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Industrial employment grows 0.3% in February

April 15, 2004 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 31, 2019 02h51 PM

In February 2004, the total number of salaried employed persons in the industry registered a positive change of 0.3% compared to January, in the seasonally adjusted series. Other indicators, however, remained negative: -0.9% compared to February 2003...

In February 2004, the total number of salaried employed persons in the industry registered a positive change of 0.3% compared to January, in the seasonally adjusted series. Other indicators, however, remained negative: -0.9% compared to February 2003, -1.2% cumulative in the year and -1.0% in the last twelve months.

Comparing February 2004 / February 2003, the decrease of 0.9% was a result of the negative performances of nine of the fourteen places surveyed and ten of the eighteen activities surveyed. Among the places surveyed, São Paulo's industry represented the main negative contribution, with a reduction of 1.8% in the number of workers. As to the sectors, the national result was affected by reductions observed in ten segments, with highlights to wearing apparel (-11.8%), paper and press (-6.4%) and textiles (-6.1%), which had the main negative results.

The cumulative result of the first two months of 2004 also presented a loss of 1.2% in the number of industrial workers. In ten places, the number of layoffs was higher than the number of hirings, and São Paulo (-1.9%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-4.1%) were the main negative influences.

The trend portrayed by the graph, in the quarterly moving average, shows a slight growth in the quarter ended in February, 0.2% above the quarter ended in January.

Payroll recorded 10.1% of real increase compared to February 2003

The industry's payroll, in February, recorded positive results: 10.1% of real increase compared to February of last year and 8.4% in the cumulative of the year. In the indicator of the last twelve months, the rate was negative (-2.0%), however, the trend has been slowing its falling pace since November. In the average payroll, there were increases in the monthly indexes (11.1%) and in the cumulative ones (9.7%) and a decrease in the indicator of the last twelve months (-1.0%).

Between February and January, in the seasonally adjusted series, there was growth of 4.3% in wages earned by industrial workers. The decrease in the inflation's indexes and the payment of benefits explain the positive results of this month. Consequently, the quarterly moving average recorded significant increase in the quarters ended in January and February.

Comparing with February 2003, an increase was observed in the payroll in thirteen places surveyed, and only Espírito Santo recorded a decrease (-2.3%). Among the sectors, there was also growth in most parts (fifteen) of the industrial divisions. The segments which positively influenced the most of the overall result were machinery and equipment (30.6%), chemical products (16.9%) and food and beverages (10.1%).

Total of hours paid grows 2.2% compared to January 2004

In February, the number of hours paid to industry workers grew 2.2% compared to January, discounted the seasonal influences. In the monthly indicator, a slight fall in pace of 0.2% was observed, but indicators for longer periods had bigger contractions: -1.0% in the cumulative of the year and -1.2% in the cumulative of the last twelve months.

The working hours, between February and January, grew 0.6%, according to the indicator of the quarterly moving average, reversing the downward trajectory started in December 2003.

Comparing February 2004 / February 2003, the indicator of the number of hours paid of the industrial sector was partially influenced by the fewer number of working days in February 2004 compared to February 2003, because Carnival, in 2003, was celebrated in the month of March. Nine of the fourteen places and nine of the eighteen branches surveyed presented reduction in the hours paid. In terms of sectors, the most expressive reductions were observed in the segments of wearing apparel (-11.4%) and textiles (-5.2%). By area, the places which exerted the largest negative influenced on the national result were: Rio de Janeiro (-5.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (-2.1%) and Espírito Santo (-5.5%).

In the cumulative indicator of January-February, the number of hours paid decreased 1.0%, compared to the same period the year before. Negative contributions came from eleven places and eleven of the industrial sectors. Regarding the regions, the biggest negative impacts came from São Paulo (-1.4%), Rio Grande do Sul (-3.6%) and Rio de Janeiro (-5.2%). As to the sectors, the biggest negative pressures came from wearing apparel (-11.5%) and textiles (-6.8%).