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PAS 2002 brings for the first time information about the international trade of services

September 16, 2004 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 02, 2018 02h00 PM

In 2002, Information services and Transportation recorded, together, exports of R$ 5.9 billion, that is, 4.1% of the total net operating revenue generated by the enterprises which produced them. The exports of services of Air Transportation was R$ 3.9 billion (65% of the total), representing 26.7% of the income of the segment. These data can be found in the supplement of the Annual Survey of Services - Product 2002, which provides, for the first time, information about the international trade of services.

The initial survey also showed that Telecommunications companies made R$ 855 million from services rendered abroad, accounting for 14.5% of the exports of services and for 1.4% of the revenue generated by this activity. Water Transportation services were also a highlight, and reached R$ 481.9 million revenue from exports, which corresponded to 8.1% of all the revenue of services rendered abroad and 8.6% of the revenue of this transportation segment.  

Information Services

Information Services provided by companies with 20 or more employed persons generated net operating revenue of R$ 86.8 billion, versus R$ 75.4 billion obtained in the previous year.

Mobile telephony loses ground to complementary services of landline telephony

In 2002, landline telephony - calls, was, once more, the product which generated the highest single revenue (R$ 21.9 billion) among the services investigated by PAS - Product.  In the year, however, Mobile telephony - calls, which made R$ 8.7 billion - lost some ground as the second major revenue obtained in 2001, a position now occupied by the segment of Complementary services of landline telephony (subscriptions, changes of subscription ownership, etc.), which generated R$ 9.9 billion.

Sales of mobile telephones also fell from the 9th to the 14th position among the 20 biggest products of Information Services, generating, in 2002, revenue of R$ 1.5 billion. Sales of computer equipment, with revenue of R$ 1.6 billion, changed from the 22nd to the 13th position.  Services of Internet access (internet providers) also grew and made R$ 1.5 billion, versus R$ 1.2 billion in the previous year.

Among the Computer activities, however, the highlight was the product Development of softwares on demand, which made R$ 2.3 billion, representing 2.6% of the revenue of the Information Services sector, and 13.4% of the computer companies surveyed.

Publicity and merchandising in broadcast television generated R$ 5.0 billion

Sales of time for publicity and merchandising in broadcast television (R4 5.0 billion) appears in the fourth position in terms of generation of revenue, in the ranking of 20 biggest products of the Information Services segment, representing 5.8% of its revenue, and 47.1% of the revenue of audiovisual services.

The products Services of basic programming on cable television also recorded increase, and generated revenue of R$ 2.1 billion. Together, the two most important products of audiovisual services generated 8.2% of the Information Services revenue, and 66.8% of the revenue generated by audiovisual enterprises.  

In 2002, audiovisual services as a whole accounted for 12.3% of the revenue of information services, and the participation recorded in 2001 was 13%.


In 2002, Transportation services had a total net operating revenue of R$ 57.3 billion, versus R% 50,0 billion generated in 2001.

Air transportation in regular lines still prevail

In spite of being the main product of the Transportation segment in Brazil, in terms of revenue, air transportation of passengers in regular lines made, in 2002, R$ 10.6 billion. This figure represents 18.5% of the total revenue, whereas in 2001, the total amount made was R$ 9.9 billion.

Similar revenue (R$ 10.5 billion) was that of Road transportation of passengers in regular intercity lines, the main contribution (62.6%) to the revenue of road transportation of passengers.

Road/subway transportation increased their participation in the revenue of transportation, having changed from 5.8%, in 2001, to 6.2%, in 2002. The same happened to Water transportation services, the participation of which increased from 8.3% to 9.9% from one month to the other.