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IBGE updates list of municipalities that integrate Brazilian territorial divisions (2)

Section: Geosciences

May 15, 2019 10h00 AM | Last Updated: May 15, 2019 11h48 AM

The IBGE once again updated the list of municipalities comprising the Metropolitan Areas (RMs), Development Integrated Regions (RIDEs) and Urban Agglomerations defined by the states and Federal Government. Since 2013, the IBGE biannually updates the composition of every Brazilian RM, RIDE and Urban Agglomeration. The new information, related to the semester ended on December 31, 2018, can be accessed here

Revision shows creation of new urban agglomeration in state of São Paulo

The current revision of the IBGE shows the creation of the Urban Agglomeration of Franca, in the state of São Paulo, comprising 19 municipalities: Aramina, Buritizal, Cristais Paulista, Franca, Guaíra, Guará, Igarapava, Ipuã, Itirapuã, Ituverava, Jeriquara, Miguelópolis, Patrocínio Paulista, Pedregulho, Restinga, Ribeirão Corrente, Rifaina, São Joaquim da Barra and São José da Bela Vista. Created by Complementary Law no. 1,323, of May 22, 2018, the Urban Agglomeration of Franca is the third one in the state of São Paulo, which already had the agglomerations of Jundiaí and Piracicaba.  Today, Brazil has five urban agglomerations, being three in the state of São Paulo and two in Rio Grande do Sul.

Neither the Development Integrated Regions - RIDEs nor the Metropolitan Areas of the Brazilian states changed. Today, Brazil has 74 metropolitan areas, being Paraíba (12) the state with the biggest number of RMs, followed by Santa Catarina (11), Alagoas (9) and Paraná (8).

According to the Federal Constitution of 1988, Metropolitan Areas and Urban Agglomerations are units established by state complementary laws, aiming at the organization, planning and implementation of public services of common interest. As stated under Article 25, 3rd Paragraph of the Federal Constitution, States are responsible for establishing Metropolitan Areas and Urban Agglomerations.

On their turn, RIDEs are established as administrative areas that comprise different Federation Units. RIDEs are created through a specific legislation, listing the municipalities involved and establishing their operation and the interests of the participating political-administrative units. According to paragraph 1 of Article 43 of the Federal Constitution, the Union is in charge of creating RIDEs.

Due to the climate conditions, the Brazilian Semiarid receives a specific treatment. According to Sudene´s Resolution no. 115, of November 23, 2017, the region comprises 1,262 municipalities, being Bahia (278), Paraíba (194), Piauí (185), Ceará (175), Rio Grande do Norte (147) and Pernambuco (123) the states with the biggest number of municipalities in the semiarid region. The municipalities of the states of Maranhão, Alagoas and Sergipe also integrate the semiarid region. Minas Gerais is the only state out of the Northeast Region that has municipalities in the Semiarid (91).