of jobs offered by Trade (with 2.4 million more persons employed). The highlights were the subsectors Hypermarkets and supermarkets, which generated 256,849 new jobs, and Retail trade of construction material, with 212,598 new job posts. On the other hand, there was reduction of the average salaries paid by Trade in general, from 2.1 minimum wages, in 2003, to 1.8 minimum wages. The activities which had readjustments above the minimum wage were wholesale trade and other equipment for personal and domestic use from 3.4 to3.8 minimum wages). At state level, São Paulo had the biggest number of persons employed in  trade in the country, both in 2003 and in 2007 (29.4% and 30.3%, respectively), whereas Roraima and Tocantins accounted for the lowest percentage (0.1%). These and other occurrences are mentioned in the Annual Survey of Trade 2007, which aims at describing the structural characteristics of trade in the country and its changes in time considering three big subgroups: retail trade, wholesale trade and trade of automotive vehicles, pieces and motorcycles.


Between 2003 and 2007, the number of persons employed in trade increased from 6.0 million to 8.4 million, as well as the amount of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation, which increased from R$ 37 billion to R$ 73.9 billion. The increase of employment in trade was most significant in the activity Hypermarkets and supermarkets, which changed the offer of positions from 541,371 to 798,250, in the year analyzed, accounting for the total amount of R$ 4 billion (2003) and R$ 7.1 billion (2007) in salaries paid. Also important in terms of job offer was the activity Retail trade of construction material, affected by the recent expansion of construction. Occupation in the sector changed from 525,115 to 737,713 persons, whereas salaries paid amounted to R$ R$ 2.9 billion and R$ 5.6 billion, respectively.


On the other hand, there was reduction of the average salary paid by the sector, in this period, from 2.1 minimum wages, in 2003, to 1.8 minimum wages, in 2007. The biggest decrease in the average compensation in minimum wages, in this period, occurred in wholesale trade of footwear, whose average salary changed from 5.4 to 3.4 minimum wages. The activity has faced, in the last few years, a very difficult economic scenario, with increase of foreign competition in production, due to the participation of new countries in the international market. There were also significant reductions of average salaries of the wholesale trade of not-processed agricultural products and food products for animals (from 3.2 to 2.2 minimum wages, in the period), and in retail trade in hypermarkets and supermarkets (from 2.5 to 1.8 minimum wages, in the period).


The activities which had salary readjustments above that of the minimum wage were wholesale trade of household appliances and other equipment for personal and domestic use (from 3.4 to 3.8 minimum wages), wholesale trade of products from mineral (from 2.2 to 2.3), retail trade of textiles and haberdashery articles (from 1.3 to 1.4 minimum wages) and retail trade of food products, beverages and tobacco (from 1.2 to 1.3).


The biggest proportions of expenditure with personnel in terms of value added, in 2003, were in the activities of retail trade of machinery and equipment of personal and domestic use, records, instruments, etc. (87.8%), footwear, leather articles traveling articles (83.3%) and textiles and haberdashery articles (81.8%). In 2007, the main highlights were found in trade of food products, beverages and tobacco (76.6%), pharmaceutical, medical, orthopedic and perfumery articles and cosmetics and veterinary products (75.5%) and machinery and equipment for personal and domestic use, records, instruments, etc. (72.4%).   


The subsectors which had lower proportion of value added related to personnel, in 2003, were the wholesale activities of products from mineral origin (27.5%), footwear (28.8%) and fuel and lubricants (29.2%). In 2007, once again, appear wholesale trade of products of mineral origin (29.0%) of fuels and lubricants (32.1%), followed by wholesale trade of not-processed agriculture products and food products for animals (32.9%).


North Region accounted for the smallest contribution in terms of jobs and salaries of the trade sector


The structure of jobs and salaries remained practically unchanged between 2003 and 2007. The Southeast Region was, in the years surveyed, responsible for over half of the salaries. Although it faced decrease in participation (from 58.8%, in 2003, to 57.9%, in 2007), the Southeast had the biggest part of the employed population (53.2% in 2003 and 53.1%, in 2007). The South Region remained stable in the period analyzed, with about one fifth of the salary volume and of occupation in commercial activities.


At state level, São Paulo had most of the persons employed in trade in the country, both in 2003 and in 2007 (29.4% and 30.3%, respectively) and accounted for most of the salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (36.3% in 2003 and 37.0%, in 2007). It was also the state with the highest average compensation, 2.6 minimum wages in 2003 and 2.2, in 2007.  


