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Industrial production grows in all regions, with a lower rhythm in seven places

December 14, 2004 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 20, 2018 05h26 PM


In October, industrial output remained on an upward trend in all the areas surveyed/places surveyed, accodring to different comparisons. In terms of the monthly indicator, however, although all the rates have remained positive, there was deceleration of production, frm one month to the other, in seven of the 14 areas surveyed. Such deceeration had already been suggested by the nationa index, which recorded increase of 7.4% in September and of 2.7% in October.

This effect on production wasmost significant in Paraná, the rate of which changed fro, 19.2% in September to 6.7% in October, and in São Paulo (from 15.7% to 5.5%). Amazonas (5.8%) and Minas Gerais (6.3%) kept their leves of production. Among the areas which recorded increase of output, the highlights were Espírito Santo, which recorded 1.9% in September and 8.5% in October, and Bahia (from 3.9% to 7.3%).

Considering the cumulative indicator in the year, positive rates also reached all the areas. Five of them registered two-digit increases: Amazonas (12.5%), São Paulo (12.2%), Santa Catarina (10.9%), Ceará (10.2%) and Pará (10.0%). In these highlights, one confirms if the pattern of increase observed in the Brazilian industry overall throughout the year, with favorable performances of production of durable consumer goods (cars, household appliances, mobile telephones), capital goods (machinery and equipment), and also of exports (iron ore, cashew nuts). With increase above the national average (8.3%) was Paraná (8.9%).

The evolution of the cumulative indicator in the last twelve months recorded slight acceleration in output for most areas surveyed, between September and October. This movement was particularly visible in Ceará (from 5.9% to 7.2%) and in Santa Catarina 9from 7.0% to 8.1%), also reaching the following areas: Espírito Santo (from 1.7% to 2.7%), São Paulo 9from 10.3% to 11.0%), Northeast (from 3.2% to 3.9%), Pará (from 8.7% to 9.3%), Minas Gerais (from 5.3% to 5.9%), Bahia (from 4.1% to 4.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (from 5.9% to 6.0%), Pernambuco (from 5.2% to 5.3%) and Rio de Janeiro (from 1.5% to 1.6%). Only industries from Paraná (from 8.4% to 8.2%) and Goiás (from 4.8% to 4.5%) recorded deceleration from one month to the other. 


In October, the industrial output of Amazonas grew 5.8% in comparison to that of the same month a year ago. In the other comparisons, the results presented were: a cumulative result of 12.5% in the year and of 11.6% in the last twelve months.

In relation to October 2003, the result of 5.8% reflected the positive performance of seven of the 11 segments. The main impacts came from other transportation equipment (15.4%), publishing and printing (73.4%) and food products and beverages (9.5%). On the other hand, the products accounting for the main negative contributions werefabricated metal products (-13.2%) and machinery and equipment (-3.7%).

With reference to the cumulative production in the year, the January-October index, 10 activities account for this result, the main highlights being communication equipment, apparatus and electronic material (23.3%) and publishing and printing (59.4%). On the contrary, only the subsector of metal productsrecorded a negative rate (-7.7%).



Pará increased by 11.7% its industrial output, in comparison with that of October 2003. Indicators for longer periods, the industry of São Paulo also had positive results: 10.0% cumulative in the year and 9.3% cumulative in the last 12 months.

In terms of the monthly indicator, the performance of mining and quarrying industry (21.9%) was the main factor accounting for the 11.7% growth of industry in Paraná. This segment, which accounts for more than 40.0% of the local industry, recorded increase in extracton, mainly of iron ore. Other positive contributions came from the subsectors of food products and beverages (9.2%) and pulp and paper (13.5%). The only negative contribution came from wood(-1.90%).

The cumulative index in the year presented expansion of 10.0%, with all the six subsectors surveyed reaching a positive performance. Among thesethe most significant ones were mining and quarrying industries (14.8%), basic metals (5.3%) and pulp and paper (23.7%).

Northeast Region

In October, the industry of the Northeast Region recorded increae of 7.0%, compared to the same month in the previous year. Increases were also recorded by indicators for longer periods: 6.4% cumulative in the year and 3.9% cumulative in the last 12 months10.0% cumulative in the year and 9.3% cumulative in the last 12 months.

