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Regional Accounts 2015: GDP drop hits all Federation Units first time ever

November 16, 2017 10h00 AM | Last Updated: November 22, 2017 11h05 AM

For the first time in the time series started in 2002, the GDP volume dropped in every Federation Unit in 2015. Mato Grosso do Sul (-0.3%), Roraima (-0.3%) and Tocantins (-0.4%) registered the best figures, whereas Amapá (-5.5%), Amazonas (-5.4%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-4.6%) reported the steepest reductions. This year, only five states (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná) accounted for 64.7% of the national GDP. Tocantins (112.1%), Mato Grosso (101.8%), Piauí (84.4%), Acre (81.2%) and Rondônia (79.4%) recorded the biggest cumulative increases between 2002 and 2015. The Federal District (R$73,971.05) posted the highest per capita GDP, while Maranhão reported the lowest one (R$11,366.23).

Although São Paulo increased its share by 0.2 p.p. over 2014, this state registered the biggest cumulative loss in this aspect between 2002 and 2015: 2.5 p.p., from 34.9% in 2002 to 32.4% in 2015.

This is some information from the Regional Accounts 2015, which are produced in partnership with the state statistical organizations, state government departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA. The complete publication can be found here.


Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Organizations, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA.

Current value, percentage share, relative position and change in volume of the GDP of the Federation Units in the Brazilian GDP - 2015
Federation Units Gross Domestic Product
Current value 
(R$ 1 000 000)
Relative position of the change in volume Change in volume
Mato Grosso do Sul 83 082 1.4 1st - 0.3
Roraima 10 354 0.2 2nd - 0.3
Tocantins 28 930 0.5 3rd - 0.4
Pará 130 883 2.2 4th - 0.9
Federal District 215 613 3.6 5th - 1.0
Piauí 39 148 0.7 6th - 1.1
Acre 13 622 0.2 7th - 1.5
Mato Grosso 107 418 1.8 8th - 1.9
Rio Grande do Norte 57 250 1.0 9th - 2.0
Espírito Santo 120 363 2.0 10th - 2.1
Paraíba 56 140 0.9 11th - 2.7
Rio de Janeiro 659 137 11.0 12th - 2.8
Alagoas 46 364 0.8 13th - 2.9
Rondônia 36 563 0.6 14th - 3.1
Sergipe 38 554 0.6 15th - 3.3
Ceará 130 621 2.2 16th - 3.4
Bahia 245 025 4.1 17th - 3.4
Paraná 376 960 6.3 18th - 3.4
18 Federation Units with average changes higher than Brazil 2 396 029 40.0   - 2.5
Brazil 5 995 787     - 3.5
9 Federation Units with average changes lower than Brazil 3 599 758 60.0   - 4.2
Maranhão 78 475 1.3 19th - 4.1
São Paulo 1 939 890 32.4 20th - 4.1
Pernambuco 156 955 2.6 21st - 4.2
Santa Catarina 249 073 4.2 22nd - 4.2
Goiás 173 632 2.9 23rd - 4.3
Minas Gerais 519 326 8.7 24th - 4.3
Rio Grande do Sul 381 985 6.4 25th - 4.6
Amazonas 86 560 1.4 26th - 5.4
Amapá 13 861 0.2 27th - 5.5

 Mato Grosso do Sul records smallest drop in volume over 2014 (-0.3%)

Having dropped in every Federation Unit, the national GDP changed -3.5% in volume in 2015, an unprecedented event in the time series started in 2002. On its turn, Mato Grosso do Sul was the Federation Unit that recorded the smallest reduction (-0.3%). A good part of this result was due to the positive behavior of Agriculture (10.1%). Roraima (-0.3%), Tocantins (-0.4%), Pará (-0.9%) and the Federal District (-1.0%) also performed better than the national figure (-3.5%). On the other hand, Amapá (-5.5%), Amazonas (-5.4%), Rio Grande do Sul (-4.6%), Minas Gerais (-4.3%) and Goiás (-4.3%) posted the sharpest drops, as a result of important contributions from the sectors of Industry and Services.                 

