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Activities related to tourism generated R$ 31.1 billion

January 31, 2007 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 16, 2018 02h43 PM

Number represented 2.2% of the value added (1)  of the Brazilian economy in 2003 (R$ 1.3 trillion).  The services of feeding and nutrition stood out with the major net revenues, number of companies and total employed persons and wages and other paid remunerations.  The small-size companies prevailed in the activities related to tourism (97.2%), although they represented only 26.3% of the revenue.  A total of 5.4 million persons were employed in characteristical activities of tourism, being that the profile of the worker was the following: man, employed with a formal contract and average income of R$ 662.00.  In 2003, the Brazilian families spent 1.7% of the total budget with trips (R$ 17.096 billion); those who lived in São Paulo (27.8%), Minas Gerais (12.5%) and Rio de Janeiro (10.2%) were responsible for 50.5% of the total of this type of expenditure.

These are some information which can be observed in the study “Economy of Tourism: Analysis of the Characteristical Activities of Tourism”, which resulted from an agreement of technical cooperation between the IBGE, Ministry of Tourism and Embratur (Brazilian Institute of Tourism).  The results relative to the activity of tourism originate from the Annual Survey of Services (PAS) – Supplement Products and Services, Consumer Expenditure Survey (POF) and National Household Sample Survey (PNAD), referent to 2003.

PAS estimated that in 2003 there were 352,224 companies working in activities related to the sector of tourism, which represented a gross value of production (2) of R$ 76 billion, employing more than 2 million persons, 2.5% of the total employed in the country in that year, and summing salaries of R$ 15.3 billion (3.3 % of the total remunerations).

These companies generated R$ 31.1 billion of value added, which represented 2.2% of the total value added of the Brazilian economy, which, in 2003, summed R$ 1.3 trillions.

The major net operational revenues of tourism in 2003 were generated by the sectors of feeding and nutrition (R$ 23.7 billion), air transportation (R$ 18.6 billion) and auxiliary services of transportation (R$ 10.1 billion).  The segments of services of feeding and nutrition (287,021 companies), lodging (22,392) and highway transportation (13,463) represented 91.7 % of the total companies in activities related to tourism. Feeding and nutrition stood out also in the number of employed persons (1.4 million) and in the amount of paid salaries (R$ 6.3 billion).

In the analysis by areas, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro answered in 2003 for 63.5% of the gross revenue of services related to tourism, 48.4% of the total employed persons and 58.9% of the total salaries and other remunerations.

The small-size companies (less than 20 employed persons) predominated in the activities related to tourism in Brazil, representing 97.2% of this universe – especially the sector of feeding and nutrition (79.9% of the total) - but were responsible for only 26.3% of the estimated net revenue.  The exceptions were sport and leisure activities, feeding and nutrition and travel agencies, where the small companies represented, respectively, 77.1%, 59.4% and 46.6% of the net operational revenue generated.

In the small-size companies were registered 60.6% of the employed persons in activities related to tourism, standing out the feeding and nutrition segment (49.1%).  This group paid R$ 5.5 billion in salaries and other remunerations, 35.8% of the total of the sector.

On the other hand 10,038 middle and big-size companies (3) were estimated in the activities related to tourism (2.8% of the total), which had R$ 56.0 billion of net operational revenue (73.7% of the total estimated).  In this group, the highlight was the segment of air transportation, whose revenue (R$ 18.3 billion) represented 24.0% of the total.

The medium and big-size companies related to tourism also had a relevant participation in the generation of employment, being responsible for the employment of 824,062 persons, 39.4% of the total.  In this item stood out the sector of feeding and nutrition with 16.3% of the employed persons.  The big-size companies paid in 2003, R$ 9.8 billion, 64.2% of the total of wages and other remunerations in the activities related to tourism.  Once more, the segment of nutrition and feeding stood out with 15.0% of the total value paid (R$ 2.3 billion).

The group of companies with activities related to tourism employed, on the average, six persons per company, a result determined mainly by the segment of feeding and nutrition (average of five employed persons per company).  The average net operational revenue per company was R$ 216 thousand especially the segments of air transportation (R$ 64.4 million) and water transportation (R$ 41.7 million), considerably above the average.

These same segments, while using labor force with an elevated degree of qualification and having a size considerably above the average, registered average monthly remunerations of R$ 4,135 (water transportation) and R$ 2,736 (air transportation), considerably above the overall average of the sector of tourism (approximately R$ 500).  The companies of the segment of lodging and feeding and nutrition had the lowest values of average remuneration: R$ 551 and R$ 355 respectively.  As a consequence of the significant number of employed persons, these segments influenced significantly the average remuneration of the total activities related to tourism.

Revenue with passengers is only 4.71% of the total in water transportation

The gains with passenger transportation represented, in 2003, 83.14% (R$ 15.4 billion) of the net operational revenue of the companies of air transportation.  The tickets also concentrated almost all the revenue of the companies of highway transportation (95.53% or R$ 8.1 billion), but, regarding water transportation, the proportion was only 4.71% of the total (R$ 255.1 million).

The following graph illustrates the segmentation of activities related to tourism regarding the net operational revenue of the companies, by sectors, considering, in the case of the transportation activities, only the revenue which originated in passenger transportation.

5.4 million persons were employed in activities related to tourism

According to PNAD 2003, the profile of the worker in the characteristical activities of tourism was the following: male, employed with a formal contract and average income of R$ 662.00.  The PNAD estimated that 5.4 million persons were employed in the activities related to tourism, in any type of establishment, with a formal register or not (6.7% of the total of 80.2 million employed in 2003).  Men represented 63.6% of this group; and women, 36.4%.

In relation to education, the survey showed that 31.29% of the employed persons had between four and seven years of study.  The majority of the employed persons in activities related to tourism (58.8%) were of employees, 29.7% were own-account, 6% were non-remunerated and 5.7%, employers.  PNAD showed still significant participation of employees without a formal contract in the activities related to tourism, for men (36.5%), as well as for women (40%).  The average monthly income in this sector corresponded to R$ 577, being R$ 662 for men and R$ 427 for women.

Families spent on the average 1.7% of the budget with trips

According to POF 2002/2003, the total value of expenditures with trips, R$ 17.096 billion, represented 1.7% of the expenditures of the Brazilian families in that period.
The POF shows the significant participation of three products in the structure of expenditures in non-routine trips: fuel for vehicle, feeding and nutrition and intermunicipal bus tickets, which together totaled R$ 9.670 billion and represented 56.6% of the total expenditure.  The following graph illustrates the participation of products in the structure of family expenditures with trips.

In relation to the participation of the Federative Units in the total of expenditures with non-routine trips in Brazil stood out the states of São Paulo (27.8%), Minas Gerais (12.5%) and Rio de Janeiro (10.2%) responsible for 50.5% of the total of this type of expenditure.


(1) Difference found between the gross value of production and the intermediate consumption (expenses with production). Calculated directly with data from PAS, with the methodological adjustments of the National Accounts, excluding the analysis and usage of elements of intermediate costs and the estimate for the production of own account workers and productive units of the informal economy.

(2) Total of revenues obtained by companies with the main activity and with the secondary activities.  This value was calculated from data of PAS using methodological adjustments recommended by the National Accounts.

(3) Employed 20 or more persons.