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In the first semester of 2007, industry increased in all the 14 surveyed localities

August 07, 2007 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 25, 2019 03h29 PM

In the first semester of 2007, in relation to the same period of 2006, Rio Grande do Sul (8.5%), Minas Gerais (7.9%), Paraná (7.0%) and Pernambuco (6.4%) increased above the national average (4.8%).


In the first semester of 2007, in relation to the same period of 2006, Rio Grande do Sul (8.5%), Minas Gerais (7.9%), Paraná (7.0%) and Pernambuco (6.4%) increased above the national average (4.8%).  In the comparison between the second quarters of 2007 and 2006, there was hike in 12 among 14 surveyed localities.  In the relation between May and June, with seasonal adjustment, there were increases in seven regions and comparing the last two quarters, in six regions.







In the first semester of 2007, the industrial activity increased in all the fourteen surveyed sectors, with four among them above the national average (4.8%): Rio Grande do Sul (8.5%), Minas Gerais (7.9%), Paraná (7.0%) and Pernambuco (6.4%). They confirmed the pattern of growth observed in the Brazilian industry, once their industrial structures have a strong participation of sectors of capital goods (especially of segments associated to the recovery of the agricultural sector) and of durable consumer goods (manufacturing of automobiles), besides a high production of export commodities (iron ores).  The other results were: Santa Catarina (4.8%), Espírito Santo (4.3%), São Paulo (4.1%), Pará (3.5%), Rio de Janeiro (2.3%), Northeast Region (2.2%), Goiás (1.6%), Ceará (0.5%), Bahia (0.3%) and Amazonas (0.2%).


Comparing the second quarter of 2007 with the same period of 2006, there were hikes in 12 localities.  The exceptions were Goiás (-2.6%) and Bahia (-1.4%).  In the comparison between the first and second quarters of 2007, there were hikes in eight regions, and the major were in Amazonas (from –2.5% to 2.8%), in Santa Catarina (from 2.5% to 7.0%), Rio Grande do Sul (from 6.4% to 10.5%) and Ceará (from –1.7% to 2.8%).


In the comparison between June 2007 and same month of 2006, there were hikes in twelve localities.  The positive rates ranged between 11.3% in Minas Gerais and 2.2% in Espírito Santo. Above the national average (6.6%) were Minas Gerais (11.3%), Amazonas (7.1%), Rio Grande do Sul (7.0%) and São Paulo (6.8%).  The decreases came from Goiás (-4.5%) and Pará (-0.6%), showing decreases in the sector of food products in both localities.


From May to June, the regional indexes seasonally adjusted increased in half of the fourteen surveyed localities. Amazonas (3.0%) shows the most pronounced increase, after two consecutive falls, a period in which it decreased by 3.7%. Espírito Santo (2.3%), São Paulo (2.0%) and Paraná (1.4%) grew above the national average (1.2%).  It is worth observing that São Paulo had five months with positive rates, accumulating 6.7% of expansion in the period.  Among the seven areas with decrease, the major loss came from Goiás, with decrease of 5.1% after growing by 6.0% in May.





Still in the series with seasonal adjustment, the acceleration of the industrial activity also is clear in the comparison with the immediately previous quarter.  As observed in the national industry (from 1.4% in the first quarter to 2.5% in the second), six surveyed localities had hikes in relation to the first quarter.  Among these the major influences came from São Paulo (from 1.2% to 3.1%), Minas Gerais (from 1.7% to 3.3%) and Rio de Janeiro (from 0.8% to 1.6%), which represent approximately 60% of the industrial structure.






In June, the industry of Amazonas increased its production by 3.0% in relation to the immediately previous month, in the series without seasonal influence, after decreasing by 2.4% in May.  In the comparisons with similar periods of 2006, the results were positive: expansion of 7.1% in the monthly index and positive change of 0.2% in the indicator accumulated in the year.  The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months shows strong reduction in the rhythm of decrease between May (-3.3%) and June (-0.8%).  In the quarterly indexes, the second quarter shows increase of 2.8% compared to the same period of 2006, but is 3.7% lower than in the immediately previous quarter.


