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Trade sales grow 12.80% in June

August 18, 2004 10h00 AM | Last Updated: February 19, 2018 03h35 PM

The month (12.80%), quarter (11.24%) and half-year (9.33%) rates are the highest since 2001. It is the first positive half-year since the beginning of the new Monthly Trade Survey series. Sales volume accumulates an increase of 3.31% in last 12 months. For the fourth consecutive month, the segment Furniture and household appliances grew over 30%

In June, in relation to same month of previous year, retail trading in the Country grew 15.62% in nominal sales revenue and 12.80% in sales volume. The sector closes the first half of the year growing 10.92% in nominal revenue and 9.33% in sales volume, always in relation to the same half of 2003. In accumulated for the last 12 months, retail grew 11.40% in revenue and 3.31% in sales volume. The rates were also positive in the two quarters of 2004, and increased the growth pace from the first to the second (table 2). Such evolution reached all businesses, except for Fuels and lubricants.

This was the first half-year presenting a positive result in retail, from the seven half-years comprising the Monthly Trade Survey series. All businesses surveyed expanded in the period (table 3), with highlights for Furniture and household appliances (29.40%) and Vehicles, motorcycles, spare parts and pieces (16.68%).

June’s positive result was generalized in regions and sectors. Twenty-six from the 27 States grew, and the highest variance rates for sales volume occurred in Acre (32.82%), Rondônia (27.43%), Mato Grosso (26.37%), Maranhão (23.68%) and Amazonas (22.76%). But highest impacts on the global rate for retail came from São Paulo (12.77%), Minas Gerais (15.16%), Rio de Janeiro (9.19%), Rio Grande do Sul (7.94%), Paraná (15.65%) and Santa Catarina (16.24%). The only drop was in Roraima (-9.98%).

For businesses having database beginning in 2000 (chain series), highlighted in the month was, once more, the segment Furniture and household appliances, with a sales volume grow of 36.31% on June/2003. Fabrics, clothing and footwear (14.15%), Hypermarkets, supermarkets food products, beverages and tobacco (8.78%) and Fuels and lubricants (7.80%) followed. The business Vehicles, motorcycles, spare parts and pieces, which does not enter the global rate composition because it is not a typically retail business, continues growing high above the average for the sector: 28.83% over same month in previous year.

For the new businesses surveyed (Table 4), which database is the sample selected in January/2003, the monthly rates for June 04/June 03 were: Office, IT and communication equipment and materials (39.04%); Other articles of personnel and domestic usage (21.66%); Pharmaceutical, medical, orthopedics, perfumery and cosmetic articles (13.06%); Construction material (9.85%) and Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (2.64%).

The 36.31% sales volume increase in Furniture and household appliances, in the relation month/same month of previous year, guaranteed the segment permanence as main responsible for the expansion in the Country’s retail trade expansion. Its sales volume variance jumped from 23.62% in first half-year to 34.93% in second half-year – an increase of 29.40% between the first half of 2004 and the same period of 2003. In accumulated for the last 12 months, the rate for this segment already reaches 17.50%, well above the 3.31% presented in retail as a whole.

For the fourth consecutive month the business Furniture and household appliances grew over 30%, due to a conjunction of the following factors: interest rate reduction, expansion of volume of funds directed to consumption direct credit, launching of new and/or differentiated products and restrained demand from previous years.

June’s results indicate an increase in most of businesses surveyed. Under highlighted behavior is Hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco, which expanded sales volume from 5.03% in May to 8.78% in June. Such growth was determinant to accelerate the retail sector’s rate (from 10.83% to 12.80% between May and June) and reflects the situation relatively more favorable in respect to the profitability and occupation levels at the main Metropolitan Regions of the Country, evidenced by the latest results of the Monthly Employment Survey.

The accumulated sales volume for such business in first half of 2004 exceeded the 5.38% in same period of last year. On the other hand, the accumulated rate for the last 12 months was 0.93%. The specific business of Hypermarkets and supermarkets has been presenting slightly higher rates: 9.06% in sales volume over June/03 and accumulating 5.48% in first half-year and 1.01% in last 12 months.

The business Fabrics, clothing and footwear is another that has been benefiting from a more favorable context in profitability and employment, with rates over retail global average for the second consecutive month. This reverts the situation for the first four months of the year, when the segment accumulated 0.69% in sales volume, over the same period of 2003. In June, the growth reached 14.15% in relation to June/03, contributing to the accumulated in first half-year over the same period of previous year closed in 7.33%. In accumulated for the last 12 months, the business’ sales volume rate was 1.51%.

In June, even experiencing a new price increase in fuels, the business Fuels and lubricants managed to expand the sales volume rate, which went from 4.11% in May to 7.80% in June. The positive effects of the economic growth recovery have exceeded the negative influence of the price increases. In accumulated for the first half-year and last 12 months, the rates were 7.26% and 1.37%, respectively.

Vehicles, motorcycles, spare parts and pieces

presented the second higher variance in sales volume in June (28.83% over the same month of previous year) and closes the first half-year increasing 16.68% over the same half of 2003, and accumulating 6.40% of increase in last 12 months. Better conditions for credit, promotions, anticipation of launching of new models, and the successful version flex fuel (bi-fuels) has been increasing the growth rates for the business, even after the reduced "IPI" tax was ended in March/04.

Among the new businesses selected at the 2003 sample, the segment Office, IT and communication equipment and materials continues under highlight, with 39.04% growth over June/2003 and 27.54% in accumulated for the first half-year (Table 4). In other segments, the monthly and accumulated results for the year were, respectively: 13.06% and 10.90%% for Pharmaceutical, medical, orthopedics, perfumery and cosmetic articles; 2.64% and -1.33% for Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery; 9.85% and 0.95% for Construction material and 21.66% and 19.84% for Other articles of personnel and domestic usage.

In figures for the two States with higher share in the domestic retail trade (São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro), it is noted that São Paulo retail has been presenting this year higher results than Rio’s. In São Paulo, sales volume for the sector grew at rates very close to domestic average: 12.77% over June/2003; 9.08% in the relation first half 04/first half 03; and 3.08% in accumulated for the last 12 months. Rio de Janeiro presented lower variances: 9.19% in relation to same month of previous year, 7.45% in accumulated for the first half-year and 0.44% in accumulated for the last 12 months.

The sectors presenting a higher discrepancy among the two States were Fabrics; clothing and footwear (23.01% monthly and 10.27% accumulated for the year in São Paulo, against rates of 2.60% and 1.26% presented in Rio de Janeiro) and Fuels and lubricants (monthly and accumulated increases in half-year, respectively, of 13.06% and 12.04% for São Paulo and 2.04% and 0.70% in Rio de Janeiro). Such differences reflect own economies of both States. In São Paulo, the basic economic indicators for the first half of 2004 were relatively more favorable. In industrial production, for instance, São Paulo grew 10.6% in first half of the year, and Rio de Janeiro did not present variation.