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Industrial employment remains stable in May

July 15, 2005 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 27, 2018 05h43 PM

In the seasonally adjusted series, there were no changes in relation to April (0.0%). In comparison with May 2004, on the other hand, the results remained positive:  there was increase by  2.0%, the fifteenth consecutive positive rate. The figure accumulated in 2005 was 2.6% and in the last twelve months, 2.9%. 

The most relevant employer sectors are those related to the foreign market (agroindustry) and to the production of durable consumer goods (automotive industry), whereas the sectors which depend on the internal demand present negative results.

The result of May contributed to the stability of the quarterly moving average, once the increase was 0.1% in the quarters ended in April and May.

Ten localities contributed positively to the icrease by 2.0% in the comparison May 05/ May 04. The highlights, in terms of participation, were São Paulo (3.6%) and Minas Gerais (4.2%). In São Paulo, 12 of the 18 subsectors surveyed showed increase of the employment rate, with food products and beverages (12.2%) and means of transportation (11.3%) as the main highlights. In Minas Gerais, 12 subsectors also pesented similar results, especially food products and beverages (5,8%) and metal products (33.6%).

Among the four localities which had negative changes, the major impacts were observed in Rio Grande do Sul (-5.8%) and Rio de Janeiro (-3.0%). In these states, the main subsectors showing reduction of the number of workers were footwear and leather articles (-23.2%), in Rio Grande do Sul, and apparel (-10.6%), in Rio de Janeiro.

Still with reference to the comparison with May 2004, at national level, 10 of the 18 subsectors surveyed had an increase in the number of workers. Food products and beverages (8.3%) and means of transportation (10.7%) were  the major positive contributors, whereas footwear and leather articles (-11.6%), wood (-6.7%) and apparel (-3.2%) presented negative changes.

In terms of the rate accumulated in the year(2.6%), hirings outnumbered dismissals in 12 areas and in 11 subsectors. The principal positive influences upon the overall figures were São Paulo (3.1%) and Minas Gerais (4.7%), among the localities and food products and beverages (6.8%), means of transportation (12.5%) and machinery and equipment (5.5%), among the subsectors.  On the other hand, negative contributions came from Rio Grande do Sul (-3.5%) and Rio de Janeiro (-1.4%). By subsector, footwear and leather articles (-8.3%) and apparel (-3.7%) exerted the most significantly negative influence.

The annual rate (indicator accumulated in the last twelve months), with increase of  2.9%, presented the same result of April and kept industrial employment at the same level in this comparison.



From April to May, the number of hours paid to industry workers increased by 0.3%, a seaonally adjusted figure. In comparison with May 2004 and accumulated in the year, the total increase was 1.9%, and in the last twelve months, it was 2.8%.  There was reduction of the average number of working hours in all the comaparisons: -0.1% according to the monthly indicator; -0.6% accumulated in the year and –0.2% in the last twelve months.

Even considering the positive result of the previous month/month comparison, the indicator of quarterly moving average presented negative change of 0.2%, concerning the quarters ended in May and April. 

According to the monthly indicator, the number of hours paid by industry increased by 1.9%, due, mainly, to the increases observed in nine of the fourteen localities and in nine of the eighteen subsectors surveyed. Among the latter, the main positive contributions came from food products and beverages  (8.9%) and means of transportation (11.1%). On the other hand, the most relevant negative impacts were those from footwear and leather articles (-10.0%) and wood (-7.7%).

Still referring to the comparison with May 2004, the localities which exerted the major positive impacts at national level were: São Paulo (3.9%), Minas Gerais (4.3%) and the North and Central-West regions (5.1%). Corcerning SãoPaulo industry, 13 of the 18 subsectors surveyed increased the number of hours paid. Among these, can be highlighted: food products and beverages (13.8%) and means of transportation (12.2%). In Minas Gerais, means of transportation (16.9%) and metal products (39.3%) were the main positive contributions. In the North and Central West regions, the highlight was food products and beverages (14.0%). The two main negative influences aon the overall results were those from Rio Grande do Sul (-6.9%) and Rio de Janeiro (-4.7%), whose main negative impacts were, respectively, footwear and leather articles (-21.0%) and chemical products (-12.8%).