In the comparison June 07/ June 06, the industry increased by 7.1%, with eight among eleven activities with hike.  The main positive contributions on the overall average came from metal products (77.6%), food products and beverages (21.7%), edition and printing (68.9%) and other equipment of transportation (12.5%).  In these segments stood out, respectively, the items: shaving equipment; manufacturing of syrups and powder for beverage production; videotapes; and motorcycles.  On the other hand, the most important negative influence still is observed in electronic material and communication equipment (-23.2%), influenced mainly by the decrease in the manufacturing of mobile telephones and TV sets.


The quarterly evolution in 2007 shows change in the production of the state, which changes from a decrease of 2.5% in the first quarter to a hike of 2.8% in the second, always compared to similar periods of 2006. This occurred mainly due to the increases in six sectors, especially electronic material and communication equipment, which reduced the rhythm of decrease,  changing from -36.3% to -24.4%, followed by metal products (from 34.0% to 54.3%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (from 0.2% to 19.2%).


In the closure of the first semester of the year (0.2%), positive results were observed in six among eleven surveyed segments, with the most significant influences coming from food products and beverages (24.4%), machines and equipment (73.2%), metal products (43.8%), edition and printing (71.8%) and other transportation equipment (15.7%).  In these groups, the items which stood out were, respectively: manufacturing of syrups for beverage production; microwave ovens; shaving equipment; videotapes; and motorcycles.  On the other hand, electronic material and communication equipment (-30.2%) continues with the most negative influence, due to decreases in mobile telephones and TV sets.



In June, the industry of Pará decreased by 1.1% in relation to May, in the series without seasonal adjustment, after growing by 2.5% in the previous month.  In the comparison with same month of the previous year there was decrease of 0.6%, although accumulating increases of 3.5% in the first semester of the year and 9.1% in the last twelve months.  In the quarterly indexes, the second quarter shows slight increase of 0.7% compared to the same period of 2006, but was 1.0% lower than the one observed in the immediately previous quarter, in the series without seasonal adjustment.


In the comparison June 2007/ June 2006 with a decrease of 0.6%, the industry of the state shows fall in three among six surveyed activities. Stood out the negative influences which came from food products and beverages (-18.7%), non-metallic minerals (-12.0%) and wood (-5.5%).  In these groups stood out the decreases in the production in the items: frozen crustaceans; treated kaolin; and plywood, respectively.  The major positive results came from mining and quarrying (3.4%) and cellulose and paper (21.7%), which had increases, mainly in iron ores and cellulose, respectively.


In the comparison with the second quarter of 2006, the industry of Pará (0.7%) continues showing decrease in the rhythm of production.  The industrial sector changed from a growth of 6.7% in the first quarter to an increase of only 0.7% in the following quarter, both comparisons with similar periods of the previous year. For this loss contributed three among six surveyed activities, especially basic metallurgy, which changed from 13.7% to –1.4%; and food products and beverages (from –2.0% to –17.9%).


The expansion observed in the indicator accumulated in the first semester of the year (3.5%) was supported in increases in only two activities: mining and quarrying (9.4%), where stood out the favorable performance of the extraction of iron ores; and basic metallurgy (5.5%), influenced by the major production of aluminum oxide.  On the other hand, the main negative result was observed in food products and beverages (-11.8%), which registered decrease in the production, mainly, of frozen crustaceans.




In June, the industry of the Northeast increased by 0.6% compared to May, in the series without seasonal influence, after growing by 2.7% in the previous month.  The comparison with similar month of the previous year had increase of 4.2%.  Also growth was registered by the indicators for longer periods: 2.2% in the indicator accumulated in the year and 2.8% in the last twelve months.  In the quarterly indexes, the period April-June of 2007 shows expansion of 1.6% compared to the same period of 2006, but is almost stable (0.1%) in the comparison with the immediately previous month.


In the monthly indicator, with a growth of 4.2%, the industry of the Northeast shows expansion in the major part (9) of the eleven surveyed activities, with the major positive results coming from food products and beverages (9.0%), non-metallic minerals (11.3%) and footwear and leather articles (16.2%).  In these segments, stood out respectively the items: soft drinks and peanuts and toasted cashew nuts, cement, and footwear of synthetic material.  On the other hand, the segment of electric machines, material and equipment (-10.5%) brought the main negative result, especially the decreases in the items transformers and electric components of ignition.


