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Industrial employment decreased by -0.2% in April

June 09, 2008 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 22, 2019 05h30 PM

There was decrease in the comparison month/ immediately previous month, in the series seasonally adjusted. In the comparison April 08/ April 07, the index (2.6%) was the 22nd consecutive positive result...




There was decrease in the comparison month/ immediately previous month, in the series seasonally adjusted.  In the comparison April 08/ April 07, the index (2.6%) was the 22nd consecutive positive result.  In the first four-month period of 2008, the index was 3.0%.  The real value of the payroll decreased by 1.3% between March and April, in the series seasonally adjusted, but increased by 6.0% in the comparison with April/07 and by 6.3% in the index accumulated in the first four months of the year.











In April, the industrial employment decreased by -0.2% compared to the previous month, in the series seasonally adjusted, after rate of 0.1% in March.  The quarterly moving average index recorded 0.1% in April, continuing stable since December 2007.


In the comparison April 08/ April 07, the growth of 2.6% was the twenty-second consecutive positive result in this comparison.  The index for the first four-month period of the year was 3.0% and the index accumulated in the last twelve months repeated the rate of the previous month (2.7%).


In the monthly index (2.6%), eleven localities increased the number of workers, with São Paulo (4.5%) bringing the main influence in the formation of the overall average, followed by the North and Central West Region (2.9%), Northeast Region and Minas Gerais (both with 2.0%).  In São Paulo, there was increase in fourteen sectors, especially machines and equipment (10.8%), transportation (11.7%) and electronic material and communication equipment (16.7%).  In the industries of the North and Central West and Northeast, food products and beverages (11.2%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (34.0%) brought, respectively, the main influences in the total of these regions.  In the industry of Minas Gerais, the segments associated to the production of durable consumer goods, mainly, transportation (16.8%) and electronic material and communication equipment (20.1%), were the relevant positive contributions.


In the total of the country, the majority (13) of the eighteen surveyed segments increased the number of employed persons.  The main positive influences came from machines and equipment (12.2%), transportation (11.3%), food products and beverages (3.6%) and electronic material and communication equipment (12.1%), while, on the other hand, sectors which use more labor force continue bringing the most significant negative results: footwear and leather articles (-12.3%), apparel (-5.8%) and wood (-9.4%).


The index accumulated closed the first four-month period of the year with growth of 3.0%, with eleven localities contributing positively for the increase of employed persons. São Paulo (4.5%), Northeast Region (2.9%), Minas Gerais (2.9%) and North and Central West Region (3.4%) brought the main influences in the formation of the overall average, while Espírito Santo (-2.4%), Santa Catarina (-0.4%) and Ceará (-0.3%) were the three localities with negative rates.  In the total of the country, twelve segments increased the employment, and the main highlights were machines and equipment (13.8%), transportation (11.2%), electronic material and communication equipment (13.3%) and food products and beverages (3.1%), contrarily to the most significant negative contributions of footwear and leather articles (-11.4%), apparel (-4.5%) and wood (-7.5%).


In summary, the industrial employment maintained, in April a scenario of stability in a high level. In the comparisons with the same periods of 2007, the results continued positive.  In the analysis by four-month period, similarly as the industrial production which maintained the rhythm between the third four-month period of 2007 and the first four-month period of 2008, the number of employed persons followed this trend, with rates of 3.3% and 3.0%, respectively.  In this same comparison, the number of hours paid continued in an ascending trend since the first four-month period of 2006, answering to the major dynamism of the industrial sector.






The number of hours paid in industry, in April, registered increase of 0.4% compared to the previous month, in the series seasonally adjusted, after decreasing by 1.0% in March.  The quarterly moving average index brought the third positive change (0.4%), accumulating increase of 1.1% between the quarters closed in April and January.


The comparison with the same month of the previous year had growth of 2.6% and the index accumulated in the first four months of the year increased by 2.9%.  The index accumulated in the last twelve months while changing from 2.3% in March to 2.4% in April, continued in an upward trend which began in September 2006.


In the monthly index, the number of hours paid increased by 2.6% with hikes in eleven among fourteen localities and thirteen among eighteen surveyed segments.  In the analysis by sectors, the major positive results came from machines and equipment (14.1%), transportation (12.8%) and metal products (10.1%).  On the other hand, the most significant negative results in the overall result came from: footwear and leather articles (-12.7%) and apparel (-6.1%).