Other highlights era Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. The former held, in both years analyzed, the second position in terms of number of persons employed (12.0% in 2003 and 11.1%, in 2007) and the third position in terms of salary volume (9.3% in 2003 and 9.0%, in 2007). The average salary in this state (1.6 minimum wages in 2003 and 1.5, in 2007), however, was below the average national average of trade (2.1 minimum wages in 2003 and 1.8, in 2007). Rio de Janeiro was in third position considering number of persons employed (10.1% in 2003 and 9.4%, in 2007) and in second place considering salaries (11.7% in 2003 and 9.9%, in 2007), with an average salary above that of trade (2.4 minimum wages in 2003 and 1.9, in 2007).


On the other hand, the states which accounted for the least incorporation of manpower and for the smallest part relative to salaries, withdrawals and other compensation of trade, in 2003 and 2007, belonged to the North Region. Both Roraima and Tocantins accounted for 0.1% of employment and salary volume.


Net operating revenue of 1.3 trillion in 2007

PAC aims at describing the structural characteristics of trade in the country and its changes in time considering three big subgroups: retail trade, wholesale trade and trade of automotive vehicles, pieces and motorcycles, which represented, in terms of total number of companies of the sector, 8.4%, 6.9% and 8.7%. In  2007, it estimated a total 1,686 million establishments belonging to 1.596 million commercial companies. Together, they generated R$ 1.3 trillion of net operating revenue.


Between 2006 and 2007 there were no structural changes in the trade sector: wholesale trade appeared as the responsible for the biggest percentage of net operating revenue, whereas retail trade had the biggest number of companies and establishments, employed most persons and had the biggest participation in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation.


In 2007, the 110,68 wholesale companies had R$ 551.5 billion of net operating revenue (43.8% of the total) and employed about 1.27 million persons (15.2%), spending  R$ 18.2 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (24.6%) throughout the year. The trade margin of the sector reached R$ 89.0 billion  (35.4%).


Retail trade gathered 1.4 million companies and generated R$ 518.0 billion in net operating revenue (41.1%). Its activities employed about 6.35 million persons (75.7%). The payment of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation amounted to R$ 47.8 billion (64.7%). Trade generated the highest of the sector, R$ 134.9 billion (53.7%).


Trade of fuels and automotive vehicles, pieces and motorcycles, with 138,400 companies, generated R$ 190.0 billion in net operating revenue (15.1%) and employed about 766 thousand persons (9.1%), having paid R$ 7,9 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (10.7%) throughout the year. The trade margin of R$ 27.3 billion (10.9%), was the lowest in the sector.


The trade margin of trade, 36.9%, was the highest among the three subsectors. Wholesale trade had trade margin of 20.6%, and trade of automotive vehicles, pieces and motorcycles, of  17.7%. 

Between 2006 and 2007, companies with about 500 or more persons employed increased their participation in net operating revenue from 28.9% to 29.2%, and remained as the second main responsible for revenue, being close to the group with most significant participation, of up to persons (31.0% in 2006 and 30.9%in 2007). Companies with 100 to 249 persons employed changed from 11.4% to 11.5% of revenue. Companies with a different number of persons employed faced decrease of participation.

Smaller companies remain as leaders


Smaller companies, with up to 19 persons employed, concentrated most of the salary volume of employed persons, of the establishments and of number of companies. In 2007, this group was formed by 1.55 million companies (97.6%), responsible for R$ 388.6 billion of net operating revenue (30.9%), for the employment of 5.3 million persons (63.1%) and a total R$ 35.2 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (47.7%).


The 536 existing companies with 500 or more persons employed (0.03% of the total) accounted for 29.2% (R$ 367.5 billion) of net operating revenue, for 21.4% (R$ 15.8 million) of salary volume and for 13.6% (1.1 million)of the persons employed.


In retail trade, companies with up to 19 workers accounted form most of the net operating revenue (R$ 245.4 billion, 47.4%), salary volume (R$ 27.8 billion, 58.1%) and persons employed (4,361 thousand, 68.6%). Companies with 500 or more persons employed (0.03% of the total) accounted for 29.1% of the revenue (R$ 150.6 billion), 22.2% of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (10.6 billion) and 14.3% of employment (909 thousand).



