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In May, industry grows in 12 among 14 surveyed localities

July 11, 2006 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 08, 2018 11h55 AM

In relation to May 2005, nine localities grew above the national average (4.8%) and only RS and AM had negative rates.  The index accumulated of the year increased in 11 localities.

In May, the industrial production increased in twelve among fourteen surveyed localities, in relation to May 2005.  With growth above the national average (4.8%) stood out: Pará (17.9%), Goiás (9.3%), Minas Gerais (8.5%), São Paulo (6.7%), Bahia (6.6%), Espírito Santo (5.0%), Pernambuco (5.0%), Ceará (4.9%) and Northeast (4.9%). Also with positive rates are Rio de Janeiro (4.3%), Santa Catarina (2.7%) and Paraná (0.9%).  Only Rio Grande do Sul (-1.9%) and Amazonas (-5.7%) fell.

The accumulated index in the year increased in eleven areas and the major rate, the only one with two digits, was in Pará (13.2%), favored by the result of mining and quarrying, as a consequence of increases in mineral extraction.  Following it, still, above the accumulated national average (3.3%) were: Ceará (7.2%), standing out  textile products; Bahia (6.3%), due to petroleum refining and alcohol production; Minas Gerais (5.8%), due to mineral extraction; Pernambuco (4.5%), with major expansion of food products and beverages; São Paulo (4.0%), due mainly to the automotive industry; and Rio de Janeiro (3.9%), due to petroleum extraction. Northeast (3.3%) equaled the national average and Espírito Santo (2.6%), Goiás (1.7%) and Amazonas (1.7%) increased below it.  The three negative results came from the South Region: Santa Catarina (-0.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (-3.2%) and Paraná (-4.3%).

The comparison between the index accumulated of the year and the rate of May (table above) shows acceleration in twelve among fourteen surveyed areas, following the trend of the national index (2.9% of accumulated growth in the first four months of the year compared to 4.8% in May).  The three major highlights in this comparison were Goiás (from -0.3% to 9.3%), Paraná (from -5.7% to 0.9%) and Pará (from 11.9% to 17.9%). The only two decreases, in this comparison, were observed in Amazonas (from 3.9% to -5.7%) and Ceará (from 7.8% to 4.9%).

Below we may observe the local indicators.  All the monthly comparisons are in relation to May 2005.

In May, the industry of Amazonas had the second consecutive fall (-5.7%), and accumulated an index of 1.7% in the year and 5.3% in the last twelve months.

This fall (-5.7%) in May, when five among eleven segments reduced the production in relation to May 2005, was determined, mainly, by the performance of electronic material and communication equipment (-18.2%). It can also be pointed out the negative influence of petroleum refining and alcohol production (-31.0%).  On the other hand, other transport equipment (28.4%) and edition and printing (56.7%) brought the most relevant positive results.

The accumulated index of the year continues in expansion (1.7%), although with a significant deceleration in the last months. In May, five among eleven surveyed segments increased, especially other transport equipment (20.1%).  It should be pointed out the positive influence of medical products, appliances and equipment (26.2%), due to the manufacturing of watches and lenses for glasses.  Chemical products (-30.1%) and food products and beverages (-5.2%) brought the main negative results, influenced by decreases in films and photographic papers and manufacturing of syrups for the elaboration of beverages and soft drinks.

The industry of Pará, in May, increased significantly (17.9%), accumulating 13.2% in the year and 7.1% in the last twelve months.

The increase of 17.9% was determined, mainly, by the good performance of mining and quarrying (17.0%), segment of greater participation, especially due to the increase in the extraction of iron ores.  The manufacturing industry also has a significant expansion (18.6%), standing out basic metallurgy (26.9%), with increase in the production, mainly of aluminum oxide.  On the other hand, wood (-4.9%) brought the only negative result.

The index accumulated of 13.2% in the year, was a consequence also of the increase of mining and quarrying (20.4%).  In the manufacturing industry, four among five activities grew, standing out, as well, basic metallurgy (14.3%).  The only negative result came from wood (-7.8%).

