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PAIC 2013: construction industry grows 3.7%

October 21, 2015 11h45 AM | Last Updated: June 07, 2017 11h53 AM


The Annual Survey of Construction Industry recorded, in 2013, 3.7% of real growth of incorporations, works and services performed by construction companies, in 2013 versus 2012, amounting to an overall R$ 357.7 billion, being 42.8% relative to the construction of buildings, 39.4% to infrastructure works and 17.8% to specialized services. The net operating revenue increased by 5.3% in real terms, between 2012 (R$ 313.5 billion) and 2013 (R$ 337.6 billion), whereas the change of value added was 6%, being 12.8% relative to specialized services. The number of companies, in this period, grew by 5,800, resulting in a total 111.9 thousand companies which employed around 3.0 million persons. That meant an amount of R$ 67.4 billion in salaries, withdrawals and other compensation, and an average monthly wage of R$ 1,750.88.

Company investments amounted to R$ 9.7 billion in 2013. About one third of the total construction works and services were contracted by public entities (R$ 116.8 billion). Although the Southeast Region had the biggest participation in incorporations, works and services (60.4%), the Northeast (from 14.1% to 14.8%) and North (from 3.1% to 3.7%) accounted for the biggest increases in terms of construction value. Infrastructure represented 44.3% of the value of construction incorporations, works and services of companies with 30 or more employed persons.

These and other results relative to the Construction Industry in 2013 were affected by the housing credit benefits, and governmental investment programs such as PAC, Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (Growth Acceleration Program) and (MCMV) Minha Casa Minha Vida (My Home, My Life Program), and the construction works done in preparation for the 2014 World Cup.

The Annual Survey of Construction Industry - PAIC raises economic and financial information about the business segment of construction industry all over the national territory, making available to governmental bodies necessary private subsidies for planning, and to users in general, information for more advanced sector studies. More information is available aqui.

Graph 2: Percentage participation of teh Value of Incorporations, works and services by activity sector -Brazil 2012-2013

In 2013, construction companies were responsible for incorporation, works and services amounting to R$ 357.7 billion, a figure which represents real increase of 3.7%, compared to 2012. Except for incorporations, the current value of the construction works and services reached R$ 346.7 billion. Approximately one third (33.7%) of the value of construction (R$ 116.8 billion) came from works hired by public entities – a lower participation than that determined in 2012 (35.0%). The net operating revenue reached 5.3%, in real terms (from R$ 313.5 billion to R$ 337.6 billion).

The survey also verified an increase of 5.5% in the number of companies (5,800 companies) from the construction industry, which went from 106.1 thousand to 111.9 thousand companies. Specialized services for construction showed the biggest increase in the quantity of active companies (9.9%), from 52.033 (2012) to 57.186 (2013).

Employment in Construction companies of Industry reached 3.0 million people, with total expenditure with the employed persons corresponding to 33.9% of total costs and expenses, a higher result than the participation in 2012 (32.6%), and reached the value of R$ 102.3 billion, out of which R$ 67.4 billion corresponded to salaries, withdrawals and other compensation. The average monthly wage increased 6.2% in nominal terms, from R$ 1.648,66, in 2012, to R$ 1.750,88, in 2013.

The construction of buildings remained as the sector that most contributed to the growth of the current value (R$ 153.2 billion) of incorporation, works and services, with participation of 42.8% of the total. The segment of infrastructure works (R$ 140.9 billion) was the second in terms of participation in the current value (39.4%), although with a decrease in the participation in relation to 2012 (40.5%). The sector of specialized services (R$ 63.5 billion) rose from 16.8% to 17.8%.

Works and services performed by construction companies represented a fundamental part in the structure of the sector revenues, totaling approximately R$ 343.1 billion, maintaining the same participation observed in 2012. The revenue from incorporation of properties built by other companies was approximately R$ 11.1 billion, rising from 3.2% to 3.1%, in that period.

Expenses with personnel represent 33.9% of the expenditure of the construction industry

The item with the biggest importance in the costs and expenses of the construction industry was expenditure on personnel, which went from 32.6% to 33.9%, between 2012 and 2013. The consumption of construction materials, the second item of greatest relevance, reached approximately 24.8%, in 2013, a percentage similar to that obtained in 2012 (24.9%). The works and/or services carried out to third parties are also among the main costs and expenses of the construction activity, from around 11.1% to 11.2%. The item maintenance and repair services of machinery and equipment had a reduction of participation from 2.8% to 2.2%.

Net investments in fixed assets for all companies of the Construction activity totaled approximately R$ 9.7 billion, in 2013. The net investment in machinery and equipment was the main highlight, representing 44.9% of the total invested, followed by land and buildings (28.0%), transportation (18.3%), and other acquisitions - furniture, computers, etc. (8.8%).

Valor adicionado da indústria da construção cresce 6,0% entre 2012 e 2013

A Pesquisa verificou crescimento de 6,0% do valor adicionado da atividade da construção, entre os anos de 2012 a 2013, sendo de 3,9%, na construção de edifícios, 4,7%, em obras de infraestrutura, e 12,8%, nos serviços especializados para construção. Em termos percentuais, a maior participação foi construção de edifícios (40,1%), seguida por obras de infraestrutura (38,6%) e, por último, os serviços especializados para construção (21,3%).

