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In June, commercial sales increased by 1.18% in terms of volume and by 0.84% in terms of revenue

August 16, 2005 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 23, 2018 01h25 PM

The seasonally adjusted indicators result from the comparison with May. In the remaining comparisons (not seasonally adjusted), the rates concerning volume of sales were 5.31%, over June 2004; 4.64% accumulated in the first semester of this year;  7.29% accumulated in the last twelve months. The nominal sales revenue grew by 11.35%  in relation to June 2004; 11.86% in the semestre ; and 13.72% for the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months. This evolution is shown below:

In the seasonally adjusted comparison, June/May, calculated for four of the eight activities which form retail trade, three activities presented positive results in terms of volume of sales: furniture and household appliances; hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco; fuels and lubricants.

Furniture and household appiances,with rise of 4.29%, constituted the major positive impact on the overall rate. Benefited by the expansion of direct credit to the consumer and of personal loans paid  through salary accounts, the segment has reached results above average. The change was 19.70% for the indicator accumulated in the first six months of the year, in relation to the same period in 2004, and 21.97% in the last twelve months.

The results for the remaining activities in the comparison June/May were the following: 2.02% for hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco, and 1.31% for fuels and lubricants. The negative change came from textiles, apparel and footwear (-5.17%).

In the comparison June05/July04, six of the eight retail activities showed increase in the volume of sales: office, computer and communication equipment (51.55%); furniture and household appliances (21.42%); other articles of personal and domestic use (14.81%); pharmaceutical, medical, orthopedical and perfumery articles (6.25%); hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco (3.35%); and textiles, apparel and footwear (1.35%). The negative changes occurred in fuels and lubricants (-6.17%) and in books, newspaper, magazines and stationery (-4.44%).

A summary of the changes in volume of sales and in nominal revenue can be found below, in Tables 1 and 2

The positive result of hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco in comparison with June 2004 (3.35%) was influenced by the increase of the minimum salary in May (15.40%) – which influenced the increment of 1.5% of the average income of the employed persons – and which sgnificantly affected retail sales in general. The accumulated indicators changed by 3.34% and 6.41%, in terms of the figures accumulated in the last six months and in the last twelve months, repectively.

Still referring to the comparison June05/June04, the 14.81% increase of volume of sales of other articles of personal and domestic use was also sigificant. It is not easy to deermine the reason for this result, however, due to the great number of activities which form this segment (department stores, eyewear shops, toys, etc.). The accumulated change of sales in the first semester reached 13.33%.

The activity of office, computer and communication equipment was the fourth major influence on the general index, having changed by 51.65% in relation to June/04. Accumulated in the semester, the segment registered growth of 37.61%. These results are explained basically by the constant falls of the dollar, which have caused computer-related (both hrdware and software) products to be relatively cheaper.

In relation to the decreases in volume of sales in the comparison June 05/June04, the major impact was caused by fuels and lubricants (-6.17%), an activity which had its sixth consectutive negative result. This can be erxplained by the rise of fuel prices to extremely above average levels , leading to the controlled use of these products. In the first six months of 2005, the subsecctor fell by –6.55% in relation to the same period in 2004, accumulating in twelve months a change rate of –2.11% .

The remaining activities had reduced importance in the retail trade performance in June, when compared to the same month last year.

In relation to the quarterly results, it can be observed that there was reduction of the sales growth from the first to the scond quarter, from 5.87% to 3.78%. This result was basically influenced by the falling performance of the activity hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco (from 5.70% to 1.08%), which can be justified by the fall of the growth rate from  2.20% to 0.20% between the first and the second quarters. The activity furniture and household appliances, by presenting the opposite behavior, with quarterly rates changing from 18.10% to 21.10%, prevented a slighter deceleration in the retail performance.

Among the 27 Federative Units, 25 presented positive monthly results (June05/June04) for  the volume of sales. The major changes occurred in Tocantins (40.60%), Paraíba (36.64%), Sergipe (28.05%), Rio Grande do Norte (26.60%), Acre (26.52%) and Piauí (25.86%). In terms of the contribution to the rate, the highlights were Ceará (21.56%), Goiás (17.27%), Santa Catarina (9.35%), Rio de Janeiro (5.47%), Minas Gerais (3.96%) and São Paulo (2.05%).

Still in relation to the Federative Units, for the first time there are seasonally adjusted results for retail trade performance and nominal revenue. In relation to the volume of sales, 23 of the 27 Federative Units showed positive changes, especially Paraíba (5.11%), Amazonas (3.08%), Acre (3.00%) and Piauí (2.89%). The four states presenting negative rates were Roraima (-6.34%), Pernambuco (-0.72%), Alagoas (-0.62%) and Amapá (-0.04%).

Extended retail trade has performance inferior to that of retail trade

For the extended retail trade, formed by retail activities and vehicles and motorcycles, parts and accessories and construction material, the changes observed in the comparison June05/June04 were  3.07% for volume and 10.32% for nominal revenue, results inferior to those of retail trade in the same comparison. The activity presented, in the first six months of 2005 over the same period of the previous year, change rates of 3.46% for volume of sales and 12.36% for nominal revenue. 

Concerning the activities which form the extended retail trade but were not considered for the results released, it is worth mentioning vehicles, motorcycles, parts and accessories, with changes in voulme of sales of 0.47% over June/04; 2.96% accumulated in the semester; and 11.00% accumulated in the last 12 months. The activity construction material presents the opposite tendency, with falls by -5.48% concerning June05/June04 and by –4.99% accumulated from January to June 2005 in relation to the same period last year.


By Federative Unit, still in relation to extended retail trade, the best performnces in terms of volume of sales occurred in Acre (38.14%), Tocantins (34.62%), Piauí (26.64%), Pará (22.63%) and Alagoas (22.43%). In terms of the impact on the overall result of retail trade, the major contributions which determined the rates were especilly those from Ceará (18.05%), Goiás (13.32%), Federal District (11.38%) and Rio de Janeiro (3.72%).

The following graphs show the evolution of the volume of sales accumulated in the last twelve months concerning the overall volume of sales and the activities in relation to which the rate is calculated.