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Cattle herd decreases 3.0% in the country and 5.0%

November 26, 2008 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 28, 2018 04h34 PM

The total cattle herd in Brazil decreased 3.0% between 2006 and 2007, changing from 205,886,244 to 199,752,014 cattle head. The decrease was even higher (-5.0%) in the municipalities which form the Legal Amazon (all those located in the North Region and some in Maranhão and Mato Grosso), although there was increase by 78% in the number of animals in this area in the 2007-1997 comparison. The reduction of cattle herd in Brazil occurred due to the lack of capital of producers in 2006, which led to fewer investments in the following year and to the reevaluation of estimates after the 2006 edition of the Census of Agriculture. The slaughter of breeders resulted in lower supply of meat, which, together with the growing demand, contributed to the maintenance of high prices in 2007. 

The biggest number of cattle herd were found in Mato Grosso (12.9% of the national total), Minas Gerais (11.3%) and Mato Grosso do Sul (10.9%). On the other hand, when it comes to the participation of the total value of livestock products1 (R$ 20.2 million in 2007), Minas is the leader (26.1%), being followed by São Paulo (10.8%) and Rio Grande do Sul (10.0%). These are some of the highlights in the Municipal Livestock Survey (PPM) 2007, the main results of which are detailed below.

From 2006 to 2007, the highlight was the exchange of positions between the 2nd and the 3rd biggest cattle herd, with Minas Gerais surpassing Mato Grosso do Sul, a state which has faced reduction of its cattle herd in the last three years, possibly due to the competition for areas between agriculture and livestock.


Most of the states faced reduction of the number of cattle head in 2007, compared to 2006, except for, by decreasing order of positive change: Alagoas (8.0%), Pernambuco (6.0%), Bahia (5.8%), Paraíba (4.3%), Ceará (3.0%), Federal District (2.9%), Minas Gerais (1.7%), Santa Catarina (0.8%) and Sergipe (0.6%). On the other hand, important herd, such as in Pará (-12.3%) and in Mato Grosso do Sul (-8.0%), had significant decreases.


At municipal level, the biggest number of cattle head is in Corumbá (MS), São Félix do Xingu (PA) and Ribas do Rio Pardo (MS), municipalities which remained at the same positions as in 2006.


In 2007, 35% of the total national cattle herd was in the Legal Amazon


By observing the PPM data for the last ten years, it is possible to see increase of 78% of cattle herd in the municipalities of the Legal Amazon, in the period 1997-2007, being the highlights the south of Pará, the north of Mato Grosso, and Rondônia.


The Brazilian cattle herd has moved towards the north of the country, due in part to the competition for areas with crops of sugarcane, soybeans and corn in the Central-South. However, there has been decrease of the rhythm of increase of cattle herd in this Region, from 46% from 1997 to 2002 to 22% in the period 2002-2007. From 2006 to 2007, there was decrease of 5% in the total cattle herd in the Legal Amazon, which reached 69.575 million head. This figure is equivalent to 34.8% of the national herd.

Number of domestic fowl increases 11.5% between 2006 and 2007


The country had, in 2007, 1.127 billion units of domestic fowl2, 11.5% more than in 2006. From this total, 82.5% were roosters, pullets, chickens and chicks; the other ones, hens. The former group had increase of 13.4% in relation to 2006; the latter, of 3.1%.


A little more than half (50.3%) of the number of roosters, pullets, chickens and chicks was found in the South Region. The three states in this region are among the main national producers, although the main municipalities are Rio Verde (GO), Brasília (DF) and Amparo (SP). The hen production, on the other hand, is concentrated in the Southeast (35.6%). São Paulo and Minas Gerais have the biggest number, and the municipal production is highest in Bastos (SP), Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES) and Itanhandu (MG).


Between 2006 and 2007 number of hogs and pigs increased and number of horses decreased

In 2007, the country had a total of 35.945 million hogs and pigs (male and female), 2.2% more than in  2006. Most of the animals is in the South (47.5%), and Santa Catarina was the main producing state (19.9% of the total herd), followed by Paraná (13.2%) and Rio Grande do Sul (14.5%). Uberlândia (MG), Concórdia (SC) and Toledo (PR) are the main municipalities considering hog and pig housing, remaining the same positions of 2006, with, respectively, 1.%, 1.% and 1.1% of the total animals.


The number of horses decreased by 2.6% compared to 2006, resulting in 5.602 million animals on 12/31/2007. Corumbá (MS) has the biggest number of these animals (0.5% of the national total), although in regional terms the Southeast is the leader (25.6%), followed closely by the Northeast, with practically the same percentage. Feira de Santana (BA) and Santana do Livramento (RS), are, respectively, in the second and third positions in the municipal ranking.

Northeast has biggest number of asses, mules, goats and female sheep

The number of asses in 2007 was 1.163 million head, 2.0% less than in 2006. Almost all of this total  (91.4%) is in the Northeast: Bahia has 26.6% of the total and Piauí, 17.5%. Feira de Santana (BA) and Petrolina (PE) appear as the main municipal highlights, with 1.0% and 0.9% of the national total, respectively.

The estimated number of mules was 1.343 million head, with decrease of 3.1% in relation to 2006, also concentrated in the Northeast (51.1%); Bahia has 24.1% of the total herd. At national level, however, São Félix do Xingu (PA) has the biggest number (8,010 head or 0.6% of the total), followed by Parnarama (MA), which was not among the 20 first municipalities in the ranking in 2006.

The number of female sheep in 2007 was 16.239 million animals, 1.4% more than in 2006. Among the total animals, 57.2% were in the Northeast, although the main producing state is Rio Grande do Sul (3.8 million head or 23.6% of the total). The municipalities of Santana do Livramento, Alegrete, Quaraí and Uruguaiana are the main national producers.

The number of quails was 7.586 million units in 2007, 5.3% more than in 2006. The South Region is the main national producer (58.4%); and São Paulo, the most important state (34.8% of the national total). The main producing municipalities are Bastos (SP), Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES) and Iacri (SP). Finally, according to PPM, there were, in the country, in 2007, 290.669 thousand rabbits, 3.3% less than in 2006. The South is the main producing Region (58.5% of the total); Rio Grande do Sul has the biggest number (33.9% of the national total); and the main producing municipalities are Mata de São João (BA), Sorocaba (SP) and Mogi das Cruzes (SP).


From 2006 to 2007, milk production increased by 2.9% and egg production, by 1.1%


In 2007, 26.1 billion liters of mil were produced in 2007, 2.9% more than in 2006. The average productivity of the national herd is 1,237 liters/cow/year, although there are significant regional differences, which change from a minimum of 309 liters/ cow/ year in Roraima to 2,321 liters/ cow/ year in Santa Catarina.


The biggest number of milked cows was found in São Félix do Xingu (PA), 124,258 animals, although productivity was not the highest. Considering the volume of milk produced, the main municipalities are Castro (PR), with 135.67 million liters (0.5% of the total), Pompeu (MG), 108.91 million liters and  Marechal Cândido Rondon (106.0 million liters).


In 2007 were produced 2.965 billion dozens of hen’s eggs, 1.1% more than in 2006. The Southeast area is the main producer in the country, with 44.9% of the national total; and São Paulo is the main highlight, with 27.2% of the national production, more than all the South Region (the second main producer). The principal municipalities in terms of hen’s eggs production are Bastos (SP), Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES) and Itanhandu (MG).


Among the products investigated, only honey faced decrease (-4.0%)


The production of wool, the main product of sheep breeding, had positive change of 2.6% from 2006 to 2007, with similar increase (2,7%) in the value of production. Sheep breeding for shearing occurred mainly in the South Region (96.9% of the total). Rio Grande do Sul has the biggest number of sheep for this purpose, and the municipality of Santana do Livramento is the major national wool producer.


The production of quail eggs increased by 5.9% in 2007 and was above 131 million dozens. Iacri (SP), which was in the 1st position in terms of municipal production of quail eggs in 2006, fell to the 3rd position in 2007, whereas Bastos (SP) and Santa Maria do Jetibá (ES) were the main producers in 2007.


A total 8,205 tons of silkworm cocoons were produced in 2007, that is, 4.1% more than in 2006. Altônia (PR), which was in the 4th position in the ranking in 2006, surpassed Cruzeiro do Sul (PR) as the municipal leader in the following year.


The amount of honey produced in 2007 was 4.0% lower than in the previous year. The biggest relative decreases occurred in Espírito Santo (-24%) and in Paraíba (-21%). Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná are the main honey producers, with respectively, 21.2%  and 13.3% of the national total, but the major producing municipalities are in the Northeast: Picos (PI), Limoeiro do Norte and Santana do Cariri (CE).



1Milk, hen's and quail's eggs, honey, silkworm cocoons and wool.

2Roosters, pullets, chickens, chicks and hens.