Value added of the construction industry grows 6.0% between 2012 and 2013

The survey verified a growth of 6.0% of value added of the construction activity, between 2012 and 2013: 3.9%, in the construction of buildings, 4.7% in infrastructure works, and 12.8%, in the specialized services for construction. In percentage terms, the biggest participation was construction of buildings (40.1%), followed by infrastructure works (38.6%) and, lastly, the specialized services for construction (21.3%).

North and Northeast presented the greatest growth in the value of works

Although the Southeast Region has lost participation in employed persons (from 55.0% to 54.5%) and in value of incorporation, works and services of construction (from 61.9% to 60.4%), between 2012 and 2013, the Southeast holds the greater participation in the construction industry. 

With a lower participation, North and Northeast were the regions that presented higher growth, from 2012 to 2013, in employed persons: North (from 4.0% to 4.4%) and Northeast (from 19.4% to 19.6%); and in the value of construction works and services: North (from 3.1% to 3.7%) and Northeast (from 14.1% to 14.8%).

Table 6 - Employed persons and current value of  incoporations, works and/or services of construction industry, according to Major Regions- 2012-2013
Major Regions Employed persons Value of  incoporations, works and/or services of construction industry
2012 2013 2012 2013
on 31/12
Percent participation
on 31/12
Percent change
Value (1,000 R$) Percent participation
(1,000 R$)
Percent change
Central West
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria, Pesquisa Anual da Indústria da Construção 2012-2013.

Infrastructure represents 44.3% of the value of construction works and services among companies with 30 or more employed persons

Considering incorporations, works and/or services performed by the construction companies with 30 or more employed persons, in 2013, the current value was R$ 292.5 billion, a growth in real terms of 1.7% in relation to 2012 (R$ 281.1 billion).

Among the companies with 30 or more employed persons, the value of the infrastructure works changed from R$ 121.9 billion to R$ 129.6 billion, raising the participation of 43.4% (2012) to 44.3% (2013). The products that mostly increased, from one year to another, were courts, pools, competition tracks and other similar sporting and recreational facilities, which increased from R$ 785.9 million to R$ 17.7 billion; and airport runways, which increased from R$ 114.0 million to R$ 726.5 million. Infrastructure works are influenced by the disbursements made by BNDES directed to infrastructure works, which grew 17.6% nominally, having changed from R$ 52.9 billion in 2012 to R$ 62.2 billion, in 2013. Of these, R$ 20.0 billion were destined for the electrical energy sector and R$ 9.4 billion to the logistics sector, which together were responsible for 47.3% of infrastructure disbursements.

The segment of residential works built constructions in the value of R$ 76.6 billion in 2013, corresponding to 26.2% of total incoporations, works and/or services of construction, a higher result than that presented in 2012 (24.8%). The increase in the participation of this group, in the last years, is directly related to the expansion of real estate credit and the number of mortgage loans, influenced by the reduction of interest rates in that period and extension of mortgage deadlines, expansion of income and employment, and changes in the regulatory framework of the real estate credit, such as: lien, special regime of appropriation and the incontrovertible law, which brought greater legal security for real estate financing.

Table 7 - Current value and percentage participation of incorporations, works and/our services
of construction of companies with 30 or more employees, according to groups of products and/or services of construction - Brazil - 2012-2013
Groups of products and/or services of construction Incorporations, works and/our services of construction (1) of companies with
30 or more employees
2012 2013
(1,000 R$)
Percent participation
(1,000 R$)
Percent participation
Real estate incorporations
Residential works
Indusrial, comercial and other non-ressidential works 
Infrastructure works
Specialized services
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria, Pesquisa Anual da Indústria da Construção 2012-2013.
(1) New works, reforms and maintenance.

The group of specialized services reached R$ 43.2 billion, corresponding to 14.8% of total incorporations, works and services of construction in 2013, a lower participation than that of 2012 (15.0%). The products that grew the most in this period were water table drawdown, which increased from R$ 9.1 million to R$ 341.2 million, and earthmoving equipment rental and operation services, which increased from R$ 678.2 million to R$ 6.9 billion.

The group of industrial, commercial and other non-residential works held works and services amounting to R$ 35.9 billion in 2013, corresponding to 12.3% of the construction industry total, a lower participation than the one indicated in 2012 (14.4%). Among the products that have increased participation, it is worth highlighting boarding stations (bus stations, airports, ports, subway and train stations, etc.), which went, in current values, from R$ 1.3 billion to R$ 2.4 billion; and assembly services of pre-manufactured non-residential buildings, from R$ 505.5 million to R$ 547.8 million.

The value of the group of real estate incorporations changed from R$ 6.9 billion in 2012 to R$ 7.1 billion in 2013, representing 2.4% of the total incorporations, works and/or services of construction, keeping the same participation as in 2012.


Social Communication
October 21, 2015