In quarterly basis, there was deceleration in the rhythm of production of the industry of the Northeast, which changed from an expansion of 2.8% in the first quarter to 1.6% in the second quarter. Five among eleven surveyed segments contributed to this result, especially chemical products, which changed from 4.1% to  -1.3%, and petroleum refining and alcohol production (from 0.7% to –5.3%).


The indicator accumulated in the period January - June registered increase of 2.2%, with increase in six among eleven surveyed activities.  Among these, the most significant was the one of food products and beverages (10.2%), influenced, mainly by crystallized sugar and soft drinks. Other relevant positive influences on the overall average were registered by non-metallic minerals (7.8%) and chemical products (1.4%), where the products which stood out were cement and polyvinyl chloride, respectively.  The major negative results came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (-2.1%), with the diminishment in the production of diesel oil; and mining and quarrying (-3.5%), with the decrease in the extraction of petroleum.




In June, the industrial production of Ceará seasonally adjusted increased by 0.5% in the comparison with the immediately previous month, after increasing by 3.6% in May.  In relation to the same period of the previous year, it increased by 2.9% in relation to June 2006 and 0.5% in the indicator accumulated in the first semester of the year.  The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months shows increase of 4.9%, after showing a value of 5.2% for three consecutive months.  In the quarterly analysis, the second quarter of 2007 increased by 2.8% in the comparison with the second quarter of 2006 and 1.8% in relation to the immediately previous quarter (series seasonally adjusted).


The monthly indicator increased by 2.9%, with positive rates in five among ten industrial surveyed sectors. The major positive result came from footwear and leather articles (31.5%), due to a major manufacturing of plastic and leather footwear. Other important contributions came from food products and beverages (9.8%), due to the increase in the production of peanuts and toasted cashew nuts, and soft drinks; and of chemical products (42.3%).  The main negative influences came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (-45.4%) and textiles (-4.9%), as a consequence of the lower production of gasoline and diesel oil; and cotton cloth and thread.


In the quarterly analysis, the industry of the state, while growing by 2.8% in the second quarter of the year, reverses the decrease observed in the first quarter of 2007 (-1.7%).  This gain of rhythm was determined by seven activities, especially footwear and leather articles, which changed from -4.0% to 13.3%, and food products and beverages (from 8.1% to 14.4%).


In the indicator accumulated in the year, the industrial production of Ceará shows a rate of 0.5%, with hikes in five among ten industrial sectors.  The most important positive results came from food products and beverages (11.1%) and chemical products (20.8%), due, respectively, to the major production of peanuts and toasted cashew nuts, and soft drinks; and dyes and varnishes for construction and vaccines for veterinary.  Petroleum refining and alcohol production (-38.2%), due to the lower manufacturing of gasoline and liquefied gas of petroleum (GLP); and textiles (-5.5%), as a consequence of cotton cloth and thread, were the main decreases.




In June, the industrial production of Pernambuco seasonally adjusted fell by 0.5% in relation to the immediately previous month, after increasing by 0.7% in May.  In the comparison with June of the previous year there was expansion of 5.2% and in the first semester of the year showed increase of 6.4%.  The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months was almost stable from May (5.7%) to June (5.6%). In the quarterly analysis, the second quarter increased by 7.3% compared to the same quarter of the previous year and 2.6% in relation to the first quarter of the year (series seasonally adjusted).


In the monthly indicator, the industrial production of Pernambuco increased for the twentieth consecutive month, with positive rates in five among eleven surveyed industrial activities. For the formation of the rate of 5.2%, the main positive contributions came from chemical products (22.4%), due, mainly to the increase in the production of dyes and varnishes for construction, and oxygen; from food products and beverages (6.5%), due to the major manufacturing of soft drinks and margarine; and of metal products (11.8%), as a consequence of the major production of aluminum cans.  On the other hand, the major negative influences were observed in basic metallurgy (-4.1%) and rubber and plastic (-4.6%), due, respectively, to the reduction in the production of carbon steel square bars and plastic films.