In May, the industry of the Northeast increased by 4.9%, accumulating 3.3% in the year and 1.5% in the last twelve months.

The growth of 4.9% was determined by the increase in seven among eleven surveyed segments. The most important positive contributions came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (21.1%), basic metallurgy (21.7%) and cellulose and paper (32.9%).  The major negative impacts came from chemical products (-4.6%) and apparel (-24.5%).

The index accumulated in the year increased by 3.3%, as a consequence also of the increase in seven among eleven activities.  The major positive results came from cellulose and paper (30.8%), basic metallurgy (15.4%) and textiles (9.1%).  The industry of apparel (-22.7%) brought the most relevant negative result.

The industry of Ceará, increased by 4.9%. The index accumulated in the year was 7.2% and in the last twelve months -1.2%.

An expansion of 4.9% shows the increase in the production in six among ten surveyed activities. The major positive influence came from the textile industry (18.7%) due, mainly, to the manufacturing of cotton threads. It can also be mentioned the positive contributions registered in electric material, machines, and equipment (111.3%) and chemical products (32.4%).  On the other hand, apparel (-25.6%) and food products and beverages (-5.6%) brought the main negative results.

The index accumulated of the year increased by 7.2% in May, with hikes in seven among eleven sectors.  The major positive results came from textiles (14.6%), electric machines, material and equipment (84.7%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (34.4%).  On the other hand, the negative influences which most stood out were apparel (-23.0%) and food products and beverages (-3.8%).

In May, the industrial production of Pernambuco increased for the seventh consecutive month and remained 5.0% above the rate of May 2005.  The indicator accumulated in the year increased by 4.5% and the indicator of the last twelve months increased by 3.9%.

The monthly rate of 5.0% was a consequence of the expansion of seven among eleven surveyed activities. The major positive result came from food products and beverages (18.1%), due to the increase in the production of cachaça, beer and draft beer. Following it, stood out the segment of rubber and plastic (103.4%), whose atypical rate was influenced by the fall of production of a relevant company of the sector which occurred in May 2005.  The major negative influence came from metal products (-46.7%), consequence mainly of the decrease in aluminum cans for packaging.

The growth of 4.5% in the index accumulated from January-May, compared to a similar period of 2005, occurred mainly, due to the positive performance in eight among eleven surveyed segments.  The major contributions for the overall average were food products and beverages (8.1%), rubber and plastic (54.5%) and basic metallurgy (9.5%).  The main negative result came from chemical products (-12.5%), due, mainly, to the decrease in the manufacturing of oxygen and rubber of styrene-butadiene.

In May, the industrial production of Bahia increased by 6.6% (the tenth consecutive hike), accumulating 6.3% in the year and 5.4% in the last twelve months.

For the rate of 6.6% contributed positively six among nine surveyed industrial sectors, especially petroleum refining and alcohol production (21.4%), as a consequence of the increase in the items of diesel oil, fuel oils and gasoline.  It can also be mentioned the positive performances of basic metallurgy (47.3%) and cellulose and paper (41.3%).  The major negative results came from chemical products (-6.5%), due to a decrease in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), caused by the stoppage for maintenance of an important company; and of food products and beverages (-14.8%), due to the items flower and pellets from the extraction of soy bean oil and refined soybean oil.

In the accumulated index of the year, the industry of the state increased by 6.3%, with positive rates in six among nine investigated manufacturing activities.  The main positive results came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (11.4%); cellulose and paper (36.6%) and basic metallurgy (21.5%).  The major negative results came from food products and beverages (-4.8%) and chemical products (-1.6%).

Minas Gerais
The industry of Minas Gerais increased by 8.5%, reaching the thirty-fourth positive consecutive result and accumulating 5.8% of growth in the year and in the last twelve months.