Five states concentrate 64.7% of GDP in 2015

The five states with the biggest share in the Brazilian GDP in 2015 – São Paulo (32.4%), Rio de Janeiro (11.0%), Minas Gerais (8.7%), Rio Grande do Sul (6.4%) and Paraná (6.3%) – concentrated 64.7% of the Brazilian economy, 0.2 p.p. less than in 2014. This reduction was mainly due to Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, which registered a drop in this aspect.

Percentage share and relative position of the GDP of the Federation Units in the Brazilian GDP - 2002-2015
Federation Units Gross Domestic Product
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Relative position Share 
Relative position Share 
Relative position Share 
Relative position Share 
Relative position Share 
Relative position Share 
Relative position
São Paulo 34.9 1st 34.4 1st 33.4 1st 34.2 1st 34.2 1st 34.4 1st 33.5 1st
Rio de Janeiro 12.4 2nd 11.8 2nd 12.3 2nd 12.4 2nd 12.4 2nd 11.9 2nd 12.2 2nd
Minas Gerais 8.3 3rd 8.4 3rd 8.8 3rd 8.7 3rd 8.8 3rd 8.8 3rd 9.0 3rd
Rio Grande do Sul 6.6 4th 6.9 4th 6.7 4th 6.3 4th 6.1 4th 6.2 4th 6.1 4th
Paraná 5.9 5th 6.4 5th 6.3 5th 5.9 5th 5.7 5th 6.1 5th 6.0 5th
1st to 5th position 68.1   68.0   67.5   67.5   67.3   67.4   66.7  
Santa Catarina 3.7 7th 3.7 7th 3.8 7th 3.8 7th 3.8 7th 3.8 7th 3.9 7th
Bahia 4.0 6th 3.9 6th 4.0 6th 4.1 6th 4.0 6th 4.0 6th 3.9 6th
Federal District 3.6 8th 3.4 8th 3.4 8th 3.5 8th 3.5 8th 3.4 8th 3.5 8th
Goiás 2.6 9th 2.7 9th 2.6 9th 2.5 9th 2.5 9th 2.6 9th 2.7 9th
Pernambuco 2.4 10th 2.3 10th 2.3 10th 2.3 10th 2.3 10th 2.3 10th 2.3 11th
Espírito Santo 1.8 12th 1.8 12th 2.0 11th 2.2 11th 2.2 11th 2.2 11th 2.3 10th
Ceará 1.9 11th 1.9 11th 1.9 13th 1.9 12th 1.9 12th 1.9 13th 1.9 13th
Pará 1.8 13th 1.8 13th 1.9 12th 1.9 13th 1.9 13th 1.9 12th 2.0 12th
Mato Grosso 1.3 15th 1.6 14th 1.7 14th 1.6 14th 1.3 15th 1.4 15th 1.6 14th
Amazonas 1.5 14th 1.5 15th 1.6 15th 1.6 15th 1.7 14th 1.6 14th 1.5 15th
Mato Grosso do Sul 1.1 16th 1.3 16th 1.2 16th 1.1 17th 1.1 17th 1.1 17th 1.2 17th
Maranhão 1.1 17th 1.1 17th 1.1 17th 1.2 16th 1.2 16th 1.1 16th 1.2 16th
Rio Grande do Norte 0.9 18th 0.9 18th 0.9 18th 0.9 18th 1.0 18th 1.0 18th 0.9 18th
Paraíba 0.9 19th 0.9 19th 0.8 19th 0.8 19th 0.9 19th 0.8 19th 0.9 19th
Alagoas 0.8 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th
Piauí 0.5 23rd 0.5 23rd 0.5 23rd 0.5 23rd 0.6 22nd 0.5 23rd 0.5 23rd
Sergipe 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.7 21st
Rondônia 0.5 22nd 0.5 22nd 0.6 22nd 0.6 22nd 0.5 23rd 0.5 22nd 0.6 22nd
Tocantins 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.4 24th
Acre 0.2 26th 0.2 26th 0.2 26th 0.2 26th 0.2 26th 0.2 26th 0.2 26th