In the quarterly analysis, the industry of Pernambuco, grew by 7.3% in the second semester of 2007, showing for the eight consecutive quarter a positive rate, gaining rhythm compared to the result of the period January-March (5.6%), both comparisons with similar periods of the previous year. This better performance is influenced mainly by the increase in the groups of metal products, which changed from 4.7% in the first quarter to 33.5% in the period April-June, and of chemical products (from 16.9% to 25.3%).


In the indicator accumulated in the year, the industry of the state increased by 6.4% with positive results in nine among eleven groups.  The main positive influences were observed in chemical products (21.2%), food products and beverages (5.6%) and metal products (17.0%), as a consequence respectively, of increase in the production of the items: dyes and varnishes for construction and rubber of styrene – butadiene; ice creams, ice cream on a stick, and crystallized sugar; and aluminum cans.  On the other hand, the major negative results came from electric machines, equipment and material (-10.3%) and footwear and leather articles (-13.4%), as a consequence, respectively, of the decrease in the production of electric cells and batteries; and cattle leather and furs.




In June, the industrial production of Bahia, seasonally adjusted, shows a negative change of 0.3% in relation to the immediately previous month, reversing the positive result observed in May (2.2%).  In the comparison with similar periods of 2006, it can be observed expansion of 2.8% compared to June of the previous year and a positive change of 0.3% in the closure of the first semester of the year.  The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months was almost stable while changing from 0.4% in May to 0.5% in June.  In the quarterly indexes, the second quarter of the year fell in relation to the same period of the previous year (-1.4%) as in the comparison with the first quarter of 2007 (-1.9%) – series seasonally adjusted.


In the month, the industry of the state increased by 2.8%, with positive rates in seven among nine sectors.  The major positive contribution on the overall average came from food products and beverages (7.7%). This occurred mainly by the increase in the production of beers and draft beers, and powder milk.  Also it is worth mentioning the increase in petroleum refining and alcohol production (4.2%) and basic metallurgy (4.6%), due to the greater manufacturing of gasoline and lubricant oils; and carbon steel square bars, and copper square bars, profiles and bars.  On the other hand, the main negative result was observed in chemical products (-0.9%), influenced, mainly, by the decrease in the production of high density polyethylene and mixtures of alquilbenzenes.


In the quarterly analysis, the second quarter fell by 1.4%, relatively to the same period of 2006, breaking a sequence of thirteen quarters with positive results.  The loss of dynamism, from the first (2.0%) to the second quarter of 2007, is observed in five among nine surveyed industrial groups, especially chemical products, which changed from 2.9% to -3.6%, and cellulose and paper (from 1.7% to -11.1%).


In the indicator accumulated in the year, the industry of the state had a positive change of 0.3%, with positive results in four among nine surveyed activities.  The major positive results were observed in food products and beverages (14.1%), due to the increase in the production of flours and “pellets” of the extraction of soy bean oil; and rubber and plastic (12.3%), due to the greater manufacturing of packaging of plastics for food products; and plastic flasks, bottles and demijohns.  On the other hand, the main negative results came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (-3.5%) and cellulose and paper (-4.8%), due, respectively, to the lower production of naphtha and diesel oil; and cellulose.


Still in the series without seasonal influence, the quarterly index compared to immediately previous quarter, there was decrease of 1.9% in the period April-June, reversing the expansion of 1.7% of the first quarter of the year.


Minas Gerais


The industrial production of Minas Gerais increased by 1.0% from May from June 2007, second consecutive positive result, accumulating hike of 2.2%, already seasonally adjusted.  In the comparison with June 2006 significant growth is observed (11.3%), being this one the twelfth consecutive positive rate. As a consequence, the indicator accumulated in the first semester of the year reached 7.9%.  The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months shows acceleration in the productive rhythm, changing from 5.1% in May to 6.2% in June.  In the quarterly analysis, in the period April-June 2007 increase of 9.8% can be observed in the comparison with the same period of the previous year, and of 3.3% in the comparison with the immediately previous quarter.


The monthly indicator shows growth of 11.3% in the industrial production of the state due to the performance in the manufacturing industry (11.0%) as well as in mining and quarrying (13.3%).   This last one stands out with the second major positive result for the overall result, due, mainly to the extraction of iron ores.  Nine among twelve activities of the industry of manufacturing had expansion, being worthwhile to mention: automotive vehicles (18.4%), petroleum refining and alcohol production (20.3%), metal products (29.0%) and cellulose and paper (38.0%). 