In wholesale, companies of the group with 500 or more persons employed (0.1%) of the total) prevailed in terms of revenue generation (R$ 203.3 billion, 36.9%) and salary volume (R$ 4.7 billion, 25.7%) and accounted for 16.2% of employment (206.273 persons). Smaller companies, which employed up to 19 persons, accounted for 18.4% of the net operating revenue (R$ 101.7 billion), for 23.7% of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 4.3 billion) and for most of the persons employed in the segment (471.9 thousand persons, 37.0%).


Among companies of trade of automotive vehicles, pieces and motorcycles, the ones with 100 to 249 persons held most of the revenue (R$ 48.6 billion, 25.6%) and accounted for 17.4% of the salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 1.4 billion) and for 10.3% of employment (79 thousand persons). Companies with up to 19 persons employed accounted for most salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 3.1 billion, 39.7%) and for persons employed (463 thousand, 60.4%), participating with 21.9% (R$ 41.6 billion) of revenue.


Trade of automotive vehicles, pieces and motorcycles employed, on average, six persons per company


The activities which form the trade of automotive vehicles, pieces and motorcycles employed six persons per company and paid 2.1 minimum wages, on average. The activity sales of automotive vehicles,  with 26 thousand companies (19.1% of the segment) accounted for R$ 130.5 billion of net operating revenue (72.0%).


Trade of car pieces, which represented 70.4% of the companies (97.4 thousand), had 20.7% of the net operating revenue (R$ 37.5 billion). Trade of motorcycles, pieces and accessories had 10.5% of companies  (14.5 thousand) and generated R$ 13.3 million in net resales revenue (7.3% of the segment).


In terms of persons employed and salary volume, the highlight was the activity of sales of car pieces, with 448.8 thousand persons employed on 12/31/2007 (58.6%) and annual expenditure of R$ 3.8 billion with salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (47.8%).


Resales of fuel and lubricants is the leader of wholesale


In wholesale, companies of resale of fuels and lubricants generated most of the net resales revenue, R$ 158.9 billion (30.5%), even being responsible for a small part of companies (2,026, 1.8%), persons employed (44,944, 3.5%)  and salary volume (R$ 1.7 billion, 9.4%).


Companies which resell food products, beverages and tobacco also contributed significantly to revenue, 16.2%, with R$ 84.8 billion. Formed by distribution companies (such as restaurants, hotels and supermarket chains) and exporting companies, the activity encompasses the biggest number of companies and employed most of the persons in wholesale trade. In 2007, there were 31,073 wholesale companies of food products, beverages and tobacco (28.2%), which employed 26.7% (340,139) of the total persons employed and paid R$ 3.4 billion (18.9%) in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation.


Companies which resell food products, beverages and tobacco also contributed significantly to revenue, 16.2%, with R$ 84.8 billion. Formed by distribution companies (such as restaurants, hotels and supermarket chains) and exporting companies, the activity encompasses the biggest number of companies and employed most of the persons in wholesale trade. In 2007, there were 31,073 wholesale companies of food products, beverages and tobacco (28.2%), which employed 26.7% (340,139) of the total persons employed and paid R$ 3.4 billion (18.9%) in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation.


Hypermarkets and supermarkets remain as leaders of retail trade 



It is worth mentioning two activities in terms of revenue generation: hypermarkets and supermarkets, and fuels and lubricants. With only 0.8% (11,117) of the retail companies in the country, the subsector of hypermarkets and supermarkets generated 22.5% of the resales revenue of the segment (R$ 112.9 billion), employed 798,250 persons (12.6%) and paid R$ 7.1 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (14.9%).The had the highest average number of persons employed by company, 72; the average of trade was five persons.  


The revenue of fuels of lubricants, with 2.2% (30,050) of the active companies, generated 21.8% of net operating revenue (R$ 109.4 billion), employed 4.8% of the persons (303,783) and spent 5.8% of the salaries, withdrawals and other compensation (R$ 2.8 billion). Its productivity, of R$ 38,599 added per worker, was above the average of retail trade (R$ 16,107). The subsector had the lowest trade margin (16.0%), whereas the total of retail trade companies was 36.9%.


The trade of textiles, apparel and footwear was a highlight in terms of number of companies, persons employed and salaries, withdrawals and other compensation. Having 21.5% of the overall number of companies (290,055), its participation in net operating revenue  was 10.4% (R$ 51.9 billion). The payment of salaries, withdrawals and other compensation, R$ 8.1 billion, accounted for 17.0% of the total. The number of persons employed, 1.1 million presented 17.3% of the total. The activity had the highest trade margin of retail trade, 73.6%, followed by trade of food products, beverages and tobacco, with 61.3%, with a rate of 36.9% in the total segment.