In terms of the indicator accumulated in the year, the number of hours paid by industry increased by 1.9%, with eleven localities and nine subsectors showing positive results. The major positive impacts came from São Paulo (2.4%), Minas Gerais (4.7%) and the North and Central-West regions (4.5%). On the other hand, Rio Grande do Sul (-5.2%) and Rio de Janeiro (-2.6%) were the main negative impacts. Among the subsectors,  the most relevant positive contributions, at national level, came from food products and beverages (70%) and means of transportation (11.3%); the negative ones, from footwear and leather articles (-9.5%) and apparel (-3.4%).

Despite the increase of 2.8% of the index accumulated in the last twelve months, it is worth mentioning  a gradual ascending  trend in the latest results.  There was increase of the number of hours paid in 12 of the 14 areas and in 12 of the 18 industrial subsectors surveyed. 



After the fall observed in April this year (-2.5%), the value of the real payroll of the Brazilian industry has increased again in May (2,0%) in the comparison with the previous month (seasonally adjusted figures). As a consequence, the quarterly moving average indicator also presented positive results (0.3%) for the quarters ended in April and May.

Positive rates were also observed in other comparisons: increase of 6.3% in relation to May 2004;  of 4.4% accumulated in the year and of 7.4% in the last twelve months.

As for real average payroll, the results were also positive: 4.2% for the monthly indicator; 1.7% accumulated in the year; and 4.3% accumulated in the last twelve months.

In relation to May 2004, the total value of the real payroll increased by 6.3%, with nine of the 14 localities surveyed presenting expansion.  The rates in São Paulo  (6.3%) and  Rio de Janeiro (32.7%) were the main impacts. In São Paulo, the increase was influenced, above all, by the subsectors food products and beverages (27.4%) and means of transportation (13.1%). In Rio de Janeiro, on the other hand, the main positive contribution came from quarrying industry (234.3%), due to the payment to workers of dividends resulting from the profits of an important company.  Among the localities which presented negative rates,  the main contribution came from Rio Grande do Sul (-1.6%), due, mainly, to the fall of footwear and leather articles (-18.3%). Among the subsectors, there was growth in 13 of the 18 surveyed, with food products and beverages (13.1%), quarrying industry (48.1%) and means of transportation as the main highlights (11.7%). On the other hand, the main negative contributions came from paper and graphics (-10.3%) and footwear and leather articles (-9.3%).

Concerning the indicator accumulated in the year (4.4%), there was growth in 12 of the 18 subsectors surveyed, with means of transportation  (11.3%), food products and beverages (9.3%) and machinery and equipment (9.8%) as positive contributions. On the other hand, paper and graphics (-8.0%) and non-metallic minerals (-6.4%) were the main negative ones.

Still in this comparison, the localities with most positive results were São Paulo (3.7%) and Minas Gerais (10.5%).  In São Paulo, the most relevant subsectors were means of transportation (12.4%), food products and beverages (19.6%) and machinery and equipment (10.1%), and in Minas Gerais, metal products (73.7%). Pernambuco, with –1.9%, presented the only negative result and had as its principal cause the subsector of food products and beverages (-7.8%).

The indicator of the real payroll accumulated in the year increased by 1.8%, with 10 subsectors presenting gains in relation to the same period in 2004.  The highlight, by the magnitude of rates, was quarrying industry (11.4%). At reginal level, the value of real average payroll increased, with Rio de Janeiro (11.2%), Espírito Santo (5.6%) and Minas Gerais (5.5%) presenting the best results.

Concerning the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months, the increase of the real payroll shows deceleration between April (7.6%) and May (7.4%), figures resulting from 13 localities and 12 subsectors surveyed. It is worth mentioning that this trend started in January, when the rate was 9.3%, having changed to 8.7% in February, and to 8.0% in March.