IBGE releases on the Internet new political map of Brazil
December 14, 2015 09h13 AM | Last Updated: January 22, 2018 03h49 PM
The IBGE releases today, December 14, on the Internet, the 2015 edition of the political map of Brazil in the 1:5,000,000 scale (1 cm = 50 km). As a cartographic representation of the whole Brazilian territory, the new map includes the state and international borders, the hydrographic network, extreme points, major localities, elements of the transportation system and major electricity plants. The map is available here in PDF format.
Produced from the BCIM - Continuous Cartographic Database of Brazil to the Millionth (1 cm = 10 km), the political map of Brazil is used as a reference for the production of different maps in smaller scales. It is part of a number of the IBGE publications, like the School Geographic Atlas, Atlas of the 2010 Population Census, Calendar Map, Statistical Yearbook and Brazil in Figures.
The political map of Brazil is produced by the IBGE since 1940.