The favorable result of these groups is a consequence, mainly, of the increase in the manufacturing, respectively, of the products: automobiles; gasoline and diesel oil; iron and steel structures; and cellulose.  On the other hand, tobacco, with decrease of 9.6%, stands out with the major unfavorable contribution, mainly due to the decrease in the production of cigarettes.


In the quarterly evolution, the increase of 9.8% in the second quarter in relation to the same period of the previous year shows acceleration in the rhythm of expansion of the industry of the state, once in the first one the result was of 5.9%.  This performance was observed in nine among thirteen surveyed activities, especially for automotive vehicles (from 13.9% to 20.6%) and mining and quarrying (from 5.6% to 11.8%).


The indicator for the closure of the first semester of the year shows growth of 7.9%, with positive results in mining and quarrying (8.9%), as a consequence of the performance of the extraction of iron ores, as in the manufacturing industry (7.7%).  In this last one, with increase in nine among twelve surveyed activities, the major positive contributions came from automotive vehicles (17.4%), machines and equipment (18.3%), basic metallurgy (3.8%) and other chemical products (14.3%).  In these segments, the main highlights were, respectively, automobiles; portable electric household articles; iron niobium; and insecticides.  Among the groups which had reductions in the production, stood out non-metallic minerals (-3.3%), due, mainly, to the decrease in the item structures of iron and steel.


Espírito Santo


In June, the industrial production of Espírito Santo, seasonally adjusted, increased by 2.3% compared to the previous month, second consecutive positive result, accumulating expansion of 4.1%. In the comparisons with similar periods of the previous year there also were hikes: of 2.2% in the monthly indicator and 4.3% in the first semester.   The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months increased by 7.3%, reducing the rhythm of expansion in relation to May (8.5%).  In the second quarter, the production increased by 2.4% in relation to the same period of the previous year and decreased by 0.5% in the comparison with the same quarter, without seasonal adjustment.


In the comparison with June of the previous year, the production of the state increased by 2.2%, eighteenth consecutive positive result. This result was supported mainly in the performance of mining and quarrying (13.2%), where stood out the increase in the production of crude oils of petroleum and iron ores. 


Regarding the manufacturing industry, it decreased by 2.8%, standing out the decrease observed in basic metallurgy (-7.5%), showing the diminishment in the production of steel slugs, blocks and ingots.  On the other hand, the only segment with a positive rate was non-metallic minerals (1.8%), standing out the favorable performance of the production of cement.


In the indicator accumulated of the first semester, compared to the same period of the previous year, the overall industry increased by 4.3%, showing the positive performance of mining and quarrying (16.9%), which stands out as the main influence on the general index, due to increases in the extraction of crude oils of petroleum and iron ores.  In the manufacturing industry, the index was negative (-0.7%), with two among four segments bringing the major negative results: basic metallurgy (-5.0%) and cellulose (-3.1%), with decrease mainly in steel slugs, blocks and ingots; and cellulose.  The group which stood out positively was food products and beverages (9.0%), due to the increase in the manufacturing of bonbons.


In the analysis by quarters, it could be observed that the production increased by 2.4% in the period April-June, a result below the one obtained in the first quarter (6.2%).  This deceleration occurred mainly to the decrease in the performance of mining and quarrying, which changed from an increase of 24.2% in the period January-March to 10.8% in the second quarter, and cellulose and paper (from –0.5% to –5.5%).


Rio de Janeiro


In June 2007, the industrial production seasonally adjusted of Rio de Janeiro fell by 1.1% compared to May, after showing a negative change (-0.3%) in the previous month.  In the comparison with similar month of the previous year, the sector continues to show positive rates (2.5%).  The indicators accumulated, for the first six months of the year (2.3%) as well as for the last twelve months (1.4%), were almost stable compared to the indexes of the previous month (2.2% and 1.3%, respectively).  The production of the second semester of 2007 had a positive result compared to the same period of 2006 (3.0%), as well as in the comparison with the immediately previous month (1.6%) – series seasonally adjusted.


