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Slaughter of animals and production of milk , leather and hen’s eggs increase in 2005

March 30, 2006 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 16, 2018 03h43 PM

In 2005, 28,021 million cattle were slaughtered, a figure 8.03% higher than in 2004. The number of chickens and of hogs and pigs slaughtered was 3,852 million 23,446 million, respectively. These percentages showed increases of 9.06% and 8.43% over the figures of 2004.

In the year, 16,215 billion liters of milk and 2,018 billion dozens of hen’s eggs were also produced. In comparison with 2004, the production of these items expanded by 11.87% and 4.98%, respectively. The acquisition of leather reached 38,410 million pieces, 9.76% more than in 2004. These data are part of the Quarterly Survey of Animal Slaughter and Production of Milk, Leather and Hen’s Eggs, which brings the results for the 4th quarter of 2005 and the overall results for the same year. 

Cattle: slaughter survey shows impact of foot-and-mouth disease in Mato Grosso do Sul

In the 4th quarter, 2005, a total of 6,892 million cattle were slaughtered, which represents an increase of 4.28% over the 4th quarter of 2004 and fall of 6.53% in relation to the third quarter of 2005.

About 48% of the animals slaughtered were classified as oxen, 35% as cows and 17% as calf. It can be observed that, in relation to the 4th quarter of 2004, there was slight reduction of the slaughter of oxen and increase of the slaughter of cows.

The 4th quarter of 2005 was characterized by the discovery, in October, of spots of foot-and-mouth disease in the Central West region of the country, especially in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Right after this discovery, the government of the state declared that the municipalities of Eldorado, Itaquirami, Iguatemi, Mundo Novo and Japorã were in risk. The finding of this spot led to the establishment of a sanitary isolation zone in these five municipalities, in which both the traffic of any sort of animals and the transportation of animal goods was prohibited.

The Quarterly Survey of Animal Slaughter shows the impact of the spot foot-and-mouth disease, in October 2005, on the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. It contributed to the fall of 52% over the month of September 2005 and of 35% over October 2004. In November, there was increase of slaughter in comparison with September 2005, although this figure was lower than the result of November 2004.

Accumulated in 2005, there were 28,021 million cattle head slaughtered - increase of 8.03% over 2004. Considering a little longer series, the growing trend of the slaughter of animals can be observed.

Number of chickens slaughtered in 2005 increases over 9%

In the 4th quarter of 2005, 1,003 billion chickens were slaughtered. There was increase of 7.72% in comparison with the 4th quarter of 2004 and of 0.76% in comparison with the 3rd quarter of 2005.

The total weight of chicken carcasses in the period was 2,045 million tons.

In 2005, 3,852 billion units of chicken were slaughtered, 9.06% more than in 2004. The month with the biggest number of chickens slaughtered was August, as can be observed in the series.

In 2005, slaughter of hogs and pigs increases by 8.43%

In the 4th quarter of 2005, 6,126 million hogs and pigs were slaughtered, which represents increase of 13.49% in relation to the 4th quarter and decrease of 0.30% in relation to the 3rd quarter of 2005.

The total weight of carcasses in the period was 548,995 million kilograms, and the average weight of slaughtered animals was 89kg.

In October, 2,041 million hogs and pigs were slaughtered. In November, there was slight reduction of slaughter and recovery in December. This was expected, due to the increase of consumption of meat for end-of-year celebrations which place in December.

The total number accumulated in the year was 23,446 million hogs and pigs, an increase of 8.43% over the figure of 2004. August was also the month with the biggest number of heads slaughtered in this case.

Minas Gerais , São Paulo and Goiás were the major milk producers in 2005

In the 4th quarter of 2005, the volume of milk acquired by the Brazilian industry was 4,314 billion liters. This number represents an increase of 6,68% over the 4th quarter and of 6,45% over the 3rd quarter of 2005.

The main states in terms of milk production along the year 2005 were, in order: Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Goiás.

The acquisition of milk by Brazilian companies in 2005 was about 16,215 billion liters, pointing to a positive change of 11.87% in relation to 2004.

Production started presenting increase from June on, in accordance with the seasonal character of this activity. The most productive month was December, with 1,469 billion liters obtained.

In 2005, over 38 million leather pieces were acquired in Brazil

In the 4th quarter of 2005, the Brazilian industry of rawhides purchased 9,655 million leather pieces. The number represents an increase of 11.81% over the 4th quarter of 2004 and a decrease of 5,67% over the 3rd quarter of 2005.

In 2005, 38,410 million pieces of units were acquired, 9.76% more than in 2004, when the production totaled 34,994 million. Of the total acquired in 2005, 703 pieces of leather were imported from other countries, whereas the other part was national product.

From September to October, there was slight reduction of the production of leather, which can be related to the interruption of traffic of animal products or the to the reduction of slaughter. The latter occurred, mostly, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.

SP, MG and RS are the major hen’s eggs producers

The production of hen’s eggs in the 4th quarter of 2005 was 516,865 million dozens, indicating negative change of 0.06% over the 4th quarter of 2005 and positive change of 5.91% over the 4th quarter of 2004.

In an analysis of the last three months of the year, it ca be sees that October was the month which had the biggest amount of hen’s eggs produced, with 173,447 million dozens, versus 171,055 in November and 172,363 in December.

 The production of hen’s eggs in the year 2005 was 2,018 billion dozens, an increase of 4.98% over 2004.

The main states producing hen's eggs are, in order: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul. In terms of the main producing municipalities the highlights are: Bastos (SP), Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES), Itanhandu (MG), Guararapes (SP) and Brasília (DF).