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Harvest estimate for 2008 is 139.6 million metric tons

March 06, 2008 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 28, 2018 02h48 PM


The estimated figure is 2.3% higher than in January, and 5.1% above the production obtained in 2007 (132.9 million tons). Also in comparison with last year IBGE’s systematic survey points to increase of 2.7% in planted area, which is expected to reach 46.6 million hectares in 2008.


The second estimate for the national production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds

(relative to February 2008) points to production of about 139.6 million tons, being 2.3% bigger than the estimated figure for January (136.5 million tons), and 5.1% above the result obtained in 2007 (132.9 million tons). In relation to planted area in 2007, the current estimate presents increase of 2.7%, resulting in 46.6 million hectares.

The biggest harvested areas in 2008 are expected to be those planted with soybeans, corn and rice: 21.0, 14.5 and 3.0 million hectares, respectively. These products represent 91.1% of the estimated national production. Other highlights are: increases in the production of rice and corn, for both harvests, and of soybeans: gain of 3.1 million tons between January and February, especially due to the good estimates for 2nd harvest corn in Paraná and in Mato Grosso (which expect to harvest 6.3% and 6.2 million tons, respectively) and soybeans in Mato Grosso (17.7 million tons).

The production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds is distributed as follows: South Region, 60.1 million tons; central West, 47.7 million tons; Southeast, 16.4 million tons; Northeast, 11.9 million tons and North, 3.5 million tons.

Among the main temporary summer crops, soybeans and corn had the start of the harvesting period, especially in the areas where planting is done sooner. Climatic conditions are favorable, in general, but in some areas of Goiás and Mato Grosso, the excess of rain has caused difficulties in the harvesting of soybeans.


Agricultural production 2008 – Comparison - February/ January estimate 


In the estimates of LASP of February, compared to figures in January, the highlights were: herbaceous seed cotton (-6.9%), 1st harvest peanuts in husk (19.3%), coffee in grain (6.6%), 1st harvest beans in grain (-7.8%), 2nd harvest beans in grain (13.6%), 2nd harvest corn in grain (12.3%) and soybeans in grain (2.3%).


The second estimate for herbaceous seed cotton for 2008 is 3.8 million tons, which points to reduction by 6.9% in relation to January.  This decrease does not confirm the initial expectations, especially in the two main producing states, MT and BA, which account for 50.5% and 30.9% of the national production, respectively. This fact can be seen as a consequence of the competition with soybeans and corn, products which have presented good prices.

 s, the significant increase of 19.3% in production can be seen as a result of the good prices of this product, as well as of reevaluations in the harvested areas in the main producing states.

The tendency to full coffee harvest is confirmed, since it only occurs every two years. In Minas, the main producing state, the increment in the area to be harvested (3.4% in relation to 2007) is due to the areas which prepared again for planting and also due to new areas. The climate in Minas Gerais, as well as in all the Southeast, has been close to ideality in the beginning of this year, thus resulting in good yield prospects (+31.5% in Minas Gerais). Prices are also at good levels. In São Paulo, there was correction of date, and that affected the overall national result.


For 1st harvest beans, the annual estimate of 1.8 million tons is 7.8% below the previous estimate. This decrease is a consequence of the dry period in producing areas, especially Ceará, Bahia and Minas Gerais. In Minas, crops also faced damages, due to the occurrence of rain in the harvesting period, mainly in the Northwestern part of the state, in Unaí. The field survey conducted this month confirms the trend already indicated in January.  


In case of 2nd harvest beans, there was increase of 13.6% in the estimated production, 1.3 million tons, due to the excellent prices obtained by the product on the market. Besides, the climatic conditions were satisfactory, and the crop introduced had good technological level.  


In terms of 2nd harvest corn, production is expected to reach 17.2 million tons, surpassing the record of 2007 (15.2 million tons). This significant increment is due, mainly, to the new data obtained in Paraná and in Mato Grosso, where planted are 9.6% and 8.6% bigger, respectively. It must be pointed out that the good price of this type of grain caused producers to expand their harvesting areas.


For soybeans, the estimated production is 59.6 million tons, being 2.3% above the first estimate for the year. This new record occurred mainly due to Mato Grosso, which increased by 7.5%, with an estimated production of 17.7 million tons. The good price of grains caused producers to expand their planting areas. Currently, climatic conditions have benefited harvesting.

 Agricultural Production – February estimate in relation to 2007 harvest

Among the estimates of the 25 products analyzed, sixteen had increase in relation to 2007: 1st harvest peanuts in husk (25.0%), rice in husk (9.0%), oats in grain (4.5%), 2nd harvest potatoes (0.1%), 3rd harvest potatoes (11.4%), coffee in grain (23.0%), sugarcane (6.7%), barley in grain (12.4%), 2nd harvest beans in grain (14.4%), castor beans in sections (49.9%), cassava (1.4%), 1st harvest corn in grain (5.8%), 2nd harvest corn in grain (13.2%), soybeans in grain (2.4%), sorghum in grain (12.0%)  and triticale in grain (9.8%). With negative change are: herbaceous cotton seed (0.3%), 2nd harvest peanuts in husk (5,5%), 1st harvest potatoes (4.9%), cacao nuts (3.7%), onions (10.6%), 1st harvest beans in grain (1.0%), 3rd harvest beans in grain (2.2%), oranges  (2.4%) and wheat in grain (4.9%).