Amapá 0.2 25th 0.2 25th 0.2 25th 0.2 25th 0.2 25th 0.2 25th 0.2 25th
Roraima 0.2 27th 0.2 27th 0.1 27th 0.1 27th 0.2 27th 0.2 27th 0.2 27th
6th to 27th position 31.9   32.0   32.5   32.5   32.7   32.6   33.3  
Federation Units Gross Domestic Product
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Relative position Share
Relative position Share
Relative position Share
Relative position Share
Relative position Share
Relative position Share
Relative position
São Paulo 33.8 1st 33.3 1st 32.8 1st 32.4 1st 32.2 1st 32.2 1st 32.4 1st
Rio de Janeiro 11.8 2nd 11.6 2nd 11.7 2nd 11.9 2nd 11.8 2nd 11.6 2nd 11.0 2nd
Minas Gerais 8.6 3rd 9.0 3rd 9.1 3rd 9.2 3rd 9.2 3rd 8.9 3rd 8.7 3rd
Rio Grande do Sul 6.1 4th 6.2 4th 6.1 4th 6.0 4th 6.2 5th 6.2 4th 6.4 4th
Paraná 5.9 5th 5.8 5th 5.9 5th 5.9 5th 6.3 4th 6.0 5th 6.3 5th
1st to 5th position 66.2   65.9   65.6   65.4   65.6   64.9   64.7  
Santa Catarina 3.9 7th 4.0 7th 4.0 6th 4.0 6th 4.0 6th 4.2 6th 4.2 6th
Bahia 4.1 6th 4.0 6th 3.8 7th 3.8 7th 3.8 7th 3.9 7th 4.1 7th
Federal District 3.7 8th 3.7 8th 3.5 8th 3.4 8th 3.3 8th 3.4 8th 3.6 8th
Goiás 2.8 9th 2.7 9th 2.8 9th 2.9 9th 2.8 9th 2.9 9th 2.9 9th
Pernambuco 2.4 10th 2.5 10th 2.5 10th 2.7 10th 2.6 10th 2.7 10th 2.6 10th
Espírito Santo 2.1 11th 2.2 11th 2.4 11th 2.4 11th 2.2 12th 2.2 11th 2.0 13th
Ceará 2.0 12th 2.0 13th 2.0 13th 2.0 13th 2.0 13th 2.2 12th 2.2 12th
Pará 1.9 13th 2.1 12th 2.3 12th 2.2 12th 2.3 11th 2.2 13th 2.2 11th
Mato Grosso 1.6 14th 1.5 15th 1.6 15th 1.7 14th 1.7 14th 1.8 14th 1.8 14th
Amazonas 1.5 15th 1.6 14th 1.6 14th 1.5 15th 1.6 15th 1.5 15th 1.4 15th
Mato Grosso do Sul 1.2 17th 1.2 16th 1.3 16th 1.3 16th 1.3 16th 1.4 16th 1.4 16th
Maranhão 1.2 16th 1.2 17th 1.2 17th 1.3 17th 1.3 17th 1.3 17th 1.3 17th
Rio Grande do Norte 0.9 18th 0.9 18th 0.9 18th 1.0 18th 1.0 18th 0.9 18th 1.0 18th
Paraíba 0.9 19th 0.9 19th 0.8 19th 0.9 19th 0.9 19th 0.9 19th 0.9 19th
Alagoas 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.7 20th 0.8 20th
Piauí 0.6 23rd 0.6 23rd 0.6 23rd 0.6 23rd 0.6 22nd 0.7 21st 0.7 21st
Sergipe 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.7 21st 0.6 22nd 0.6 22nd
Rondônia 0.6 22nd 0.6 22nd 0.6 22nd 0.6 22nd 0.6 23rd 0.6 23rd 0.6 23rd
Tocantins 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.4 24th 0.5 24th 0.5 24th
Acre 0.2 26th 0.2 25th 0.2 26th 0.2 26th 0.2 26th 0.2 25th 0.2 26th
Amapá 0.2 25th 0.2 26th 0.2 25th 0.2 25th 0.2 25th 0.2 26th 0.2 25th
Roraima 0.2 27th 0.2 27th 0.2 27th 0.2 27th 0.2 27th 0.2 27th 0.2 27th
6th to 27th position 33.8   34.1   34.4   34.6   34.4   35.1   35.3  

Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Organizations, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA.