The hike of 7.0%, according to the monthly index, resulted from the positive performance of seven of the 11 subsectors surveyed. Among them, the most significant ones were oil refining and ethanol production (25.0%), textiles (23.9%) andfood and beverages (4.6%). On the other hand, the main decreases in the general evaluation came from basic metals (-5.0%) and pulp (-7.0%).

In terms of the cumulative index in the year, the expansion of 6.4% was influenced by the increase recorded in 10 of the 11 activities surveyed. The main positive impacts came from oil refining and alcohol (14.4%), food products and beverages (7.0%) and chemical products (4.9%). On the other hand, the only negative contribution came from basic metals (-7.4%).



The industry of Ceará, in October, recorded expansion of 12.5%, in relation to the same month a year ago. Indicators for longer periods remain positive: 10.2% cumulative in the year and 7.2% cumulative in the last 12 months.

For the sixth consecutive month,industry in Ceará recorded increase in comparison with results of the same month in the previous year. Positive contributions to form the rate of 12.5% came from seven of the 10 industrial activities surveyed, the main highlights being textiles (42.0%). It is also important to highlight the good performance of leather articles and footwear (7.9%) and wearing apparel and accessories (21.6%). The main decreases came from food and beverages (-6.0%) and fabricated metal products (-11.5%).

Considering the cumulative indicator in the period January-October, the industry of Ceará recorded increase in seven of the 10 industrial subsectors surveyed. The main positive impacts came from food products and beverages (11.0%) and in leather articles and footwear (17.4%). On the other hand, the main negative impacts came from fabricated metal products (-9.0%) and in oil refining and ethanol production (-0.7%).



In October, the industrial output of Pernambuco recorded increase of the three main indicators: 4.6% in the month, 6.1% cumulative in the year and 5.3% cumulative in the last 12 months. It is worth mentioning that, once more, the activity basic metals accounted for the main positive contribution in terms of these three indicators.

The mnthly indicator recorded expansion of 4.6%, although only five of the 11 activities surveyed have reached positive rates. Once again, the main positive impact n the overall rate came from basic metals(20.1%). Other relevant contributions were observed in chemical products (13.2%) and food and beverages (3.1%). On the contrary, there was decrease in electrical machinery and apparatus (-22.3%) and in fabricated metal products (-7.8%).

In terms of the cumulative index of up to October, versus the same period a year ago, the industry of Pernambuco increased 6.1%, with positive rates in eight of the 11 subsectors surveyed. The main positive contribution came from basic metals (23.9%). It is also worth mentioning the good performance of food and beverages (5.9%) and chemical products (5.8%). On the other hand, the main negative contributions came from electrical machinery and apparatus (-5.7%) and textiles (-7.2%).



The industrial output of Bahia, in October, increased 7.3% in comparison with the same month a year ago. Indicators for longer periods remain positive: 8.2% cumulative in the year and 4.7% cumulative in the last 12 months.

The monthly indicator of Bahia, recording increase for the ninth consecutive month, recorded increase in six of the nine industrial subsectors surveyed. The main contribution to the rate of 7.3% came from the performance of oil refining and ethanol productionoil refining and ethanol production (34.4%). It is also worth mentioning food products and beverages (6.7%) and motor vehicles (36.9%). On the other hand, the main negative impacts came from chemical products (-1.8%) and cellulose and paper (-9.3%).

In terms of the cumulative indicator in the year, the industry of Bahia grew by 8.2% with positive rates in the nine industrial activitites surveyed. The main positive impact occurred in petroleum refining and alcohol production (15.1%). Other highlights were the performance of chemical products (5.1%), basic metals (10.8%) and otor vehicles (47.3%).

Minas Gerais

In October 2004, the main indicator of industrial output of Minas Gerais remained recording positive rates. The monthly index increased 6.3% in the year and, in 12 months, 5.9%.

The monthly index, 6.3%, remained almost the same between October and November. In the last month, in the analysis by activities, nine recorded increase and four of them, decrease Mining and quarrying industry(10.8%) represented the main positive impact on the overall result. Also in terms of the monthly indicator, manufacturing industry recorded increase of 5.7%. The main positive impacts came from fabricated metal products(43.0%), motor vehicles (10.1%), other chemicals (15.9%) and food products (5.0%). Among the four subsectors which faced decrease of output, it is worth mentioning tobacco (-17.1%).