The increase of 2.5%, in the comparison with same month of the previous year, was supported in the positive performance of the manufacturing industry (1.3%) as well as in mining and quarrying (7.8%). In this last one which broke a sequence of five months with negative results, stood out the normalization of the production in the petroleum platforms. The industry of manufacturing which for the fourth consecutive month had expansion in this type of comparison had eight among twelve activities showing growth.  The major influence on the overall average of the industry came from automotive vehicles (25.4%), influenced mainly by the increase in the manufacturing of trucks and buses.  Also, it is worth mentioning the positive results of basic metallurgy (6.1%), other chemical products (9.7%) and edition and printing (8.6%), where stood out the items: carbon steel bobbins and bars; polypropylene; newspapers.  Among the four groups which reduced the production, pharmaceuticals, with decrease of 19.2%, continues bringing the major negative contribution.


In quarterly basis, the hike of 3.0% in the industrial activity of the state, in the second quarter of the year, shows acceleration in the productive rhythm compared to results of the first quarter of this year (1.5%) and the last quarter of the previous year (0.1%), all results compared to the same period of the previous year.  The major dynamism from the first to the second quarter of 2007, shows mainly the gains observed in the groups of automotive vehicles, which changed from a decrease of 4.0% in the period January-March to an expansion of 17.4% in the following quarter, and other chemical products (from 5.2% to 16.7%).  It is worth observing the maintenance of the sequence of positive rates which began in the first quarter of 2004 (1.0%).


The index accumulated in the first semester of the year increased by 2.3%, with expansion in eight among thirteen surveyed segments.  Basic metallurgy (21.8%), still influenced by the low base of comparison, maintains the leadership in terms of influence on the overall average. Other positive contributions came from edition and printing (14.0%), especially for the item newspapers, and other chemical products (11.0%), due to the expansion in the production of herbicides.  Regarding the decreases which most influenced the rate of industry continue to be the ones pharmaceuticals industries (-20.1%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (-5.3%).  In the first activity, it can be observed a prevailing of products with decrease, while in the second one, the main influence can be observed in the decreases of diesel oil and other lubricant oils.


São Paulo


In June, the industrial production of São Paulo had the fifth consecutive positive rate in the comparison with the immediately previous month (2.0%), accumulating gain of 6.7%, in the series with seasonal adjustment. The indicators in relation to similar periods of 2006 were positive: 6.8% compared to June 2006 and 4.1% in the index accumulated in the year. The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months shows increase in the rhythm of expansion in the industry of the state, since it changed from 3.0% in May to 3.5% in June.  In quarterly bases, growth of 5.1% can be observed in the period April-June in relation to the second quarter of the previous year and 3.1% in the comparison with the immediately previous quarter – series seasonally adjusted.


In the comparison June 07/ June 06, the growth of 6.8% was a consequence mainly of the positive contributions of fourteen among twenty surveyed segments.  The major influences were machines and equipment (16.9%), pharmaceuticals (22.4%) and other chemical products (13.7%). In these groups stood out, respectively, the major production of center plants and harvesting machines; remedies and insecticides. Electric machines, equipment and material (-8.6%), apparel (-6.4%) and edition and printing (-1.2%) brought the main negative results.
In quarterly basis, the rhythm of the industry accelerated from the first quarter of 2007 (2.9%) to the second (5.1%), both comparisons in relation to the same period of the previous year.  For this type of comparison, it can be observed a sequence of fifteen quarters with positive rates.  Stood out among the nine sectors with hike between the two quarters pharmaceuticals (from -2.0% to 16.6%), automotive vehicles (from -4.2% to 2.5%) and machines and equipment (from 12.4% to 17.7%).


The indicator accumulated in the first semester of the year had growth of 4.1%, with thirteen among twenty sectors with positive results.  The contributions of machines and equipment (15.1%), electronic material and communication equipment (12.4%) and office machines and computer equipment (28.1%) were the most important for the overall result. The increases observed in the construction of mill centers, harvesting machines; commutation equipment, mobile telephones; computers and monitors explain, mainly, the positive performance of those segments.  On the other hand, electric machines, equipment and material (-9.2%), petroleum refining and alcohol production (-2.6%) and edition and printing (-3.1%) brought the most important negative result, influenced, basically, by the decrease in the production of transformers; diesel oil; and magazines, respectively.





