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Extraction of native wood decreased in 2007, but recorded a value of 16.4 million m3

November 26, 2008 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 28, 2018 04h52 PM

The production of silviculture 1 and of vegetal extraction 2 totaled R$ 12.1 billion in 2007.  The percentage participation of silviculture in the forest production changed from 65.6% to 68.7%, between 2006 and 2007, reaching R$ 8.3 billion, while the participation of vegetal extraction fell from 34.05% to 31.34%, in the same period, the lowest percentage since 1990.  The value of extraction totaled R$ 3.8 billion, in this period, and from this value R$ 3.2 billion came from wood production.  The value of production of silviculture switched position with the one of vegetal extraction, in 1998, and since then its participation has been higher, with the exception of the year 1999.

The national production of logs was 121,520,350 m³, in 2007, and the major part (86.5%) came from cultivated forests and the rest (13.5%), or 16,388,609 m³, collected in native vegetation.  The production of wood recorded a reduction of 8.9%, in 2007 compared to 2006, while in the segment of planted or cultivated forests, the production increased by 4.3%.  With more than half of the wood collected in the country, the major producer of wood in the extractive segment was the state of Pará (55.5%), while the municipalities which most produced wood from native forests were Tailândia (9.2% of the national production) and Portel (6.1%).  On the other hand, the main producer of wood from forests planted for the manufacturing of paper and cellulose, in 2007, was São Paulo (28.4%), while the highlight in the production of wood for other uses was Paraná (34.4%), accounting for approximately one-third of the national production. These and other data are included in the Survey of Production of Vegetable Extraction and Silviculture 2007.

Among the seven products researched in the segment of planted forests (Silviculture), five had increase of production, and the items coal and logs for paper and cellulose were the ones which brought the highest increments (45.9% and 10.6%, respectively).  The production of logs for other use and barks of black acacia recorded decreases of 3.3% and 34.4%, respectively.

Seventeen products of vegetal extraction recorded decrease of production between the years 2006 and 2007.  Among these products, stood out Food Products, and with the exception of Brazil nuts and açaí (fruit), all the other items of this group had decrease in the production; such as: cashew nuts (-1.0%), yerba mate (-3.2%), mangaba (Hancornia speciosa) (-6,2%), heart of palm (-7.,5%), parana pine (-6,1%) and umbu (Brazil plum)(-3,1%).  In the group of rubbers there was reduction in the production of rubber (coagulated latex) (-1.4%) and of service tree (-26.7%); and in the group of Oilseeds, there was decrease in the production of babassu (nuts) (-1.9%) and of tucum (-7.6%).  The quantity of charcoal increased by 1.0%, however, the production of firewood and logs decreased by 2.8% and 8.9%, respectively.

Pará accounted for more than half of the wood of native forests extracted in the country in 2007

The national production of logs totaled 121,520,350 m³, in 2007, with 86.5% coming from cultivated forests and 13.5% collected in native vegetations.  The production of wood in the extraction activity summed 16,388,609 m³, 8.9% less than the one recorded in 2006.  In the segment of cultivated forests, the production summed 105,131,741 m³, which represented an increase of 4.3% in relation to the production of 2006.  Among this total, the production of wood for paper and cellulose summed 60,964,307 m³, and wood for other uses (construction, furniture, naval construction etc), 44,167,434 m³.  Relatively to the previous year, the production of wood for paper and cellulose increased by 10.6%, while wood for other uses had a decrease of 3.3%.

The major producers of wood of the extractive segment were the states of Pará with a production of 9,090,150 m³ (55.5%); Mato Grosso, with 1,952,947 m³ (11.9%); Bahia, with 1,116,877 m³ (6.8%); Amazonas, with 1,063,425 m³ (6.5%); and Rondônia, with 1,035,271 m³ (6.3%).  In this extraction segment, the five major producing municipalities were from Pará: Tailândia with 1,500,000 m³ or 9.2% of the national production; Portel (990,000 m³); Paragominas (652,715 m³); Almeirim (617,948 m³); and Baião (611,576 m³).

In the production of wood from forest planted for the manufacturing of paper and cellulose, the main producing states in 2007 were São Paulo with 17,340 883 m³ (28.4% of wood from this segment produced in the Country); Bahia, with 12,904,448 m³ (21.2%); Paraná, with 8,549,765 m³ (14.0%); Santa Catarina, with 6,676,970 m³ (11.0%); Minas Gerais, with 6,086,462 m³ (10.0%); Espírito Santo, with 4,931,406 m³ (8.1%); Rio Grande do Sul, with 2,731,029 m³  (4.5%); and  Pará, with  1,481,504 m³(2.4%).  Regarding the municipal producers of wood for manufacturing of paper and cellulose, in 2007, the national highlight was Mucuri, in Bahia (2,490,019 m³), followed by Itapetininga, in São Paulo, with 2,440,850 m³; Alcobaça, also in Bahia, with 2,012,592 m³; Almeirim, in Pará, with 1,481,504 m³; and São Mateus, in Espírito Santo, with 1,472,156 m³.

Regarding the production of wood for other uses, the highlights were  Paraná,  with  15,209,903 m³  (34.4% of wood from this segment in the Country);  Santa  Catarina,  with  8,744,851 m³ (19.8%); São Paulo, with  8, 625,581 m³ (19.5%); and Rio Grande do Sul, with 5,209,607 m³ (11.8%).  The major national producer in this segment was  Porto Grande, in Amapá, with a production in 2007 of 1,690,121 m³ (3.8% of the national total), followed by Telêmaco Borba and General Carneiro, both municipalities of Paraná, with 1,664,862 m³ and 1,500,000 m³, respectively; Itapetininga, in São Paulo, with 1,470,650 m³; and Caçador, in Santa Catarina, with 1,100,000 m³.

Minas Gerais led the production of coal from silviculture and Maranhão of coal from extraction

The production of charcoal in 2007 was 6,336,469 metric tons, 23.9% higher than in 2006, when 5,114,580 metric tons were produced.  This result occurred mainly as a consequence of the growth of 45.9% in the production of coal from silviculture, which reached 3,806,044 metric tons.  Regarding the coal from extraction, it recorded a slow growth of 1.0%, in this period, with a production of 2,530,425 metric tons.

In 2007, the main producing states of charcoal from cultivated forests were Minas Gerais, with 75.8% of national production, Maranhão (10.0%), Bahia (4.2%), São Paulo (2.0%), and Mato Grosso do Sul (1.8%).  Regarding the major municipal producers, stood out Lassance (MG), with 336 868 metric tons, which represented 8.9% of the coal from silviculture of the Country.  Also stood out in Minas Gerais, Itamarandiba (277 400 metric tons), Buritizeiro (261 868 metric tons), Curvelo (189 570 metric tons), Três Marias (125 873 metric tons), João Pinheiro (125 441 metric tons) and Rio Pardo de Minas (117 941 metric tons).  In Maranhão, the main municipal producer was Açailândia, with 117 344 metric tons (3.1% of the national total); and in Bahia, with a production of 56 930 metric tons stood out the municipality of Alcobaça.

The main producers of coal obtained from firewood material of vegetal extraction were Maranhão (29.1% of the national production), Mato Grosso do Sul (16.9%), Minas Gerais (16.6%), Goiás (9.0%), Pará (8.6%), Paraná (7.4%), Piauí (5.9%) and Bahia (2.2%).  In the municipal sphere, the major national producer in 2007 was the municipality of Maranhão, Açailândia, which produced 128,960 metric tons, or 5.1% of the 2,530,425 metric tons produced in the Country.  In Paraná, the main municipal producer was Cruz Machado (69,500 metric tons); in  Mato Grosso do Sul, Ribas do Rio Pardo was the major producer (60,000 metric tons); in Goiás, Iaciara (41,500 metric tons); in Minas Gerais, Buritizeiro (34,686 metric tons); and in Pará, Marabá (50,400 metric tons).

Rio Grande do Sul produced one-third of firewood from silviculture and Bahia 23.7% of the firewood from extraction

In 2007, were produced in the Country 39,089,275 m³ of firewood from silviculture and 43,910,054 m³ of firewood from vegetal extraction.  In the total, the Country produced 82 999 329 m³ of firewood, or 2.1% more than in 2006. The main producing states of firewood from silviculture were Rio Grande do Sul (34.8%), São Paulo (18.9%); Paraná (15.7%); Santa Catarina (13.4%); Minas Gerais (8.5%); and Bahia (2.5%).  In the production of firewood from vegetal extraction, the main producers were Bahia (23.7%); Ceará (10.5%); Pará (8.8%); Maranhão (7.4%); Amazonas (6.0%) and Paraná (5.7%).  The three major producers of firewood from silviculture in the Country were in Rio Grande do Sul: Butiá (800,000 m³), Taquari (770, 000 m³) and Santa Cruz do Sul (752,768 m³).  In São Paulo, the major producer was the municipality of Itapetininga (680,400 m³).  The major producer of firewood from vegetal extraction was the municipality of Bahia, Xique-Xique (668,205 m³).  By order of importance of production stood out also, Euclides da Cunha (580,000 m³), Serra do Ramalho (570,767 m³), Riacho de Santana (566,502 m³), Bom Jesus da Lapa (563,229 m³) and Paratinga (439,139 m³), all municipalities of Bahia. 

Production of Açaí increased by 6.6% in 2007

The national production of açaí (fruits) totaled 108, 033 metric tons, in 2007, 6.6% higher than in 2006.  The main producer was the state of Pará, which in the season 2007 recorded 86.8% of the national production. In Pará, can be found seventeen among the twenty major producers of native açaí (fruits) of the Country: Limoeiro do Ajuru, Ponta de Pedras, Oeiras do Pará, Muaná, Igarapé-Miri, São Sebastião da Boa Vista, Mocajuba, Barcarena, Cachoeira do Arari, Inhangapi, Magalhães Barata, São Domingos do Capim, São Miguel do Guamá, Irituia, Marapanim, Óbidos, and Abaetetuba.  In Maranhão, the highlights were the municipalities of Luís Domingues, Carutapera and Amapá do Maranhão. All together, the twenty major municipal producers answered in 2007, for 83.7% of the national production of native açaí (fruits).  In 2003, the production of açaí, according to the Survey, reached 144,531 metric tons.

Maranhão recorded 94.7% of the national production of babassu (nuts)

In 2007, 114,874 metric tons of babbassu (nuts) were harvested.  The major producer was Maranhão which recorded 94.7% of the national total.  The second state producer was Piauí, with 5,032 metric tons harvested followed by Ceará (358 metric tons), Tocantins (356 metric tons) and Bahia (345 metric tons). The municipality of Maranhão which led the production of babassu (nuts) was Vargem Grande, with a production of 6,110 metric tons, equivalent to 5.3% of the national production.

Bahia answered for 88.5% of the production of piassaba of the country

The quantity of piassaba palms harvested in the Country, in 2007, summed 82,096 metric tons, a growth of 1.4% in relation to 2006.  Approximately 88.5% of the national production came from Bahia and 11.5% from Amazonas.  Bahia encompassed seventeen among the twenty major municipal producers of Piassaba of the Country: Cairu, Ilhéus, Nilo Peçanha, Ituberá, Taperoá, Canavieiras, Belmonte, Valença, Camamu, Santa Cruz Cabrália, Maraú, Maragogipe, Porto Seguro, Cachoeira, Igrapiúna, Jaguaripe and Una.  The municiplaities of Amazonas, Barcelos, Santa Isabel do Rio Negro and Santo Antônio do Içá completed the ranking.

States of the South Region produced almost the totality of the national yerba-mate

The production of yerba-mate collected in the Country fell by 3.2%, in 2007, summing 225,957 metric tons of leaves.  The major producer was Paraná, with 156,444 metric tons, or 69.3% of the national total, followed by Santa Catarina (40,559 metric tons), Rio Grande do Sul (28,603 metric tons) and Mato Grosso do Sul (352 metric tons).  In the ranking of the twenty main producing municipalities, fifteen were from Paraná, as well as the first one - São Mateus do Sul (PR), which had 13.9% of the national production.  The municipalities of Canoinhas (4,500 metric tons), Abelardo Luz (3,685 metric tons) and Irineópolis (2,500 metric tons) were the main producers in Santa Catarina, and in the national ranking of 2007 they were in the seventh, eleventh and nineteenth position, respectively.  The main producers from RS were Fontoura Xavier (3,325 metric tons) and São José do Herval (2,850 metric tons), which were placed in the twelfth and fifteenth positions, respectively.  In 2004, this production reached 246,837 metric tons.

Piauí led the production of carnauba wax powder while Ceará was the major producer of carnauba wax

The production of carnauba wax powder in 2007, summed 19,273 metric tons collected, 7 tons lower than in the previous year.  The major national producer was Piauí, with 13,359 metric tons (69.3% of the national production); in the second position was Ceará, with 5,390 metric tons.  In the ranking of the twenty major municipal producers, twelve were from Piauí, seven from Ceará and only one was from Maranhão. In the first and second position were the municipalities of Piauí of Campo Maior (1,275 metric tons) and Piripiri (872 metric tons), respectively.  In the third position was the municipality of Ceará, Granja, with a production of 865 metric tons; in the ninth position the municipality of Maranhão of Araioses (415 metric tons).  All together, the twenty major producing municipalities accounted for 53.4% of the national production of 2007.

The national production of carnauba wax summed 3,190 metric tons, in 2007, representing a growth of 1.9%, in relation to 2006. Ceará was the main producer, with 81.8% of the total.  In the second position was Rio Grande do Norte (16.8%).  Following were Maranhão, Amazonas and Paraíba, answering for only 1.4% of the total produced in the Country.  The major producers of Ceará were the municipalities of Russas, Granja, Morada Nova, Aracati, Cariré, Santana do Acaraú, Itarema, Jaguaruana, Caucaia, Reriutaba, Itaiçaba, Limoeiro do Norte, Alto Santo, Sobral and Cascavel; while in Rio Grande do Norte, the highlights were Apodi, Felipe Guerra, Açu e Mossoró.  Araioses was the only municipality of Maranhão which was in the ranking of the twenty major producing municipalities of carnauba wax.  The municipalities of Ceará of Granja, Cariré and Santana do Acaraú produced and commercialized the wax powder as well as the raw carnauba wax.

Production of Brazil nuts increased by 5.6% but was far away from the record production of 1990

In 2007, the national production of Brazil nuts summed 30,406 metric tons, representing an increase of 5.6% in relation to the production of 28,806 metric tons, obtained in 2006.  The main producer was Acre, concentrating 34.1% of the total collected, followed by Amazonas (29.2%), Pará (25.1%) and Rondônia (6.9%).  Among the twenty major municipal producers of Brazil nuts, Rio Branco in Acre, stood out in the first place with 9.5% of the national production of 2007.  Stood out, also Oriximiná (7.1%) in Pará, Xapuri (6.3%), Sena Madureira (6.2%) and Brasiléia (5.9%), in Acre, and Porto Velho (5.6%), in Rondônia.  Together, the twenty major producers of Brazil nuts accounted for 77.2% of the total collected in the country in 2007.  In 1990, the production of Brazil nuts reached 51,195 metric tons.

Pará recorded 92.1% of the production of palm heart extraction

In the country, the quantity of palm heart extracted from native specimens in 2007, summed 6,037 metric tons, 7.5% lower than in the previous year, when 6,524 metric tons were collected.  Pará was the main producer, with 92.1% of the national production of palm heart.  Among the ten major municipal producers of native specimens, nine (9) were from Pará and (1) was from Santa Catarina.  The major producer in 2007 was Anajás, with a production of 1,850 metric tons, equivalent to 30.6% of the total harvested in the country.  In the tenth position was the municipality of Blumenau with 112 metric tons, corresponding to 1.8% of the national total collected, or 80% of the production of Santa Catarina.  The production of cultivated palm heart has been greater than the one of extracted palm heart since 1999.  In 2006 the extracted palm heart represented only 8.2% of the total production of the country, as we may observe in the graph below which compares the Silviculture and Vegetable Extraction Survey (PEVS) with the Municipal Agriculture Survey (PAM).

Harvest of cashew nuts had a small participation in the total production of the Country

The national production of collected cashew nuts totaled 5,480 metric tons, in 2007, representing a decrease of 1.0%, relatively to the quantity collected in 2006.  Bahia was the main national producer of this type of nut, recording 49.2% of the total.  In second place was Pernambuco (33.0%).  Among the ten major municipal producers, seven were from Bahia. The main municipal producer was Belém de Maria, in Pernambuco, with 12.1% of the national production.  The collected nut in native cashew trees represented, in 2006, only 2.2% of the total production of cashew nuts of the country, which totaled 249,308 metric tons in that year.



1 - Silviculture is the activity which covers the establishment, development and reproduction of forests, with several purposes, such as: the production of wood, coal, resins, the environment protection, etc...

2  - Vegetal extraction is the process of exploration of the native vegetal resources comprehending the collection of products such as woods, latex, seeds, fibers, fruits and roots, among others, in a rational way, with the obtainment of sustained productions in the course of time; or in a primitive and itinerant way, providing generally only one production.