The monthly rate of 8.5% was a result of the growth registered in the manufacturing industry (8.4%) as well as in mining and quarrying (8.8%).  This last one brought one of the major positive results in the formation of the overall index, due, mainly, to the increase in the extraction of iron ore.  In the manufacturing industry, where nine among twelve activities grew, stood out basic metallurgy (13.1%), automotive vehicles (11.0%) and machines and equipment (32.1%).  The major negative influences came from cellulose and paper (-16.5%), with fall mainly in the manufacturing of cellulose, due to the stoppage in the maintenance of an important company of the sector; and from metal products (-10.1%).

In relation to the index accumulated in the year, the growth was of 5.8%, due, mainly to the expansion in mining and quarrying (11.2%).  Manufacturing industry (4.9%) also increased, with positive results in eleven among twelve surveyed sectors.  The major results came from automotive vehicles (7.9%), food products (5.6%) and machines and equipment (17.3%), due, mainly, to the major production of cars; yogurt; and digging machines, respectively.  The only negative contribution came from metal products (-6.2%).

Espírito Santo
In May 2006, the industry of Espírito Santo grew by 5.0%, accumulating 2.6% in the year and 0.7% in the last twelve months.

The growth of 5.0% was a consequence, mainly, of the expansion registered by mining and quarrying (11.0%), influenced by the favorable performance of petroleum extraction. The hike of 2.7% in the manufacturing industry can be explained by the good performance in three among four surveyed activities, especially food products and beverages (24.6%) and cellulose and paper (9.3%).  Only basic metallurgy (-9.8%) indicated fall, mainly due to the decrease in the production of ingots, iron slugs and blocks.

The accumulated index in the year increased by 2.6%, mainly, as a consequence of the increase in the manufacturing industry (3.8%), once mining and quarrying fell by 0.5%, under the influence of the extraction of iron ores.  In the manufacturing industry, there was increase in three among four surveyed segments, especially basic metallurgy (5.9%) and food products and beverages (9.3%), due mainly to the good performance of the items ingots, iron slugs and blocks and bonbons.  On the other hand, the only sector which fell in the production was cellulose and paper (-0.4%).

Rio de Janeiro
In May, the industry of Rio de Janeiro increased once more (4.3%), after the stability of April (0.0%). There was hike of 3.9% in the accumulated index in the year and 2.8% in the accumulated index in the last twelve months.

There was increase in mining and quarrying (1.6%) as well as in manufacturing (5.0%).  Seven among twelve surveyed sectors contributed positively for the expansion of manufacturing.  The highlights were pharmaceuticals (41.8%), food products (33.7%) and edition and printing (10.0%), where stood out, respectively, the increases in the manufacturing of remedies; fish preserves and processing; and newspapers.  The major negative results were observed in basic metallurgy (-12.1%), influenced, mainly, by the decrease in the production of tin plates, and in rubber and plastic (-24.8%), influenced by the decrease in the manufacturing of tires.

The industry of the state accumulated 3.9% in the year, supported in the good performance of mining and quarrying (11.3%).  The manufacturing industry also grew (2.1%), although with positive results in only five among twelve surveyed sectors.  The major positive contributions came from the industries of food products (20.1%) and pharmaceuticals (14.1%).  Among the segments with decrease, basic metallurgy (-11.8%) brought the main adverse result.

São Paulo
In May, the industry of São Paulo increased once more (6.7%), after falling 1.1% in April.  In the index accumulated in the year, the increase was of 4.0% and in the last twelve months, 3.0%.

Fifteen among the twenty surveyed activities contributed positively for the overall rate, with the main highlights coming from automotive vehicles (16.2%), food products (15.1%) and office machines and computer equipment (55.9%).  In these segments, the items with major highlight were respectively: cars; crystallized sugar; and computers.  Chemical products (-2.8%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (-1.3%) brought the main adverse results.

The accumulated result in the year increased by 4.0%, remaining above the result of April (3.3%), with thirteen segments influencing positively.  The main positive contributions came from automotive vehicles (9.6%) and electronic material and communication equipment (18.0%), influenced by increases observed in cars and mobile telephones, respectively.  The major negative influences came from metal products (-5.7%) and textiles (-2.0%).