The industrial production of Paraná increased by 1.4% in June compared to the immediately previous month, already seasonally adjusted, after presenting two consecutive negative results, period in which it accumulated loss of 2.6%.  The comparison with June 2006 also shows growth, of 4.1%, ninth consecutive positive rate.  In relation to the indicator accumulated in the first semester of the year there was expansion of 7.0% and the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months shows acceleration in the rhythm of growth, changing from 3.1% in May to 3.6% in June.  In the quarterly indicators, it can be observed increase of 6.1% compared to the second quarter of the previous year, and in the comparison with the first quarter of this year there was increase of 1.9%, already seasonally adjusted.


In the monthly index, the production of the state increased by 4.1%, with hikes in eight among fourteen surveyed activities.  The major highlights were other chemical products (71.1%), automotive vehicles (13.1%) and machines and equipment (22.1%). These groups had as main positive contributions the items: manures and fertilizers; automobiles; and harvesting machines.  On the other hand, the major negative result came from edition and printing (-51.0%), influenced by the decrease in books and didactic printed matter.


In quarterly basis, the industry of Paraná shows deceleration in the rhythm of growth from the first (8.0%) to the second quarter of 2006 (6.1%), both comparisons with the same period of the previous year. Four among fourteen surveyed activities followed along this trend, standing out the loss of rhythm in edition and printing (from 34.0% in January-March to –21.8% in April-June).


The indicator accumulated in the first semester of the year increased by 7.0%, with eleven among fourteen surveyed groups with decrease.  The major positive contributions in the overall average were observed in automotive vehicles (13.1%), machines and equipment (16.2%) and other chemical products (41.8%), due mainly, to the decrease in the production of the items: automobiles; harvesting machines; and manures and fertilizers.  On the other hand, the main unfavorable result came from wood (-13.6%), especially the decrease in the manufacturing of plywood and veneer plates.


Santa Catarina


In June 2007, the industrial production seasonally adjusted in Santa Catarina fell by 0.6% compared to May, after having increased for seven consecutive months, period in which it accumulated gain of 8.7%.  In the comparison with similar month of the previous year, the sector continues with positive rates (5.3%), performance observed since January of this year.  The indicators accumulated, for the first six months of the year (4.8%) as well as for the last twelve months (3.1%), registered results above the ones of May (4.6% and 2.4%, respectively).  The production of the second quarter of 2007 increased compared to the same period of 2006 (7.0%), as well as in relation to the immediately previous quarter (2.8%).


In the formation of the rate of 5.3%, compared to similar month of the previous year, seven among eleven investigated industrial activities had growth, with the most important influences in the total of the industry  coming from apparel (29.2%) and food products (9.0%).  These sectors were influenced by the major manufacturing of knitting clothing (feminine and masculine), in the first, and of poultry pluck, giblets and meats and cured meats in the second.  On the other hand, the main negative result came from textiles (-3.5%), followed by non-metallic minerals (-5.8%). In these segments stood out, respectively, the decreases in the items: cotton threads and pottery plates and tiles, respectively.


In the evolution by quarters, the industrial activity of the state increased by 7.0% in the second quarter of 2007, best result since the period January-March 2005 (8.4%), and shows a rhythm considerably better than the one observed in the first quarter of this year (2.5%), all the results compared with the same period of the previous year.  This trend occurred mainly by the result of apparel, which changed from a decrease of  16.6% in the first quarter to 10.3% in the period April-June, followed by food products (from 7.0% to  12.3%).


In the closure of the first semester of the year, the industry of the state increased by 4.8% influenced by the good performance of seven among eleven surveyed activities.  The leadership, in terms of influence, continues with the sector of food products (9.6%), considerably influenced by the expansion in the production of poultry pluck, giblets and meats, favored by the foreign market, followed by machines and equipment (11.0%), where the highlights are the items refrigerators and freezers.  It is also worth mentioning the positive performances of automotive vehicles (5.9%) and electric machines, equipment and material (8.2%).  In these groups stood out due to the increase in the production the items buses and trucks bodies; and electric motors.  Among the segments with negative rates, the main unfavorable contribution came from apparel (-3.2%), influenced by the decrease in the major part of surveyed products.