With reference to the cumulative output in the year, 10 subsectors recorded increase in the period, the main highlights being: motor vehicles (20.0%), mining and quarrying industry (12.6%), machinery and equipment (17.9%) ad other chemicals (10.6%). Among activites accounting for negative results, it is worth mentioning basic metals (-1.1%).


Espírito Santo

The industrial output indicators of Espírito Santo in October 2004 kept their positive rates in the main comparisons: versus the same month in the previous year there was increase of 8.5%; the cumulative index reached 4.1% and that in the last 12 months recorded 2.7% of expansion.

In relation to October last year, industrial output in the state grew 8.5%, and that was its best result in the year. Nevertheless, this increase rate was counterbalanced by the impact of mining and quarrying industry (3.1%), very important to the industrial structure of the state, since the manufacturing industry rate reached 11.0%. In the manufacturing sector, two main segments account for this change: basic metals (40.9%). In this case it is worth mentioning that this increase reflects the effect of a low basis for comparison, since last year an important company of the segment stopped its production due to a period of equipment maintenance, and food and beverages. Considering the two subsectors wwith production decrease, the highlights was pulp and paper (-8.3%).

From the perspective of the accumulated indicator, it was observed that, from January to October, the industry overall grew 4.1%, remaining stable since June. Mining and quarrying industry, increased 2.9% and practically kept the level of increase of the last three months. Manufacturing industry, on the other hand, recorded a higher level of increase (4.6%), a result attibuted mainly to industries of food and beverages (15.2%), basic metals(6.6%) and non-mtallic minerals (0.3%). The only subsector which accounted for negative contributions was cellulose and paper (-1.3%).


Rio de Janeiro

The industry of Rio de Janeiro recorded, in October, increase of 0.7% in comparison with the same month a year ago, thus maintaining a sequence of six positive results in this type of comparison. Cumulative indicators in the year and in the last 12 months also recorded increase in terms of production activity: 2.1% and 1.6%, respectively.

The increase of 0.7% observed in the comparison with the same month a year ago resulted in increase in eight of the 13 industrial subsectors surveyed. Mining and quarrying industry, once more, recorded a positive result (0.2%), after three months in a orw with negative rates. Manufacturing industry, on the other hand, also recorded increase (0.7%), the main highlights being the positive influence from beverages (24.4%) and non-metallic minerals (25.3%). On the contrary, publishing and printing, with decrease of 16.6%, accounted for the main negative impact.

The cumulative output in the year increased 2.1%, with a favorable performance in most (nine) of the 13 industrial activities surveyed. In manufacturing industry, with output increase of 3.6%, the main highlights still come from motor vehicles (20.9%) and non-metallic minerals (21.5%). Publishing and printing (-7.1%), other chemicals (-5.5%) and rubber and plastic (-3.3%) were the three subsectors of manufaturing industry which recorded negative results. Mining and quarrying industry, having fallen 4.5%, remained as the main negative contribution to the overall index, being very influenced by the interruptions for maintenance programmed for the oil extraction platforms throughout the first few months of the year.


São Paulo

In October, the industry of São Paulogrew 5.5% in comparison with that of the same month a year ago. The first ten months of the year recorded expansion of 12.2%, and the cumulative result of the last 12 months was 11.0%.

The positive performance of 14 of the 20 industrial subsectrs surveyed was responsible for the overall increase of 5.5% in the October 04 / October 03 comparison. The dynamism of the sectors of durable consumer goods and capital goods throughout the year explains the positive contribution of motor vehicles (24.7%). Another highlight was the positive influence of machinery and equipment (15.1%). On the other hand, publishing and printng (-17.8%) and oil refining and ethanol production (-5.3%) featured as the main negative contributions.

The cumulative production in the year increased 12.2%, recording the second main rate of increase among the areas surveyed/places surveyed. Nineteen industrial segments recorded expansion, and the most significant ones were that of motor vehicles, which reached 30.6% of increase in this comparison, accounting for the main contribution to the overall result. In second place were machinery and equipment, with increment of 21.8% publishing and printing, on the contrary, with a rate of -1.1%, accounted for a negative contribution to the overall index.



In October, the industrial output of Paraná recorded increase of 6.7% compared to the same period in the previous year. Considering indicators for longer periods, the industry of Paraná remains presenting positive results: 8.9% cumulative in the year and 8.2% in the last 12 months.

In the comparison October 04/Ocotber 03, there was increase in six of the 14 subsectors surveyed. This positive index was influenced, to a great extent, by the rise observed in motor vehicles (41.6%) and publishing and printing (59.2%). Food products (-2.8%), other chemicals(-7.6%), furniture (-13.2%), non-metallic minerals (-10.8%) and electrical machinery and apparatus (-22.4%) appear as the main negative contributions.

The cumulative production of January-October reflected the predominance of positive results reached by most (10) of the 14 activities surveyed. The most significant expansion was observed in motor vehicles (45.4%). It is also worth mentioning the positve, though not so significant, contributions of machinery and equipment (22.8%), publishing and printing (30.9%), wood (20.6%) and food products (4.9%). On the other hand, oil refining and ethanol production, with decrease of 14.8%, together with other chemicals (-11.6%) accounted, in this comparison, for the main negative impacts on the formation of the overall index.


Santa Catarina

The industrial output indicators of Santa catarina still recorded in October, positive results: expansion of 6.4% over October last year, 10.9% cumulative in the year ad 8.1% in the last 12 months.

In the comparison with October 2003, the increase of 6.4% resulted from the favorable performance of eight of the 11 subsectors surveyed. the main positive contribution was observed in motor vehicles, with increase of 80.1%. It is also worth mentioning the advances of pulp and paper (18.1%), food products (5.0%) and rubber and plastic (14.3%). On the other hadn, wearing apparel (-9.9%) was the highlight as the mainnegative contribution to the formation of the overall rate.

With the cumulative production in the year recording expansion of 10.9%, the industry of Santa Catarina presented a general profile of positive results, which reached nine of the 11 activities surveyed. The most relevant contributions came from food products (10.4%) and machinery and equipment (14.4%). It is also worth mentioning textiles (13.2%), rubbr and plastic (18.0%) and motor vehicles (27.0%) On the contrary, only non-metallic minerals (-5.2%) and wearing apparel (-1.5%) recorded negative results.


Rio Grande do Sul

The industry of Rio Grande do Sulin October recorded increase of 2.1%, in comparison with the same month in the previous year, a more favorable result than that of September (1.0%). The indicators for longer period recorded more significant increases, of 7.1% cumulative in the year and 6.0% in the last 12 months. In the october 2004/October 2003 comparison, the rise of 2.1% in the physical production of Rio Grande do Sul industry was determined by the positive performances of seven of the 14 subsectors surveyed.

In the October 2004/Ocotber 2003 comparison, the rise of 2.1% in the physical production of industry in rio Grande do Sul was determined by the positive performances of seven of the 14 subsectors surveyed. Machinery and equipment (17.5%), leather articles and footwear (8.6%) and motor vehicles (9.7%) were the segments recording the biggest increases. On the other hand, the main negative contributions came fromfood products(-5.9%) and oil refining and ethanol production (-5.8%).

The industry of Rio Grande do Sul, considering the cumulative indicator in the year, grew 7.1%, with a result slightly beow that of September (7.7%). Positive influences came from 10 of the 14 subsectors surveyd, the main impacts of which were: tobacco(28.9%), machinery and equipment (19.9%) and motor vehicles (22.6%). On the other hand, oil refining and ethanol production (-3.6%) and footwear and leather articles (-1.7%) accounted for the main negative contributions



In October, the industrial output of the state of Goiás recorded increase of 4.7%, in relation to the same period a year ago, a result significantly lower than in September (12.5%). The indicators for longer period recorded ncreases, of 6.1% cumulative in the year and 4.5% in the last 12 months.

Considering the monthly indicator, the industry of Goiás recorded increase of 7.4%, reflecting the positive performance of five of the subsectors surveyed, the most significant ones being food and beverages (3.4%), chemicals (6.4%) and mining and quarrying industry (9.9%).

The cumulative index in January-October recorded expansion of 6.1%, as a result of the increase of four of the five activities surveyed. The main positive highlights were food and beverages (6,3%) and chemicals (8.7%). On the other hand, basic metals (-1.1%) was the only negative contribution to the overall index.