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IPCA was 0.37% in March

April 11, 2007 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 21, 2018 01h38 PM

Stability of the prices relative to Education caused the index to be lower than in February (0.44%). The accumulated indexes were 1.26%, in the first quarter of 2007 and 2.96%, in the last twelve months. 


The National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) changed by 0.37% in March, and was below the rate of the previous month (0.44%). In the first quarter of 2007, the IPCA was 1.26%, a figure below that accumulated in the same period last year (1.44%). In the last twelve months, the accumulated index reached 2.96%, and was a little below the figure relative to the immediately previous twelve months (3.02%). In March 2006, the index was 0.43%.


The decrease of the IPCA in relation to last month can be seen as a consequence of the stability of Education (0.02%). As a consequence of the typical readjustments in this group in the beginning of the school year, it rose 3.48% and was responsible for most of the February index.


On the other hand, in March, food products rose by 0.98% (after having increased by 0.78% in February) and continued representing a positive contribution to the index. With a contribution of 0.20 percentage points, the group food products and beverages accounted for 54% of the IPCA of March. In the metropolitan area of Belém, the rise of food products reached 2.10 %. The lowest increase occurred in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte (0.46%).


There were several price rises. Tomatoes, which became 19.95% more expensive, represented the biggest individual contribution in the month (0.05 percentage points). The highlights are shown below:

Besides food products, water and sewage fees (which changed from zero, in February, to 1.24%, in March), gasoline (from -0.86% to 0.72%) and apparel (from -0.72% to 0.47%) were the items which affected the IPCA of March.

Concerning water and sewage fees, there were rises in Belo Horizonte (7.04%), an area in which the average readjustment of 7% was made official on March 1st; and in Brasília (2.94%), where the readjustment was 2.9%, also starting on the 1st of March.

In terms of gasoline, the biggest rises were those registered in Belo Horizonte (4.41%), Goiânia (4.01%) and Porto Alegre (1.79%), whereas in some other areas prices fell. Alcohol, for example, remained on a falling trend (it went from – 0.81% in February to -0.65% in March). The metropolitan area of Fortaleza was the only one on a rising trend: 1.14%.

Among the indexes by area, the highest result occurred in the metropolitan area of Belém (0.78%), where the rise of food products reached 2.10%. The lowest index was registered in Rio de Janeiro (0.09%)

The IPCA has been calculated by IBGE since 1980 and it refers to families with monetary income, from any source, ranging from 1 to 40 minimum salaries.  It includes nine metropolitan areas of the country, besides the municipalities of Goiânia and Brasília. For the calculation of the index of the month, prices collected from March 01st to March 29th (reference) were compared to those charged from January 30th to February 28th (base).

INPC changed by 0,44% in March

The National Consumer Price Index (INPC) changed by 0.44% in March, a little more than in February (0.42%). The index accumulated in the first quarter of the year was 1.36%, that is, higher than the figure of last year (0.88%). In the last twelve months, the rate was 3.30%, also above the rate relative to the previous twelve months (3.12%). In March 2006, the index was 0.27%.


In March, food products rose by 1.10%, whereas non-food products rose by 0.19%. The highest regional index was registered in Belém (1.08%), and the lowest one, in Rio de Janeiro (0.05%).

The INPC has been calculated by IBGE since 1979; it refers to families with monetary income ranging from 01 to 06 minimum salaries, headed by a salaried worker. It includes nine metropolitan areas of the country, besides the municipalities of Goiânia and Brasília.  To calculate the index of the month, prices collected in the period March 01st to March 29th (reference) were compared to those charged from January 30th to February 28th (base).