Rio Grande do Sul


In June, the industry of Rio Grande do Sul fell by 1.3% in relation to May, in the series without seasonal influence, second consecutive negative result, accumulating in this period decrease of 2.4%. In the comparison with similar month of the previous year the sector increased by 7.0%.  Hence, the indicator accumulated in the first semester was 8.5%.  The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months shows increase in the rhythm, changing from 3.0% in May to 4.2% in June.  In relation to the quarterly indexes, it can be observed a positive rate in the second quarter in relation to the same period of the previous year (10.5%) and in relation to the immediately previous quarter (2.6%) – series without seasonal influence.


In June, in the comparison with similar month of 2006, the industry of the state increased by 7.0% with increase in seven among fourteen surveyed groups. The most significant positive results on the overall average were observed in machines and equipment (59.9%), petroleum refining and alcohol production (47.9%) and automotive vehicles (24.8%).  In these groups stood out the increases in the production of the items, respectively: hydraulic tools and sowing machines, gasoline and naphtha for the petrochemical sector; axis, semi-axis and other parts for transmission and automobiles.  On the other hand, the main negative results in the overall result were tobacco (-15.2%), which had diminishment in the production, mainly, of manufactured tobacco; and footwear and leather articles (-8.4%), due mainly, to the lower production of leather footwear.


In the analysis by quarters, the industry of the state accelerated the rhythm of production from the first quarter (6.4%) to the second quarter (10.5%).  This trend was observed in six among fourteen surveyed groups, especially for petroleum refining and alcohol production, which changed from 18.2% in the first quarter to 56.5% in the second quarter; and machines and equipment (from 14.5% to 47.7%).


The index accumulated in the year had growth of 8.5%, due to the positive contributions of tem among fourteen surveyed activities.  Among these, the most significant were petroleum refining and alcohol production (36.4%), machines and equipment (29.7%) and automotive vehicles (28.6%).  In these sectors stood out the increases in the production of naphtha for the petrochemical sectors and gasoline; axis, semi-axis and other parts for transmission, respectively.  On the other hand, the segments of footwear and leather articles (-10.2%) and metal products (-4.5%) brought the major negative results, standing out the decreases in the manufacturing of leather footwear and metal parts and pieces for manual tools, respectively.




In June, the industrial production of Goiás seasonally adjusted fell by 5.1% in relation to May, after growing 6.0% in the previous month.  In the comparison with June 2006, there also was decrease (-4.5%), for the third consecutive month.  In the first semester of the year, the industrial sector had expansion of 1.6% and in the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months had increase of 2.5%, reducing the rhythm of expansion in relation to May (2.9%).  In the second quarter, the production decreased by 2.6%, in comparison to the same period of the previous year, and in comparison to the immediately previous quarter, considering the series without seasonal influence, the index was also negative (-3.6%).


In the comparison with June of the previous year, the production fell by 4.5%, showing the negative performance observed in the manufacturing industry (-6.4%), since the sector of mining and quarrying had strong expansion (21.5%), supported in the performance of amianthus and crushed stones.  In relation to the manufacturing industry, among the three groups which had decrease, the one which brought the major negative influence was food products and beverages (-7.2%), showing the decrease in the manufacturing of powdered milk.  The only group which expanded the production was non-metallic minerals (5.9%), where stood out the item cement.


In the indicator accumulated in the first semester compared to the same period of the previous year, the industry of the state increased by 1.6%, level lower than May (3.0%) in this same type of comparison. The sector of mining and quarrying, expanded by 18.2%, and stood out with the major positive result n the overall rate.  In the manufacturing industry (0.3%), three among four surveyed sectors had growth. It is worth observing non-metallic minerals (10.6%) and chemical products (4.5%), with increase in the production of cements and manures and fertilizers, respectively.  On the other hand, the only group with unfavorable result was food products and beverages (-1.5%), with diminishment in the manufacturing of powdered milk.


In the analysis by quarters, it can be observed in the period April-June, that the industry of the state had decrease (-2.6%), contrasting with the good performance obtained in the first quarter (6.5%). This trend was favored, mainly, by the segments of food products and beverages, which changed from a  growth of 2.6% in the period January-March to a decrease of 4.9% in the second quarter, and chemical products (from 23.7% to -12.8%).