Also in the comparison April 08/ April 07, the localities with the best positive result in the national result were São Paulo (4.8%), Paraná (3.7%) and Minas Gerais (2.5%).  In the industry of São Paulo, fourteen activities increased the number of hours paid, especially transportation (13.6%), machines and equipment (12.0%) and electronic material and communication equipment (12.9%).  In Paraná, machines and equipment (31.9%), food products and beverages (4.0%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (30.5%) brought the major positive influences; and, in the industry of Minas, the most significant increase came from transportation (18.6%).  On the other hand, the main negative influence came from Santa Catarina (-1.3%), where the segments of wood (-18.2%) and apparel (-8.6%) brought the most significant negative results.


In the first four-month period of the year, the total of hours paid increased by 2.9%, with positive contributions in thirteen localities and in twelve sectors.  The major responsible for the increase in the total of the country were: São Paulo (4.5%), Northeast Region (3.1%) and Minas Gerais (3.0%).  On the other hand, Espírito Santo (-2.4%) brought the only negative result.  In the analysis by sectors, the main positive results came from machines and equipment (14.8%), transportation (12.4%) and metal products (10.5%).  On the other hand, footwear and leather articles (-12.6%) and apparel (-4.3%) were the main negative influences.
In the analysis by four-month period, the number of hours paid changed from 2.6% in the last four-month period of 2007 to 2.9% in the first four-month period of this year, maintaining an upward trend since 2006.






In April, the real value of the payroll of workers in the industry seasonally adjusted decreased by 1.3% in relation to the immediately previous month, after increasing by 2.7% in March.  Despite the results of April, the quarterly moving average index increased by 0.4% between the quarters closed in March and April, registering the third consecutive positive rate, accumulating, in the period, gain of 2.3%.


In the comparisons with similar periods of the previous year, the results continued positive: 6.0% in the monthly index and 6.3% in the index accumulated in the year.  The index accumulated in the last twelve months was stable between March and April (5.9%) and continued presenting rates above 5.0% since December 2007.


The value of the real payroll, in relation to April 2007, increased by 6.0%.  It presented positive rates in fourteen surveyed sectors.  The leadership, in terms of influence on the national result, came from São Paulo (6.2%), mainly due to the growth of wages in transportation (13.2%), chemical products (17.8%) and electronic material and communication equipment (7.7%).  Following, it is worth mentioning Minas Gerais (8.0%), where stood out electronic material and communication equipment (40.2%) and non-metallic minerals (20.7%); North and Central – West Region (9.0%), where stood out food products and beverages (10.9%) and chemical products (35.3%); and Northeast Region (7.2%), due to the expansion of the payroll of food products and beverages (6.5%) and machines and equipment (41.7%).


In the analysis by sectors, also in the monthly indicator, the real payroll increased in twelve among eighteen surveyed segments.  The main positive influences came from transportation (12.0%), machines and equipment (9.9%) and chemical products (8.6%).  On the other hand, decreases were observed in paper and printing (-4.7%), footwear and leather articles (-7.4%) and textiles (-3.5%).


The index accumulated in the first four-month period of the year increased by 6.3%, with increase in thirteen localities.  The major positive influences came from São Paulo (7.6%), Minas Gerais (6.7%) and Rio Grande do Sul (6.4%), where stood out, respectively: transportation (14.7%) and chemical products (13.1%); transportation (16.0%) and basic metallurgy (7.5%); and metal products (40.8%) and machines and equipment (21.4%).  In Espírito Santo, the index was stable (0.0%), having as positive and negative highlights, respectively, basic metallurgy (3.6%) and non-metallic minerals (-5.8%).


In terms of sectors, thirteen activities increased the value of the overall wages, especially transportation (13.7%), machines and equipment (9.4%) electronic material and communication equipment (11.1%).  On the other hand, the major wage reductions were observed in footwear and leather articles (-7.4%) and paper and printing (-2.0%).


Also in this comparison, in the analysis by four-month period, the real payroll maintained, in the first four months of the year (6.3%), a rhythm of growth almost similar to the one of the third four-month period of 2007 (6.4%).