After falling for ten consecutive months, the industry of Paraná increased by 0.9%.  As a consequence, the accumulated indexes still indicated negative rates: -4.3% in the year and -3.0% in the last twelve months.

The industrial production of Paraná increased by 0.9%, due, mainly, to the positive results in seven among fourteen surveyed sectors.  The main highlights were: food products (6.2%), due to the increase observed, mainly in the item, crystallized sugar; petroleum refining and alcohol production (6.2%), due to the increase in the item gasoline; and edition and printing (9.2%), due mainly, to the growth in the production of books and brochures.  The major negative results came from the sectors of wood (-13.8%) and automotive vehicles (-3.5%) influenced by the decreases, mainly of the products, panels for wood flooring and plywood and veneer plates; and cars.

The index accumulated in the year showed fall by 4.3% in the comparison with the same period of the previous year, with seven among fourteen investigated sectors indicating negative rates.  The main negative contributions came from automotive vehicles (-15.1%), machines and equipment (-13.2%) and wood (-11.9%). The main positive results were observed in cellulose and paper (6.7%) and rubber and plastic (16.3%).

Santa Catarina
In May, the industry of Santa Catarina grew once again (2.7%).  The accumulated indexes in the year (-0.7%) and in the last twelve months (-3.0%) remained negative.

The increase of 2.7% shows the expansion in seven among eleven surveyed industrial segments, being automotive vehicles (59.5%) and machines and equipment (13.7%) the main positive results. In these activities, stood out the increase in the items: buses and trucks bodies and mufflers; and refrigerators and compressors. On the other hand, food products (-11.5%) and wood (-17.0%) brought the most significant negative results, mainly due to the decrease in the production, respectively, of poultry pluck, giblets and meats and veneer and frame plates.

The reduction of 0.7% in the accumulated index of the year was explained, mainly, by the negative performance of five among eleven surveyed sectors.  The activities which most contributed negatively were food products (-9.7%) and wood (-2 0.7%), where stood out the decreases in the production of the items: poultry pluck, giblets and meats; and veneer plates.  Automotive vehicles (29.3%) and rubber and plastic (17.3%) brought the main positive results.

Rio Grande do Sul
In May, the industry of Rio Grande do Sul fell by 1.9%.  The indexes accumulated also recorded negative rates: -3.2% in the year and -3.5% in the last twelve months.
The monthly indicator fell by 1.9% with six among fourteen surveyed sectors indicating reduction in the production.  The major negative results came from the activities of tobacco (-10.8%), footwear and leather articles (-10.3%) and machines and equipment (-15.0%), which had decrease in the manufacturing, mainly of the items: processed tobacco; synthetic footwear; and air-conditioning, respectively. The main positive influences came from the industries of food products (10.8%) and automotive vehicles (16.2%).

The decrease of 3.2%, in the index accumulated in the year, was determined, mainly, by the decrease observed in eight among fourteen surveyed segments.  Those which most stood out negatively were: machines and equipment (-16.0%), footwear and leather articles (-6.9%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (-8.2%). 

These groups had decreases mainly in the items: air-conditioning, harvesting machines; leather tennis, leather footwear; naphthas for gasoline and chemical products related to petroleum industry, respectively. On the other hand, food products (4.6%) brought the main positive result.

In May 2006, the industrial production of Goiás increased by 9.3%, after falling (-4.9%) in April.  There was hike of 1.7% in the index accumulated in the year and 1.6% in the last twelve months.

The increase of 9.3% in May was supported by positive results in all the segments, especially food products and beverages (10.2%).  Following it, stood out the favorable result of chemical products (22.1%).

The index accumulated of the year (1.7%) opposes to the negative result of April (-0.3%).  Among the four segments with positive results, stand out the performance of chemical products (12.8%) and basic metallurgy (11.8%). The only negative result came from mining and quarrying (-19.1%), with decrease, mainly, in amianthus.