Note: The time series of the Regional Accounts is a backward projection from 2002 to 2009, having 2010 as the reference year; the series is estimated from 2010 onwards.

The five biggest economies maintained their positions in this period, except for Rio Grande do Sul in 2013, which exchanged positions with Paraná, which returned to the fourth position in 2014.

Contributing with 31.9% to the national GDP in 2002, the other 22 Federation Units added up to 35.3% in 2015.  Even maintaining the same level as in 2014 (4.2% and 1.8%, respectively), Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso were the states that mostly increased their shares along the time series (0.5 p.p. each).

As a whole, Paraná was the state that mostly gained share between 2014 and 2015 (0.3 p.p.), followed by Bahia, São Paulo, the Federal District and Rio Grande do Sul (0.2 p.p. each). Rio de Janeiro was the Federation Unit that mostly lost share this year (-0.6 p.p.).

Per capita GDP of Federal District about 2.5 times Brazil in 2015

Among the Federation Units, the Federal District remained the highest per capita GDP (R$73,971.05), about 2.5 times the Brazilian per capita GDP. The other highest per capita GDPs were, in order, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná. These states did not change their positions in the ranking over 2002. Mato Grosso was the state that mostly advanced in the time series, changing from the 11th position in 2002 to the seventh one in 2015.

Conversely, Maranhão (27th) and Piauí (26th) were the lowest ones in 2015. These two states exchanged positions along the time series, yet always showing the lowest figures. Nevertheless, their per capita GDP was about 30% of the Brazilian per capita GDP in 2002, reaching 40% in 2015. As a result, Maranhão and Piauí managed to reduce the distance between their per capita GDP and the national one.

Current value, nominal change, relative position and per capita GDP of the Federation Units and Brazilian per capita GDP ratio - 2002 and 2015
2002 2015 2015/2002 nominal change Relative position of the 2015/2002 nominal change
Per capita  GDP
Per capita GDP of FUs and Brazilian per capita GDP ratio Relative position Per capita  GDP
Per capita GDP of FUs and Brazilian per capita GDP ratio Relative position
Federal District 24,721.18 2.9 1st 73,971.05 2.5 1st 3.0 26th
São Paulo 13,443.91 1.6 2nd 43,694.68 1.5 2nd 3.3 21st
Rio de Janeiro 12,414.77 1.5 3rd 39,826.95 1.4 3rd 3.2 22nd
Santa Catarina 9,745.87 1.2 4th 36,525.28 1.2 4th 3.7 12th
Rio Grande do Sul 9,423.79 1.1 5th 33,960.36 1.2 5th 3.6 16th
Paraná 8,927.46 1.1 6th 33,768.62 1.2 6th 3.8 11th
Mato Grosso 7,265.37 0.9 11th 32,894.96 1.1 7th 4.5 2nd
Mato Grosso do Sul 7,599.05 0.9 8th 31,337.22 1.1 8th 4.1 5th
Espírito Santo 8,348.80 1.0 7th 30,627.45 1.0 9th 3.7 15th
BRAZIL 8,440.27 1.0   29,326.33 1.0   3.5  
Goiás 7,307.95 0.9 10th 26,265.32 0.9 10th 3.6 17th
Minas Gerais 6,703.46 0.8 13th 24,884.94 0.8 11th 3.7 13th
Amazonas 7,353.15 0.9 9th 21,978.95 0.7 12th 3.0 27th
Rondônia 5,147.41 0.6 16th 20,677.95 0.7 13th 4.0 6th
Roraima 6,736.70 0.8 12th 20,476.71 0.7 14th 3.0 24th
Tocantins 4,344.12 0.5 21st 19,094.16 0.7 15th 4.4 3rd
Amapá 5,977.03 0.7 14th 18,079.54 0.6 16th 3.0 25th
Sergipe 5,529.80 0.7 15th 17,189.28 0.6 17th 3.1 23rd
Acre 4,876.17 0.6 17th 16,953.46 0.6 18th 3.5 20th
Pernambuco 4,426.56 0.5 19th 16,795.34 0.6 19th 3.8 10th
Rio Grande do Norte 4,709.83 0.6 18th 16,631.86 0.6 20th 3.5 18th
Bahia 4,388.28 0.5 20th 16,115.89 0.5 21st 3.7 14th
Pará 4,043.64 0.5 22nd 16,009.98 0.5 22nd 4.0 7th
Ceará 3,712.24 0.4 24th 14,669.14 0.5 23rd 4.0 8th
Paraíba 3,627.98 0.4 25th 14,133.32 0.5 24th 3.9 9th
Alagoas 3,962.88 0.5 23rd 13,877.53 0.5 25th 3.5 19th
Piauí 2,440.70 0.3 27th 12,218.51 0.4 26th 5.0 1st
Maranhão 2,718.05 0.3 26th 11,366.23 0.4 27th 4.2 4th
Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Organizations, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA

Piauí was the state whose per capita GDP mostly increased among all the Federation Units, increasing about five times between 2002 and 2015 (from R$2,440.70 to R$12,218.51). Maranhão also stood out in this aspect, growing nearly 4.2 times. Tocantins, which increased 4.4 times, and Rondônia, Pará and Ceará, which grew nearly four times, were the other states that stood out in terms of the increase in the per capita  GDP along the time series.

Tocantins was the state that mostly increased in volume of the GDP between 2002 and 2015.

In the 2002-2015 time series, the Brazilian GDP in volume grew, on average, 2.9% per year. Having increased, on average, 6.0% per year, Tocantins was the state that mostly increased, followed by Mato Grosso (5.5%) and Piauí (4.8%). Having increased 7.2% per year, Industry stood out in Tocantins in this period. In Mato Grosso, the change was leveraged by the sector of Agriculture, which grew 8.5% per year, following the successful crop of soybeans in this state. In Piauí, Industry increased the most, having grown 7.0% per year between 2002 and 2015.

Following Tocantins, every state in the North Region had their change in volume of the GDP greater than the national average.  The North Region (4.3% per year) was followed by the Central-West Region (4.1% per year), highlighted by the performance of Mato Grosso.

Position of the cumulative change in volume, cumulative change in volume, average change in volume per year, percentage share and relative position of the GDP by Federation Unit - 2002-2015
Federation Units Gross Domestic Product
Position of the cumulative change in volume 2002-2015 Cumulative
 change in volume (%)
 change in volume per year (%)
Share in the Brazilian GDP (%) 2002 Share in the Brazilian GDP (%) 2015
Brazil   45.4 2.9    
North   73.5 4.3 4.7 5.4
Rondônia 5th 79.4 4.6 0.5 0.6
Acre 4th 81.2 4.7 0.2 0.2
Amazonas 10th 68.4 4.1 1.5 1.4
Roraima 6th 79.1 4.6 0.2 0.2
Pará 12th 65.8 4.0 1.8 2.2
Amapá 8th 76.1 4.5 0.2 0.2
Tocantins 1st 112.1 6.0 0.4 0.5
Northeast   53.5 3.3 13.1 14.2
Maranhão 7th 76.5 4.5 1.1 1.3
Piauí 3rd 84.4 4.8 0.5 0.7
Ceará 16th 57.1 3.5 1.9 2.2
Rio Grande do Norte 23rd 40.3 2.6 0.9 1.0
Paraíba 11th 67.9 4.1 0.9 0.9
Pernambuco 19th 46.9 3.0 2.4 2.6
Alagoas 20th 45.6 2.9 0.8 0.8
Sergipe 17th 49.2 3.1 0.7 0.6
Bahia 18th 47.4 3.0 4.0 4.1
Southeast   40.4 2.6 57.4 54.0
Minas Gerais 25th 36.9 2.4 8.3 8.7
Espírito Santo 14th 62.2 3.8 1.8 2.0
Rio de Janeiro 26th 31.1 2.1 12.4 11.0
São Paulo 21st 43.4 2.8 34.9 32.4
South   36.9 2.4 16.2 16.8
Paraná 22nd 41.9 2.7 5.9 6.3
Santa Catarina 24th 39.8 2.6 3.7 4.2
Rio Grande do Sul 27th 30.8 2.1 6.6 6.4
Central-West   67.7 4.1 8.6 9.7
Mato Grosso do Sul 9th 70.2 4.2 1.1 1.4
Mato Grosso 2nd 101.8 5.5 1.3 1.8
Goiás 13th 62.8 3.8 2.6 2.9
Federal District 15th 57.4 3.6 3.6 3.6

Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Organizations, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA.

Note: The time series of the Regional Accounts is a backward projection from 2002 to 2009, having 2010 as the reference year; the series is estimated from 2010 onwards.

The drop of 3.5% in the Brazilian GDP in 2015 was the second negative change in the time series, since it registered -0.1% in 2009, one year after the economic crisis that affected a number of countries. Besides being the biggest drop in volume in the time series, 2015 was the first year in which every Federation Unit dropped. The South Region recorded the smallest growth in volume of the GDP along the time series (2.4% per year) and also posted the highest slump between 2014 and 2015: -4.1%. Such result was influenced by the performance of Rio Grande do Sul, which retreated in relevant activities such as Manufacturing industries (-0.5% per year) and Other services activities (-0.9% per year) between 2002 and 2015.

In Roraima, compensation of employees accounts for 58.5% of GDP in 2015

Under the point of view of income, compensation of employees accounted for 44.6% of the Brazilian GDP in 2015, an increase of 1.1 percentage points over 2014. Such compensation registered the biggest share in the regional GDP in the Northeast (47.8%), followed by the Central-West (46.2%). In this region, the Federal District, which concentrates most of the federal public administration, recorded the third biggest share of compensation of employees (56.0%) in the GDP.

Compensation of employees accounted for 44.9% of the GDP in the North Region, also surpassing the national average (44.6%). This region includes the two Brazilian states where this component weighted more: Roraima (58.5%) and Amapá (57.1%). The Southeast concentrated 54.0% of the Brazilian economy and 44.1% of its GDP came from compensation of employees. The share of this component in the GDP of the South Region was 42.4%.

The GDP information of the Federation Units under the point of view of income follows below.

Share of the GDP components under the point of view of income, according to Federation Units (%) - 2015
Brazil and Federation Units Compensation of employees

Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income

Taxes, net of subsidies, on production and imports
Brazil 44.6 40.4 15.0
Rondônia 48.5 39.8 11.6
Acre 51.1 39.9 9.1
Amazonas 41.3 41.6 17.1
Roraima 58.5 33.6 7.9
Pará 42.9 46.9 10.2
Amapá 57.1 35.3 7.6
Tocantins 46.6 44.0 9.4
Maranhão 43.8 44.8 11.4
Piauí 52.6 36.6 10.8
Ceará 49.5 37.5 13.0
Rio Grande do Norte 49.4 39.2 11.4
Paraíba 52.0 36.5 11.5
Pernambuco 48.3 36.5 15.2
Alagoas 45.5 45.0 9.5
Sergipe 50.8 38.0 11.2
Bahia 45.9 41.6 12.6
Minas Gerais 45.4 41.7 12.9
Espírito Santo 37.7 44.8 17.5
Rio de Janeiro 46.5 36.7 16.7
São Paulo 43.2 39.3 17.5
Paraná 41.9 43.9 14.2
Santa Catarina 43.3 39.9 16.8
Rio Grande do Sul 42.3 44.3 13.4
Mato Grosso do Sul 40.3 48.6 11.1
Mato Grosso 39.0 51.9 9.1
Goiás 41.4 46.8 11.8
Federal District 56.0 29.6 14.3
Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Organizations, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA.